Asters Unasterisked

Flowers Sunspun

Thou Shalt Not Kill

.. it has no exceptions

.. it has no asterisks

though polygamous Solomon

born neath wealth's astras..

tried to amend it

with Ecclesiasters

God designed no disasters

for asses or asters

..  by sparks of

His sunlight asterisked as

they make room in the inn

for new neighbors...

an inn where none go astray

Author's Notes/Comments:

Ploughshares is run
by Daniel Berrigan
and his wife. They
have many times put
their lives on the line.

Gov Jesse Ventura has
magnified the line
"thou shalt not kill
is not asterisked" by
stating it on network
tv re abolition of the
death penalty. Others
believe it applies to
all forms of nonviolence

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