29 Death Penalty Quotes


Governor Jesse Ventura:
Thou shalt not kill is not asterisked with exceptions.


Agatha Christie:
The judge murders within the law.


John Mortimer, defense attorney and author of

countless works
including the Rumpole series, screenplays, articles: (paraphrased)
No killing is as cold and premeditated as that of a judge.


Sister Helen Prejean: No one is the worst moment of his life.


In 19th Century Britain, butchers could not serve on juries. It was

believed their job rendered them insensitive to murder.

In nearly all cases, killing is learned behavior. An analysis
of serial killers shows that these men were taught to hunt by
older brothers, fathers or adult males, to kill animals on farms, to vivisect in biology classes (e.g.
Jeffrey Dahmer), or trained in killing in the military.Another example:

Michael Ross was ordered as a young boy to strangle the chick males on

his father's Connecticut chicken farm. He grew up to strangle 8 women



Judges who've sent more than one to death
are serial killers.

John Grisham supported execution. He was in a jail ready to witness one when asked by a pastor if he was Christian. He said yes. The pastor asked him if Jesus would approve of execution. He answered 'no'. That day over 2 decades ago he became an abolitionist regarding the dp.

Many Hindus, Buddhists, & Jains consider execution like all other forms of murder, a violation of ahimsa or nonviolence. Many Jewish Americans are leaders in the movement to end government murder of prisoners. In Islam, the Quran speaks of 'all merciful Allah', not of execution.


Bible researcher: Cain killed in jealousy, Moses in anger, David in lust,
and Saul (before becoming Paul), in obedience to a violent and unlawful. Jesus prevented an execution in progress saying 'Let him without sin cast the first stone.'
state. Yet one of them were executed.


Since 1973, 186 former death-row prisoners have been exonerated of all charges related to the wrongful convictions that had put them on death row.
As of Nov 11, 2021, 1491 prisoners have been executed. Approximately
11.1% or 1 in 9 have been innocent.


Judge not lest ye be judged.


Starseed Transmissions: One never has enough data to assign value
to any action.

Those who call for execution saying the family of

the victim (or alleged victim.. since hundreds of innocent

people have been released from death row through DNA

testing etc) needs closure are not aware that execution simply

continues the cycle of violence.


It is ironic that in the US all the current governors and Supreme
Court justices murdering prisoners call themselves 'prolife'. Attorney General Merrick Garland who said in his Senate nomination hearings that he was rethinking the death penalty yet he is
currently seeking the death of Tsarnaev, (the Justice Department
having wrested control of that man's case from Massachusetts). All
executing governors and Supreme Court justices are Republicans.


In 2020, 18 countries of 195 in the world killed prisoners. The US is
in the company of China, Saudi Arabia, and Iran. In 2021, as of Nov 11, there have been 3 executing states with the possibility of 2 more before the year's end. 90% of US states do not murder prisoners.


DeathPenaltyInfo.org: paraphrased Numerous studies have
established that the death penalty does not deter crime.


TCADP.org: paraphrased Texas has violated the Geneva Convention
in not honoring the right of noncitizens to contact their embassies.


Can one name a single millionaire or billionaire who has been executed. Yet these men and women have been responsible for countless deaths by and large. 3 times as many blacks as whites on death row have been executed. Capital punishment in the US
is applied in a racist way and against the poor.


For the first time, in 2020 60% of Americans opposed capital
punishment. Yet many prosecutors seek prisoner scalps on their


Clarence Darrow: Prosecutors are baying for blood. (Famed defense attorney Clarence Darrow's summation in the Leopold Loeb trial,
a particularly heinous crime in which 2 college students killed a young boy to prove that that were supermen, in which Darrow called for life imprisonment rather than execution:
http://law2.umkc.edu/faculty/projects/ftrials/leoploeb /darrowclosing.html )


Sai Baba: Bullets do not eliminate the darkness.


Executions continue the descending cycle of violence.


In the US, Supreme Court justices are neither elected nor

are their terms limited. They serve for life.
The system of justice and of these justices is injustice.


5 of the 6

Supreme Court justices have been nominated by 2 men, George W Bush

and Donald Trump, who received fewer votes than their Democrat



Many justices have refused to recuse themselves in situations in which

they were invested in private prisons, had connections to prosecutors,

or were otherwise compromised.



Who are guilty of contempt for the US Supreme Court?
Much of the world.

The prisoners scheduled for execution have God's

forgiveness if not the victim's loved ones'.

How absurd, if it still true, that at least 1 state

does not allow alcohol at the last meal. The prisoner

is not a driving risk.


Many prisoners undergo spiritual transformation in

penitentiaries. It is sometimes a family member of

the victim who is not able yet to forgive.


deathpenaltyinfo.org innocenceproject.org aclu.org naacp.org
amnesty.org tcadp.org otse.org ccadp.org 23



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