Phone Calls.....

Love? Answers?

You message me wanting to talk

I'm outta messages

so I call thinking


You answer the phone

and tell me all this shit

you tell me about your friends

and what you bought

You say you wanna mess around with girls

but you can't see how much you hurt me

the pain inside is greater

than anything in this universe

I sit around and hope

that one day you'll come back

the pain will always be there

the way i knew they would

I just wish that you could see

the way I look at you

even when i'm in pain from you

you're so great in my eyes

There is nothing I can do

and nothing I can say

all I can do is sit.....

and wait....

and wait...

and wait..

Author's Notes/Comments: 

I wrote this while on the phone with my ex....who hurt me bad..

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