Morning Hymn


Awake, take the day into your grasp.

Get up, don’t just set back, it sets you back too far.

Listen, the birds call for your company, fly with them.


Determine your own fate, it’s only ourselves which

Deters men; God granted free will and not even He

Can say what will happen each new day.

Don’t let other people tell you who you should be.

How the hell should they know that anyway?

If the almighty has no control over your actions,

Don’t let those low people control you either.

Each morning is an opportunity, a chance to be

Greatness incarnate, and a dream personified.


Awake, take the day into your grasp.

Get up, don’t just set back, it sets you back too far.

Listen, the birds call for your company. Fly with them.


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