

"Daughter. Can I ask you a favor?

You know how bad that I need you...again."

"I don't know Mother. Why can't Paul ever know?

Why can't Paul understand how bad you need It now?"

She sed, "Oh baby darling you have no idea

what happens when you go to sleep.

He'll kill me if I let these floors go unclean.

Here's the money baby,

you remember what the car looks like hunny?

I'm sure you do, this isn't the first time you helped me" And then I said...

"Momma please, don't let Him make your life unclean.

If you need help, you know I'm here. I'm your lil minime"

She screams so loud as I go to get the drugs.

And now it is time for me to meet those damn thugs.

Remember, I'm just as innocent as you.

I know that she needs her speed to get her through.

But circumstances change at age seven.

I end up doing things that will keep me from heaven.

Is he ganna rape me? Will he kill or hit or steal me?

I gave him the cash and he gave me the brown baggy

All of this turns questions a child should never confront

Needles filled with energy for that stupid fucking cunt.

I did the bad dead, and I've never felt better.

My ignorance shows when I feel like I've helped her.

And as I walk all the way home, I can't feel the bitter cold

till I see my stepdad. "I just did as I was told".

Slapped down for listening to my mother. He told me I did wrong.

I asked him to calm down and again to hit his bong.

High as a kite, that fucking hypocrite I adore.

But he kicked open the door and called my mom a dirty whore.

He threw her, he shook her, he slammed her rotten face.

He told her she shouldn't use me, but in my eyes, that wasn't the case.

He spit on her, laughed at her as he told her she was a bad wife.

She just wanted to make sure we had a clean house, and an unclean life.

She got up, got up the nerve to throw a coffee cup

Threw it at his head and told him to shut the fuck up.

I was in the corner all along, waiting for a break

I wanted them to settle down for baby Morgan's sake.

They will always be the two people I dispise.

I then I started to see the madness flare up in his eyes

as he reached into the fireplace for wood that was chared red.

I don't think I'll ever forget the aweful things they said.

She couldn't move, paralized from the log.

Her memory of this would be a complete fog.

"Call 911, Call 911" I screamed through all my tears.

I don't know how much more I can take. This has been happening for years.

I went to bed as the ambulence came. I didn't want to deal.

I missed my mommy oh so much. Her pain was all I could feel.

A few days past and I still missed my mommy.

And my step dad made me feel like I was naughty.

Kept telling me I was bad and the worst stepchild.

What about Adrianne? She always ran wild?

And Corinn was as mean as a queen bee.

And Mike cost more money than the eye could ever see.

Ofcoarse Morgan and Andrew were the perfect ones.

They were the beautiful fruit from his discusting loins

I wanted to be his, after all, who was my dad?

Being raised by another man always made me sad.

It was always my fault, no matter if I was involved.

But if I was, I would never live it down. Problems never solved.

Finally my mom came home. I have never missed her more.

She called me down the stairs, and I could only ask "what for?"

She took me by the hair and threw me to the wall.

Then she asked me why I had pushed her world to fall.

I pleaded "Please don't hurt me mom. I only tried to help you"

But all she had was hatred in a green eye and discust in a blue.

Next thing I know, she took my hand. Maybe things were different now.

But she grippped tighter, breaking my fingers untill I could only wisper "Oww"

Now, imagine a room in your house too gross to ever enter.

No one in our family has ever been down in our cellar.

She opened the door, and I smelled the musty dungeon.

My fingers, bloody and broken and just couldn't function.

I was locked in a place that I have never been in.

I couldn't help but wonder "What the hell was my sin?"

Hungry, tired, scared, cold, lonely,

sad and confused. Mommy, console me!

I couldn't take it anymore.

And finally, at the door

Was my step dad to let me out.

Maybe I could tell him what all this was about.

He told me to hold my hand above my heart.

He looked at me as if I tore their world apart.

But secretly he let me know he cared by taking me to the emergency room.

My fingers were blood-blue, throbbing from the pain that will consume.

The doctor told me to keep my wound in soupy water and ice.

And I painfully screamed that the feeling was "not so nice".

Paul told me to take them out and he wouldn't tell the nurse.

He finally helped me, he will always be the first.

He took up my side as my fingers were stuck straight.

And gave me my tape player and headphones with Ten; Oh it was great.

I'm suppose to sleep in the hallway while they all slept in the there rooms.

My eyes well up in tears, throbbing with a  fear that always consumes.

Lie again, lay again.

Kill again, breath again.

Ignore me again, hate me again.

Lonley as I will ever be.

Closer to you now, but you can't see me.

I sneak to the heater in the bathroom late at night.

Rocking back in forth on them, scared to turn on a light.

But I do, I can't take this family anymore. I suppose that one day I'll be fine.

I wish I never knew the names Sue or Paul Levine.

The ringing in my ears, it never ceases.

Why is my life falling to pieces?

Why is everybody oh so mean?

Why does our life have to be so fucking unclean?

I am just a little girl and I can't control a thing.

All I want to do in life is write my songs and sing.

But I geuss there's nothing I can do.

I suppose this is just ganna have to do.

I'll be alright.

I'll be o.k.



Author's Notes/Comments: 

I hate my mother and I hate how she use to treat me, how she still treats me

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you are a weird ass brilliant person. i love you, miss you...i WILL see you soon damn it or else! love you!