Vol I: 1080 Brief Poems


1040 Brief Poems --
These poems and thoughts are being revised.

My love for you a yearling became... many eons ago.
His dogs and cats cannot read.. save the script of his soul
They cannot write..except on his heart
As a tide floats all boats ..As great music lifts all lyrics
..so do love's spirit pinions ..give wings to all opinions.
At dawn the emperor sun breaks forth to the arena of mars but in the evening he disappears behind cloud curtains to the chamber of venus.
Living shrimp in a bucket looked up at us with their penetrating sweet black eyes on stalks.
Cloud maya makes the sun appear to wink at us. But his love
is constant, not on and off.
Compass needles are magnetized to the north
but compassion unencompassed in all directions pours.
The sun yellow of the solar plexus, the healing greens and pinks of the heart, the blue of the throat, indigo of the third eye, blazing white, gold and violet of the crown entwine in a rainbow and pour forth to the world.
Did the Creator gave rats and snakes and bugs and weeds
life and then not give them feelings?
For love the model forsook the runway. From that shallow world she did run away.
Ribboned sunbeams, his words wing me.
She aspired to be a Venutian rather than a martyr.. to follow
the path of venus' love rather than sometimes angry mars.
He no longer harms daisies or their petals shreds.. to ask if her love for him has been shed.
His empathic heart is always giving command performances for anyone in need.
A warm day in November... a leaf came calling down..
but then he flitted up... it was not a falling flutterby... but a rising butterfly
Love the fan makes spark the fire Love focused creates form from desire Love the finescreen turns firehose to mist Love the filter sees the fallen as a saint. Love the factory where miracles are fashioned. Love the furnace freezing hearts have sought. Love the fruit tree with gifts for all laden. Love the filings on the greatest magnet caught.
Taught in school to objectify animals, to refer to them as ‘it’ rather than ‘he’ or ‘she’. I never thought of meat as a murdered animal’s dead body pieces although disgusted by the row of test tubes full of different colas and pops, each with a hotdog slowly rotting inside it, and horrified by the biology teacher’s pithing a frog in front of us (jamming a needle into his skull, a form of lobotomy). Like some mind control interrogater, she gave a lower grade to anyone not willing to eat chocolate covered ants or fried grasshoppers.
God is Universal Love. Some humans but not God judge the
promiscuous, polyamorous, polygamous or polyandrous.
In his heart bell hung a tong which struck every time
he caught sight of her or heard her voice.
Knowing that froggie fear was engendered by horse hooves,
Pegasus grew wings and then he arose framed by a sky of orange pink and rose.
Love is a purifier more sacred than pure fire.
Love limited, love circumscribed, love lukewarm is by God decried.
Love not force rides the horse said one. True love would not enslave a horse, said the other.
Love surrounds hate as the sea laves icebergs.
Hate is frozen Love, a warm sea which will melt all hate.
Love was the justice of the peace who married them.
Lust says the whole is not as great as the part but
Love flows whole from its temple in the heart.
A baby who lies untouched in cradle.. a child who sits untouched in a crib.. will grow up thinking he's unlovable.. feeling he is untouchable.
Mongers in the name of love heartshaped candies sell.
But our landlord lives divine love through every single cell.
More precious because he'd waited so long to hear.. the most beautiful lyrics... 'I love you' in his ears.
A match does not ignite an iceberg nor does a waterdrop survive in a forest fire . We are influenced by the company we keep. 20
Allgiving sun passes light... through persimmon tree leaf filters.. filling her fruit
with lovepotion juice...paradisical philters
Phone wires pinker glow as love reconnecting flows
Roses are pink. Violets are violet. Our love for you is forever inviolate
They are 5 beloved brothers and 5 beloved sisters...of all who come their way the assisters.
She was baptized in water by her brother's rare tears..
baptized in fire by her mother's unshed tears
Sleeping Beauty is awake inside each being, but some of us
need the kiss of unconditional love to know we are made of love
Some criticized him for sharing his journal, , but most
were grateful that he had invited all into his heart
Some human beings frighten the birds. They are animated scarecrows,
but there are others who attract them near and far. They are carecrows.

