A World Of Talkers

Sorry to interfere with you lunch hour, 
but I felt it necessary to open your mind. 
I spiked your cupcakes with reality. 

You can call me a name if you want to. 

Must be the time of the month. 
Some liberated woman was yelling 
at me for lighting her cigarette. 

Seems she talks equality but not courtesy. 

One of my teachers spoke to me of 
purpose and papers. Told me the 
marks I received and the degree I had earned 
would make me a better person. 

The man downtown in the unemployment line 
knew more about real life than me. 
This did not matter though, for I had 
my University generated degree. 

People speaking their silliness. 
Taking every illusion seriously. 
Speaking importantly about any 
number of unimportant things. 
Too many messages to absorb and read. 

Into the depths of nothingness rides 
the majority of us who are afraid 
to speak our individual truths. 

It seems as if I am wrong. 
Or at least, not wise at all. 

I was taught money was where it was at. 

I shake my head in wonder. 

I am wrong, for I care more for people 
than the size of their bank accounts.

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Vive le Quebec libre!