Informant Escaping From Hell


The writer was given a vision of a USAF attractive blonde. It was of her in her poverty stricken youth. She saw in the unfolding scene the young woman's joyful hopping into a military car.. in her white uniform as she left the world of deprivation and dirt for a gleaming world of spanking clean uniforms and travel, money and excitement. This woman had become an agent informing on peace gruops.
The vision caused understanding and release.

-s shriver-

Author's Notes/Comments: 

Her present assignment was food coops
and animal rights groups, women's networks
and peace action circles..

In Washington such agents
were sent into Stone Soup
and Yes, Community
Warehouse and Fields
of Plenty.. to spread
employee infighting,
steal cash, insult
customers.. for the
benefit of Safeway
and Giant

Sai Baba: you are right
in your conspiracy
theories but one should
see agents as God
and speak to them of God

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