Singers, Re Annoying Barks, Hijackers



When  the plane Phyllis K was on was hijacked,

her guru Sai Baba told her to send love to the hijackers

When HP was constantly awakened or interrupted by

a neighbor's barking dog, Baba told him to send

love to the dog.

To those working to end the agony of caged lab

animals who are tortured

Baba said to send love to the vivisectors and to 

legislators to outlaw the practice.

He has said to send love to ourselves,

  to those who have harmed us, and to

all sentient beings.  ;


No one on the plane was harmed. The dog quieted down.

No matter what the question, love is the answer.


Course In Miracles: The answer is first for the messenger.




Certain singers
wings the hearts
of millions.

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