Violence To Women, Children And Animals: Some Laws In The US



School Violence

31 states have outlawed the violence of corporal punishment in schools..

The entire south including the most racist and executing

states are also states which allow corporal punishment in schools.

Corporal punishment in private schools is allowed in 48 states. The only

exceptions are New Jersey and pig murdering Iowa.


Parental Violence

It is still legal for parents to beat children, spank them,

break ear drums boxing their ears, strap them with belts.

The parental violence drives children's anger underground

and can have awful consequences when the children become



According to the Global Initiative to End all Corporal Punishment of Children,5 there are now 59 countries which have full prohibition of corporal punishment in all settings. Japan became the 59th such country in March 2020

Domestic Violence

It is against the law to be violent to wives and partners if state

lines are crossed.

Federal Domestic Violence Laws

All 50 states and the District of Columbia have enacted laws criminalizing acts of cruelty toward animals and include felony animal cruelty provisions.

No Protections For Animals Murdered For Food

All states allow corporal extinguishing of the lives of socalled food animals. Different states have different laws regarding violence to

dogs, cats and other companion animals.

Campaign to outlaw all violence against children

Map of states which make corporal punishment illegal in publish schools

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