Actor's Fear

Lights up.  Cameras rolling.  Pull back my comfort zone.

On this side of the curtain is my world, quiet and alone.  

Where you are is where I wouldn't want to stay.

Just a few seconds to myself is all I need to finally face the world, for I must be seen.

Quiet in the audience; ready on stage; pull back the curtain and free me to pain.

I search for your face in the auditorium to find comfort in knowing you are there to watch me shine.

There in the front, to see all my glory, is the face I've come to trust.

Your soft face and glowing eyes signal "It's going to be alright."

There's my que; I'm not afraid because the only thing I see tonight is you there in the front ready to see my do it right.

Author's Notes/Comments: 

I'm an actress in a play for school and most of us if not all get nervous when everyone is watching your every move.

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taffy's picture

Hello, Feelings well brought out, the stage is a lonely place. Do'nt ever loose that feeling, speaking to someone you trust and take no notice of all the rest is a good well thought of practice. Good luck in your efforts.