The Calm Inside The Storm


It's a clear, moonlit night: stars fill the sky,

And no one pays attention as time slowly marches by.

There's a gently blowing breeze bearing love on the wing,

Leaving everyone oblivious as to what winds of change can bring.

And then it begins: a line of dark-grey appears on the horizon,

And swiftly descends upon the land like the wrath of Poseidon.

The clouds form a blanket sewn together by lightning,

And the resulting peals of thunder can be heard forever rolling;

The wind begins to blow, warning of dangerous elements in the air,

As the approaching storm rears its head and roars like an angry bear.

It is through this massive fury that I must blindly make my way,

Searching for sanctuary in the heart of this aerial melee:

That sanctuary doesn't have to take a conventional form,

For it's you I turn to for the calm inside the storm.

The calm inside the storm is what I need, to comfort me:

The calm inside the storm is where I'm free from harm, safe in your arms.

I need refuge from the lightning and the rain;

I need shelter from the thunder that pounds my brain.

Somewhere out of the cold, someone to keep me warm:

It's in your tender embrace that I find the calm inside the storm.

Patrick W. Hopkins

First written 2/14/1998: first published in National Library of Poetry anthology in Summer 1998

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