Tornados, God's Calling Cards

First Do No Harm

God left a calling card in Ohio's Ashland County

.. to the Amish farmers.. that their enslavement of animals

is in violation of His word

Van Wert's Cooper Farms,

torn up by His turnkey

for enslaving

hundreds of thousands of turkeys

In Jasper Alabama..he underscored

that he doesn't want chickens gored

.. as a slaughterhouse

was harmed

He had earlier left one in Croton

.. as He destroyed the roofs

of factory farms of Buckeye

As He tore off fast food fleshdealer signs

in a mall

and destroyed the violence bound Homestead Air Force Base


and a century before had cracked Krakatoa

with a series of explosions heard 2900 miles away

Author's Notes/Comments: 

Genesis 1: 24 to 29
Wisdom 9 Psalm 104
Isaiah 65 Isaiah 1 11

In Ohio virtually all
of the 23 counties
hit by tornados
had Republicans representing them while
Democratic strongholds
were spared.
photos of abused chickens

God receive the souls
of all who died..
give joy and grace
to their surviving loved

Many looked in amazement
that more life was not

God give us all grace
to follow Your will..
for none of us
are in entire accord
with Your plan

One tornado in the 4F
category had 4 funnels
as 50 tornados tore up
the US.. and 116,000
lightning bolts
alighted in 1 state alone

A few days after
Diebold, voting machine
manufacturer in Canton
Ohio and Battelle,
voting machine program
in Columbus, also implicated in the anthrax
attacks on Democrats,
accomplished a GOP theft
of elections in Minnesota,
Missouri, NH, Colorado
Ohio and elsewhere,
the tornados occurred..
encircling Democratic
Youngstown, Cleveland
and Akron, striking
Republican towns outside
of the circle.

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