Hour Hand

Economy of Action

The second hand's 3600 acts

have the same power as only

1 movement of the hand of the


Scholar worms toil thousands

of days. The great one is

given an honorary doctorate.

The painter tried to make the world

violet .. with millions of dollars

of violet paint. The master donned

purple glasses.

The portrait artist took 20,000

strokes.. the mirror did

nothing and gave a better


One traffic cop moving arms

with great effort

.. was replaced with 1 green

traffic light.

The unripe fruit had to

be hacked to the ground.

The ripe fruit fell without


The swimmer exhausted himself

with a few thousand strokes

while the sage found an ocean

current which carried

him thousands of miles.

The hunter unsuccessfully

chased the deer through many forests.

The deer came unbidden to the quiet

nonthreatening lake in the

forest center.

One looked for the haystack

needle.. for hours

Another with 1 magnet

immediately magnetized it.

The beekeeper chased bees

who came unsummoned to flowers.

The hard worker chipped away hour

after hour at the ice, while

the serene did other things

and waited for the sun to melt

the crystals.

The bunter had to scurry around

the bases. The homerun hitter

with 1 bat swing

could take his time.

The treasure hunter dug everywhere

and risked his life

under water. The meek

was given a treasure map

from God.

The angry one had static

on his radio as he

furiously turned the dial

but the peaceful one

magnetized the right


The fearful built an army

while the fearless knew

righteousness calls

God's protection.

The scarcity conscious

saved thousands while

the friend had in his

bank.. only the hearts

of his many friends.

The Lovehungry traveled

the world seeking Love..

but the Godlover became

GodLove and attracted


The pyramid architects caused

death and suffering to

slaves in their edifice


but the saint moves mountains

with a mere gesture.

(to Jeff Miller whose

charisma caused WRC to ask

him at age 15 to do a radio show)


The cherry tree

has sprinkled the street

and showered the sidewalk

with her seeds..

now it is human's part

to gather them from

these vulnerable areas..

and scatter them

where they can grow

in safety

Why did God make the

seeds round and stonelike?

that the pressure of

crushing feet

be distributed evenly

.. on the protected fire


I want a cool drink

said the little boy

to Mother Earth

and she gave him watermelons

I want to be able

to drink it in a cup

he said

so she gave him coconuts


When someone has a hand

full of a winning hearts

and lays them down

he need not play them out.

6 Eden Rules

If I want to eat

1 fruit

2 organically grown.. no insects killed

3 nonmachine harvested.. no small mammals killed

4 nature packaged

5 locally risen

6 with ethical labor

perhaps I should plant the seeds myself


The way of

yielding water

is the teaching

of the I Ching


Raindrops dance

upon the puddle.

Raindrops dance

upon the sea.

The size of their

circles seems

the same..

whether raining

in the puddle

or that redundancy:

rain upon the sea.

They reflect

enkindled fires

under ignited stars

Saiom Shriver

Author's Notes/Comments: 

Several of these
images are based
on the parables of
Sai Baba.

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