Goodbye Time

I've let go of my share of things,

from broken hearts to back porch swings,

I've tried to let go and go on with my life,

but your holding me bound in pain and strife.

I've let you hold on to me for far too long,

You say that your shattered and can never move on,

You call me at day break to tell me your dreams,

I'm listening to you but I want to scream.

The farewell address by Lincoln all choked up and sort,

is far less painful than the goodbye to you sport,

I'll try to cut the cord slowly but that is just more pain,

I've ran though the thunder and the rain.

For now I won't say too much,

for now I won't give in,

It's goodbye time Joseph,

Love your dearest friend.

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thanks for being honest and telline me how you feel, remember i will always love you no matter what happens to you in life. by the way the is joseph.