Of Bees And Their Worldwide Shortages


Bees are necessary pollinaters of

apples and cranberries, melons and cherries, almonds and blueberries.  They are crucial in the pollination of many wild species

as well.


Their honey is stolen.
Even their honeycombs are purloined for wax candles.
Some of them are killed by insecticides
sprayed by ecoterrorist cropdusters or municipal
death wagons
Others are killed by mowers, machine harvesters.
They are stepped on by careless or uncaring hikers.
They are crushed by beekeepers' movement of the racks.
Sometimes the queen bee's wings are clipped to hold her
prisoner on the beekeeper's land.
Many beekeepers find it cheaper to kill off the entire hive
in winter and buy another in spring rather than provide them the fruit of their labor:
their own honey.


Bayer's and other companies' apicides have created a

     worldwide shortage of bees who are necessary.

Jeff Bezos' Amazon, the Walton billionaires' Walmart, Target

all sell beekilling (apicide) powders.



 Footnote: Heifer International which has convinced American

 churches to be party to sending baby animals to lives of slavery

 and slaughter is soliciting contributions re bees, comparable

to a slaughterhouse asking for funds.

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