
Another year rolls by, I'm older now,

Wiser in my age,

With a bitter distaste for what life has shared.

Living life to  it's fullest in a full disquise,

I need my lungs filled once again,

With an afrodiesiack to give me a love... My love again.

My heart has been trashed,

Many years of long suffering and nothing.

I find myself wondering who am I now? What is there left of me?

I dont think I have been able to answer that simple question for a loonger

period than I can remember.

Inside me it's like a harsh winter has surfaced, freezing me in time,

My past bleeding through the ground, and the tree's whispering things only I can know...


My angel wings were clipped long before due,

My freedom gone like it never came.

I can't look back in my life and remember much of anyting,

It's like a memory book filled with nothing but blank pages,

did I put this wall up or did it just come to be??

How many times can a caterpillar change before it's wings becomes brittle, or even there?

I dont know, I can't feel... my skin has began to peel,

I'm itching inside for something..anything thats real..

I need to feel love, I need to feel appreciated.. And not like I am

just an aspect in someones every day life. I feel like a robot, nothing but a constant

repeat of the day before. I'm having a break down, I'm SCREAMING inside.... But

No one can see inside me... Who would want too? they wouldn't understand...

I am so easily scarred by things that shouldn't even sting, I'm as fragile as a porclein doll,

But I can never let that be seen, Or the demons will know how to crawl underneath the surface

and eat me inside out.

Weakness in this life is not an option, not for me. I'm strong for the ones that matter to me,

But when it comes to the point of me.. well... who knows..


Inside my head is where I stay...

I d ont want to come out and play.

My sanctuary the only place I can breath..

I'm good at playing make believe..

Because who could ever figure I felt so incomplete.

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