

I already love you

though I do not know

your name

But I remember

the touch of silk

against my skin

the floor cold

under my hands

as I bowed before you

kissed your feet

and washed them

with my tears

and named you


You never knowing

how you move me to tears

each time you're near

But you have to know

I'll do anything for you

You have to know

you will be the death of me

Drawing me near with

the siren's call

no one can fight

but they all come to the sea

to drown

I'll drown

in the depths of your song

Author's Notes/Comments: 


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Colin "Satyr" McNamara's picture

hmm... very deep...

though I guess it depends on the song when it comes to the drowning... if it's a good song... well... at least it'll be heard on the way down...

may be a little muffled after you submerge though... :P ( OK OK sorry for the stupid humor...)