Cardiologist Peter McCullough On Vaccine Truth Suppression



All of these are from Dr Peter McCullough unless otherwise noted: McCullough is a cardiologist, editor of a cardiology journal, and author 660 articles available at the National libary of Medicine at NIH.
His appearance on Bret Weinstein's podcast
His testimony before Congress in November of 2020

These quotes are based on copying from audio, and not from text.

The doctor who put the first child in an iron lung was thrown off his staff.
Almost all autopsies of covid 19 deaths show many blood clots in the lungs
It is mostly young men and not women getting myocarditis (inflammation of the heart)
from the vaccines. Of those who do not die, 13% are suffering permanent heart damage.
The CDC is deliberatey underreporting vaccine generated deaths. Dr Walensky's CDC
is listing only 20% of the deaths.
It is reprehensible that some doctors are calling the myocarditis mild and rare. It is
serious and common.
148 million Americans have natural immunity.
We don't carpetbomb the entire population for meningococcal disease since it
is primarily related to living in a college dormitory.
Dr Sanjay Gupta of CNN appeared on Sesame Street effectively seducing children into
  taking the vaccine.
Dr Peter Breggin's book on Covid cites 1000 examples of the nefarious intent
of those pushing the vaccines.
After vaccination, blood pressure drops due to cardiopulmonary response in fighting the spike protein.
The CDC summarily dismisses the independent scientists, as it alleges that there
are virtually no vaccine generated deaths.
Others have stated that the reason the US allegedly has the most covid19 deaths is
that virtually all flu deaths in 2020 and 2021 have been classified as covid deaths, e.g.
Those who refuse are stigmatized and have civil liberties removed says Weinstein.
With this amount of excess mortality, this vaccination program should have been
 cancelled over a year ago.
Those reporting Covid vaccine deaths to VAERS are called by the CDC and required
to answer a number of questions.
More people are dying of the covid vaccine than of covid.
In the US half of the population is under 50.
The CDC is deliberately frightening people away from reporting VAERS. Every page
   of the form states that falsification of data can result in imprisonment.
WHO recently criminally stated that if a child shows up at school s/he is automatically
giving assent to be vaccinated.
Others report that the CDC is refusing to give any attention to the nonviolent, inexpensive, and nonlethal
alternatives to vaccines.

21. Elsevier, the world's largest publisher of scientific articles,

has censored Dr. McCullough despite a signed contract. McCullough

has filed a lawsuit.

22. No one who has natural immunity can transmit covid19 to anyone

else. 80% of US children have natural immunity. However, Dr

McCullough like Dr Luc Montagnier, Nobel winner, maintains that it is

the covid vaccines since their inception which have been causing the incidents of covid.

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