On a One-Way Highway

On a one-way highway

with nowhere to go.

I see you coming toward me

coming up so fast

that I have little time to prepare for the impact.

I flash my lights, I blow my horn,

but you can't even see

the warning signs coming up

so it's hard for me to breathe.

Walls surround me.  I can't move.

There's no backing up from this accident it seems.

You're speeding up faster now, that our fates are sealed.

Here it comes. I think I'm prepared.

There goes the glass, it scatters the ground.

Here comes the frame, it's closing in on me now.

The last thing I see, before my eyes close,

is the whiteness of your face, the blue-green in your eyes, your pink lips saying "sorry we had to die.",

We knew this was going to happen, there's no doubting that.

Sad thing is we had to follow your rules because you wouldn't listen to the screams and yells of advice from over the walls

telling you that you need to slow down and stop the car.

We are trying to build you a two-lane road out of that one-way highway to solve your problems and ease the pain.

But since your mind was set on "it's my way or no way" we are dead.

I loved you so much that I was willing to stop and not go any further, but I knew and feared that you wouldn't take my hints to back off and slow it down.

Too bad because you knew that I loved you and you loved me too.

Author's Notes/Comments: 

My dad gave me this idea a while back and i just thought about things that are going on now that i thought that this would be a great title.

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REBEKAH BARR's picture



my_thoughts's picture

I LOVE this one! I love how u related whats goin' on to a car accident. This is my favorite so far! :)