Thermodynamics Class

General sɯǝod

I am writing from first class module,
We sweated, after watching schedule!
First class is on  thermodynamics,
We don’t like yet we have to mix!
Our teacher’s name is Mr. Woodcock,
He is trying to opening password lock!
Seems to us, he is so puzzled,
We’ve to understand, what he said!
A man helping him, wearing spectacle,
Trying to help him, needs to tackle!
This class’ duration is boring three hours,
Is this interesting for the student or viewers?
We feels sleepy, crying for a nap,
Putting the laptop over our lap!
Very hard subject, we need to swot-
Good grading requires working a lot.
Waiting to see, what happens in future,
For a straight life, free from all curvature!

Author's Notes/Comments: 

14th January 2008 (Written instantly in the class)

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juliothegreat's picture

i do not understand this poem. the rhyme scheme is simple yet awkward.