
In the winter

in a cabin

far away,

and unknown

sat a lady

named Casabin

with her kitten-


and they lived, and together

they drank out of the same bowl

but as time grew on

the got along

worse then they did before

the cat was mean

his claws were sharp

he'd wreck the house

in gigantic proportion

the lady grew old

and her hair of gold

was falling away

down the drain

"oh kitty" i could her cry

"why must you make

my life so hard?"

and soon enough i could hear her try

to say something

but nothing came

like wind that's left nothing!

and so the lady ran away

from the cat

that had to stay

and ruin her house, her shack

like a terrorizing wind

twirling around like a tornado!

oh, so so?

slowly starting to sing

the wind had calmed

and lost its one and only love

"oh i'm just a kitten,

in a great big world...

alone and lost, without

a friend; i guess i'll be here til the end!"

Oh, the kitten went to the ledge

and sat eatting a cheese wedge

but oh he did not see

the lady next to he

(so might his surprise be noted

in disguise!)

turning so quietly, and placing her hand

on the once jolly kitten who'd knocked down her lamp stand-

stroking the fur (which was now quite straight and frightened)

the mr. kitty looked like mr. porcupine!

so they lived happily after, which only was

a few more days,

for they ran of cheese wedges and the lady was so aged

that she couldn't go to town, to buy some food

she ate her cat, who had rabies, and then she got rabies, and started to act bizarre...

and later plunged to her death, by falling off her chair


Author's Notes/Comments: 

I suppose it isn't anything really, but i'm really proud of my "story."  Please comment (even if you think it is stupid) if there are any errors within it! Thanks

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