As I sit and reflect on that night a long time ago,

a star shone bright in Bethlehem, our Saviour to show.

I wonder why we put such emphasis on the things  we do,

while  gifts we offer the son of God, are only just a few?

We trim our trees and rush about, under loads of stress,

I, too am guilty of doing that, I will readily confess.

I've been more concerned lately with the Angel on my tree;

Than the One who gave His Son, to set my spirit free.

We max out our credit cards, spending far too much,

Forgetting the One sent from God to heal us with His touch.

Our gifts to friends and family are meant to show our love,

But let us remember the greatest gift, sent from God above.

                       Sarah Claudette Bratcher

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Your poem is so true today: T'is the season to be greedy, Give me more, forget the needy. I don't care about others pain, All I want is personal gain. Christ the Savior died for me? Well goody goody, whoop ta dee. I only have one question you see, What did you leave me under the tree? Well, it's not exactly under the tree. But you can still have it for free. All you have to do is believe you see. And then it is yours for all eternity. Sad part is, people don't want to hear about the best gift of all, the real reason for the season.