



They returned to the sunlight

The darkness once more vanquished,

All the children of the light

Again dancing in its glow.


The singers singing their song,

The gardeners planting seed,

The gentle ones feeding life,

And teachers helping them know.


Each to their skill emerging -

Free from the bondage of fear,

One by one, now reaching out,

Unsure what the dawn will show.


Each feeling the pain of loss

For what the dark time did take,

Feeling an emptiness there

Where once something filled that space.


Last to emerge are keepers

Who seem at odds with the rest,

Undeterred by the losses,

Taking each with gentle grace.


For keepers know a secret,

That there really is no loss –

All that we miss continues

In their hearts and minds kept safe.


They are keepers of our past,

And the keepers of our dreams,

Keepers of our memories,

Keepers of all that we are.


As long as there are keepers

With memories in their hearts

Nothing and no one is lost,

But shines on, an evening star.


Because they are the keepers,

Of our past, our dreams, and love,

So long as they walk this plane

Loss is held a distance far.


© Candace / Silver Dawn


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patriciajj's picture

It's a great pleasure to

It's a great pleasure to discover your enchanting work.


The message in this mystical, embracing and sparkling wonder is one of precious consolation. Who the keepers are might be different things to different readers, but their sacred mission is the same: to bring hope, renewal and rebirth.


Metaphorically magnificent and spiritually illuminating. Every line, gleaming with ethereal beauty, is a treasure.

SilverDawn's picture

thank you for your kind

thank you for your kind comment.

Candace / Silver Dawn