Multi Species Committee Designed Animal



Alec Issignosi said a camel was a horse

made by a committee.. but a camel is an animal created by

God to adapt to deserts made by treekilling human beings

The animal made by human commitee

had pickled pigs' feet .. the pigs now had no feet ..

frog's legs ...the frogs now had no legs

chicken's thighs... the chickens now had no thighs

lamb's ribs .. the lamb now had no ribs

turkey's breasts.. the turkey's chest was carved

goose liver.. full of grease from slaughtered geese

sheep's eyes which watched the devourers

pig's ears.. the pigs now could not hear

calf brains which contained Mad Cow

but she had no skin.. she was skinned alive*

her leather has gone for Gucci shoes

and God sent angels

to wipe all violence from the earth

from this day forth

* Washington Post series on IBP skinning cows alive

Author's Notes/Comments: 

The government of
China has instituted
a logging ban since
massive floods. So
has the govt of Thailand.

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