
Since you came in to my life,
I now think twice,
of loving one last time,
since we met it's been A sign,
since we met we've lived without time,
I never felt such ecstasy,
I keep thinking im living my fantasy,
with my life in A whirlwind,
you brought everything negative to an end,
as we bring our lives together,
every instinct I have is telling me it's forever,
I can't see myself living without you,
I wouldnt be able to live my life,
as much as I love you,
I equally would love,
for to become my wife,
I wanna thank you,
for making life feel like I've reached nirvana

At night I lie here lonely,
without you,
my one and only,
my heart aches when I'm without you,
and depression attacks me like the flu,
except the only thing i can do for this flu,
is taking the right medicine, which is you,
this has to be true,
because I am madly in love with you,
so I lie here in bed trying to sleep,
but all I can think about,
is how your so sweet,
and even as I slip into wonderland,
my dreams are always to be your man.

Although we are finally together,
I will daily tell you,
I'll love you forever,
I love to watch over you every night,
as breath taking as you are,
like my life' s guiding light,
we now start our journey,
but yet eachothers personalities we're still learning,
as we say what yours is mine,
our life together is filled with signs,
and every second I'm with out you,
I can't help but to feel sad and blue,
I thank God for our fate,
because you truly are my soul mate,
and now we can't seem to wait,
for our special date,
once all is done,
we'll be together as one.

Someday when i meet you,
I can only hope all I've said is true,
it seems i've waited for all eternity,
for this woman from my dreams,
I can only hope you come to me quickly,
before i give up on true love completely,
with my heart filled with soo much pain,
the thought of loving again makes me insane,
the evil within so many,
makes me run away far away,
to never looked back at these rainy days,
commitment is a word so feared,
but the hard part is holding back my tears,
so I Pray for the day,
when true love is found once more,
because my mind ,body ,and soul are tired,
and I wish not to run away anymore.

Author's Notes/Comments: 

just a hopeless romantic.

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