Huge Pig Murder Corporation


Upton Sinclair in The Jungle (written after his investigation of a slaughterhouse in Austin Minnesota): "The shriek was followed by another, louder and yet more agonizing..for once started upon that journey, the hog never came back. One by one the men hooked up the hogs and slit their throats. There was a line of hogs with squeals and lifeblood ebbing away.. until at last each vanished into a huge vat of boiling water (some still alive). The hogs were so innocent. They came so very trustingly. They were so very human in their protests. They had done nothing to deserve it. "

How ironic that the USDA which was founded by Theodore Roosevelt

as a result of the amazing outrage generated by the book would

become the biggest pig murder promoting federal agency.


In the US Iowa is the state must dominated by pig murder financial

interests. The 2 Iowa senators Chuck Grassley and Joni Ernst promote the industry. Ernst bragged she had castrated piglets, who are never given anesthesia.

The pig kililng industry, perhaps Smithfield
included, is flooding the internet with
bacon promotion memes.

Carnegie Mellon published a corrupt and false
indicating that lettuce is more harmful
than carcinogenic bacon with its potential
trichinosis, porcine spongiform encephalopathy,
ecoli (colon bacteria) food poisoning, stroke
and heart attack engendering animal fat,
Alzheimer's creating homocysteine, nitrosamines,etc

Superbug, MCR-1, with
unprecedented resistance to antibiotics,
is present in Denmark and China. Because China has bought the
world's largest corporation murdering pigs, Smithfield, whose
operations are in the US, Mexico, the UK, Romania, Poland and
elsewhere, it is possible that MCR-1 is in Smithfield products
as well.

Guests on Tom Ashbrook's On Point of WBUR said
the audience should be aware that animal flesh is the main cause of antibiotic
resistance, and that physically touching meat should be avoided.

ABC Disney advertised Smithfield on Good Morning America. To
advertise pig flesh shows lack of concern for the beliefs of Muslims,
Orthodox Jews, vegetarians and vegans.

China murders 450 million
or more pigs a year.

The unregulated use of 33 million pounds of antibiotics
on slaughter bound animals yearly in the US is part of
the problem. China gives tons of dangerous antibiotics
to its captive pigs. Animal flesh and animal products pass on
the resistance the slaughtered or captive animals.

Smithfield is known as a factor in the Chesapeake Bay pollution

known as red tide or pfiesteria. Smithfield has several lagoons

of pig waste. RFK Jr lectured in Poland about environmental hazards

caused by the company.


Footnote: Since this was written, NPR has unfortunately ended

the audience interactive afternoon talk show and Ashbrook went on to

better work.




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