Random Writing

Non Poems

She sits in her room.  Tomblike silence surrounds her.  Miserable solitude.  Staring blankly at a plain white wall, one of several that imprison her over the duration of the long summer break, again trapped inside her mind with no evident escape root.  She is thinking of all the horrible luck that's been stalking her these 16 years she's been upon this earth, all the lies and broken alliances, the continuous mocking and harassment no one bothered to stop simply because 'kids will be kids', the death and mental illnesses of friends and family members.  With mixed emotions climbing, she doesn't notice her left hand slowly crushing an empty pop can.  The warm blood dripping on her bare thigh pulls her back to what some ppl like to call 'reality'.  She turns her attention to the red, green and white allumimun can piercing through flesh.  She unclenches her fist and dislodges the menacing object.  For the longest time she merely gazes at the breathtaking beauty her new wound holds.  Of all her her self inflicted injuries this one has a different quality to it and it intrigues her.  As the blood streams down her arm she realizes she has nothing more to gain from this life.

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Graham Kent's picture

Interesting piece... I feel it could be continued, but maybe you didn't want it to be. I agree with your 'kids will be kids' point. It gets really stupid a lot... or at least it did, when I was a "kid" (as many would say I still am.... except the law). Anyway... as for that soft drink... yes, 7 Up *could* work, but I'm going to be a little different and guess Brio. If I'm completely off and you've never even heard of the stuff, then oh well. You may be interested in trying it, but... well... be prepared.... it's... interesting. Other than that, sure, we can go with 7 Up. Meh, anyway, good work and I'll look at more of your page. Keep it up!

Shell Trees's picture

HI there good short story this prose so sad at the end yet reality for lost people love Michelle

Shell Trees's picture

HI there good short story this prose so sad at the end yet reality for lost people love Michelle

Shell Trees's picture

HI there good short story this prose so sad at the end yet reality for lost people love Michelle

Dennis Hayes's picture

I read of a sadness.. not desperation but a fatigue.. almost a hopeless fatigue... Look outward.. a sunrise.. a sunset.. feel the wind in your hair.. the rain on your face... see the changing seasons... listen to a child laugh... look outward.. look upward... find beauty despite the ugliness so much in evidence. A journey of wonder, of awesome breathtaking beauty awaits..
Take that step.. find it.. make it happen. Don't let ugliness claim your world.

Torment ToattainRelief's picture

7up isnt it?..that stuff is gooood..

aphantom's picture

an amazing piece of work. You so you have no way out and yet you have your poetic works whihc i must say areal, simple and striaght to the point. You shouldn't let life affend you soo much. Just remember it is only life. It's something that you should take advantage of because just like everything else you can be the successor or the loser. It's all a matter of how you play the game.
In anycase i'm sorry for your sepression i have that too.
would the drink happen to be 7-up or mt. dew...

M's picture

Greetings Ashly, I very much enjoyed this piece. I recieved it in the "Daily Random Poem". Very visual. Nice job. It looks like you found you way out right here. Oh and would that be a 7up?

p.s. I don't need a flash


gentle's picture

This is a very genuine, open & well written piece. The emotions are real & directly to the point.
The challenge of guessing the brand of the pop spoils the genuine talent shown here. There are some people who do not need this personal sacrifice in order to appreciate your work.
Keep writing, stay proud & stay above the silliness.


Gentle is the night♥

Sarah ----'s picture

Ashley..you never fail to amaze me..I love your poetry and random writing. You are such a great person and I care very much about you. I hate to see you upset. Remember..you can call me at any time! I miss talking to you every day. I hope to see you more this year.