Lower Bunk Karma


Lower Bunk Karma


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He described to his listener

being in the army, coming

back to his barracks drunk

climbing to the top bunk.


He awoke as his

buddy in the bottom bunk

complained that the

vomit was dripping down

onto him.


He looked over the side

and saw it also dripping

onto the floor and in

it his money was swimming.


That was the last time

he ever took a drink.


Then there was the woman

at an AA lead who

said she woke up

screaming at the people

who were invading her

bedroom until she

realized that with too

much to drink she'd

fallen asleep in

the elevator.


This writer was told

by a psychic that I

once died of alcoholism

in a French gutter.


-saiom shriver-



I haven't had a joint in 20 years but know it is a pain reliever,

which doesn't cause cirrhosis of the liver or domestic battering

or barfights.



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