Petro Pawn Palin Is Running For Congress


Sarah Palin was elevated to governor of Alaska from mayor of a small town of

a few hundred people by a multinational oil co. She killed more animals than the Trump boys. She's announced her run for Alaska
congressperson and has been endorsed by another politician with an animal abuse record...Donald Trump. There are 51 candidates in all for the nonpartisan primary, from which the top 4 votegetters will run for the seat on November 8th, 2022. As a governor Palin was known for promoting aerial hunting of wildlife. She was photographed in her home sitting on
a couch behind a bearskin rug. She and most Republican candidates advocated the invasion of the Alaska national wildlife refuge by hunters.  The nationally approved legislation  included the right to club to death hibernating bear cubs in their caves.
There is a photo on the internet of Sarah Palin aerially hunting from a helicopter, shooting wolves and injuring one, who was later adopted by 2 animal protectors. In another picture she is proudly perched behind another mammal she murdered. There is a New Yorker cover painting .., which features Palin's statement that she could see Russia from Alaska.


In March of 2022, Republican congressman Don Young who served in the

US House for 49 years and had one of the 10 worst animal abuse voting

records in that body died. Before his death he had once bragged that

he strangled a bear to death with his bare hands.


In another Alaska race, this one for the Senate, Lisa Murkowski, incumbent

Republican seeking a 4th Senate term, re the January 6 break in at the DC

Capitol Building, called for the resignation of Donald Trump. Because of that

she was censured by 77% of the Alaska Republican party.


And because of Murkowski's opposition to the treason of the January 6

Trump-supported break in, Donald Trump is recruiting a candidate to run

against Murkowski. On the Democrat side, Mark Begich, former Alaska

senator, is running for a 2nd term. Alaska was the state which sent

Dr Ernest Gruening to the Senate. He and Senator Wayne Morse were the only 2 senators voting against the Tonkin Gulf Resolution, based on a black op designed to give Johnson an excuse to expand the war in Vietnam.

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