Subway Ride

I sit here, on this metal monster, 
and try not to 
stare at the plastic faces 
of the people sitting around me. 
We sit here in our 
business suits and corporate glares. 

I realize that another day has begun 
I have already sold my soul for this ride 
Undetectable stains on my favourite tie. 
(Which I loathe wearing) 

I ride the tunnels and think 
that I should envy myself: 
"Hey man you live in the city, 
that is where all the action is" 
And as that statement plays itself 
like dried macaroni in my head 
I realize that sitting in 
this rushing tube of metal 
is the climax of my day! 

I work in an office, 
push papers…………… they push back 
"Yeah ……I'm the man" 
The company needs me! 

Jostling of the passengers flicks 
my attention from off to on, 
bringing me back to reality. 
I bend down to pick up a quarter 
only to find out 
that it is glued to the floor. 
With humiliation smeared on my face, 
I rise hoping that it dripped off 
And no one saw! ! 

Smiling to myself I turn into myself. 
Remembering when I would have refused 
to have become a parasite living 
vicariously off the blood 
dangling from the ripped out brains. 

Trying to escape from the 
trapped exterior, I push my way 
to the door. 
Ah, it is closed and the metal tube 
refuses to stop rushing us 
towards our occupations. 

The darkness of the tunnel swallows 
any dreams I have had of escaping. 

There is no escape from the 
pressing down of conformity. 

I sit here, on this metal monster, 
and try not to 
stare at the plastic faces 
of the people sitting around me. 
We sit here in our 
business suits and corporate glares. 
Cellphones glued to our ears. 
We sit together, 
but we do not connect.

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I like this very much .

I like this very much .

Vive le Quebec libre!