Suddenly out of the blue, the ship on the horizon Suddenly out of the purple, love's eve rising.
The Lord of Love laves his lilies in light
The love of the heart has surrounded the mind's knife of
criticism sheathing it with silence.
The peony sphere has no perfume.. until she opens the petals of her heart
The same God shines through the prisms of all eyes.
They suddenly knew they wanted to avoid pain and much trouble
by going through life as a doublebubble
Those who stop eating pork or beef or squab don't ingest adrenalin.
Reduced is their squabbling.
To the lowlying sea....river waters to the most humble point descending..
but then lifted by the lovelight of the sun waters are ascending
Two puddles loved each other and became a brook.2 pools
of light loved each other and became a glow.2 hearts loved each other and became one.
Unbidden buzz in the bloombibbing bees.
Until we saw her animal sanctuary, we never thought
Noah's Ark... could be as clean as a sunwashed barque
We came to a crossroads and what did we see? All directions pointing..
to his heart's infinity
The chubby little hand of the small boy .. tenderly cups the head of the puppy....a magic little cup this hand.. which holds the liquid of affection upside down.. pouring it from endless springs
Within small circles do spiders build webs while larger
ones foil them. So the uncircumscribed heart foils lurking danger. 42
Your heart is a blazing star.. sending forth unending rays in all directions.
Held by desire, the busy yellow jacket sups within the petals' brackets
Arthur pulled a sword out of stone..but he was not able to pull
out the sword of pain until Bea came along ...she who could liquefy a rock with her aura.
Dust caked plant confined within house walls..stares out wistfully
as cleansing raindrops make loveslides down free leaves
Shortly before he was born, God gave a vision of a soaring eagle suddenly swooping down
and voluntarily entering an open bamboo cage on a boat. I knew a great soul was taking
To God they said "Your amarylis and Your lilies with delight do fill us."
And God replied "I made them for My Beloved Phyllis"
The wind decanted the bush of lavender lilac and she was garbed in her own sweet perfume
In dawning daybreak so pure and still they opened the window above the sill. The Sun of Love into room did spill.
The little baby boy stretched out his arms to the stranger with a radiant smile.. silently saying 'pick me up'...conferring a grace which made her cry. Arms so small Bequeathing All
Whether you are Kwon Yin or Kwon Yang You are always a lovable God
Allen’s heart compass is Allen-compassing. To Love points Allen’s heart compass. It is all encompassing
Wherever is Maynard, Mother Earth is moving Mayward
Despite criticism from other faculty members, a teacher named Ray gave out all A's. From their other teachers they learned some discipline, some knowledge. From Ray they learned unconditional love.
Rocking cradle of the world.. sunset stairway to the stars..
only by greatmasters trod... only written on by God.
Rain at sea... redundancy
It snows at sea... silence falls in flakes...melting
designs.... slip form for All
Wavecarved caves near the seagirt rock.. wavesculpted into a seagulled rookery..
Every morn...the sea reborn ...is smoke and mirrors..... fog and reflection.
We gave him a pitcher. He gave us the sea
The rock temple to Poseidon will in some millennium show crumbling, but the wavy
sea will remain... as ever the ocean main.
The tide sent into the cleft of rock Neptune's polyfingered hand of welcome.
Without equal, each wave sequel. Land is for eagles. The sea
is for seagulls
The ebbtide slowly recedes, but in that sweet leg of the sea
tidepools, seaweed, shells sunsparks and driftwood.... are his legacy
The rain in Maine remains mainly by the main.
That sand not soon turn the beachfence into driftwood
the artist designed a metal seat.
From the shore.. one looks upward to the sanddune grass..10,000 green brush blades
trying to paint the blue sky jade* No matter how high it climbs the palmtree finds
he cannot stamp his frondprints upon the sky
Faster than any stylus squiggling.. can write the sun
in the water wiggling... but when the sea is perfectly still..
it appears it was water which held the quill
Receives all arrows the universal quiver
as the sea receives all lonely rivers
Daily the sea laves with tidal milk waves
nursing in love her hungrymouthed caves
Today in their palate of many hues
the sky and sea have 90 shades of blue
Little petstore goldfishes.. suffocating in the tiny plastic bag.. God set you
free.. into fresh water rivers which lead to the sea.
Gentler than land's are the seasons of the seas.
The rainbow's end touchdowns in the waving sea. Though she pours her pastels endlessly, deep blue remains the sea
Surfers delight in the motion of the angry waves of the ocean
as neptune, king of the sea, delights in their mars.
Shadows of fishes play in the shallows above varying
shades of abandoned shells.
Within a wavelaved rock fissure, God hid the fish from the kingfisher.
The rowboat's wake intersected the path
of the morning sun upon the water... effort was squared to light
The sea mirror was framed by lobster traps..until she rose and smashed them
A clamshell holds the seaswell.. Reflected in captured tide.. does Jupiter's light dwell 81

Waterfall mist asked the sea 'when shall I return to Thee? '
Windsent seascent everywhere went
As artists long for blank canvases, as sealovers yearn for the blue space of the skysea,
the Spirit longs to be uncluttered.
So many shades of blue from royal navy to aqua hue.. without
the horizon ship one could not tell sky from sea.
Seacradle does fishes rock among the rocks but she is slapping at fishermen's docks as the sun wears daily a fresh foam frock
The full moon lifts seawaves in joy, but only the sun can lift water drops out of th140e sea.
Blackberried tarts on white lace doilies are the seafoam framed ocean's dark rocks
Ships in bottles cannot sail, but messages unsealed from
bottles do, and their words are meant most for those who find the script.
More than the stable shore God hallows the waving sea's shellshod shallows.
In the kinder world there surely no longer shall be
shellfish shiv'd to shed their sheltering shells from the sea

Waves will rise in joy, they know soon toward the full moon of the longed for monsoon
Message in sea's bottles. Tidings in the tides. Time's
rivers to the timeless sea glide. Every being will with God abide.
Cavecarver tide.. a patient sculptor who abides
He is like the sea: on the surface bubbling with wave effervescence
... in the depths one with divine Everpresence
The sun's fireball has scattered embers in the sea, unquenched
by her waters. for love can never be extinguished.
The drops the rain scatters the river then gathers.. for the sea who in turn
offers them in her great chalice to the Sun Father
One smells seasalt before the first seasight...
of His Eoyal Lowness, Neptune bluerobed. He fills hearts with delight
She picked up only vacant seashells at the shores of the Seychelles.
For chambered nautili hollow were minnow castles in the shallows
It is the trickling time for the tiptoeing tide to float in gifts which abide
beneath the twinkling stars' ides. 100*
The tide is afoot! in the 10 million fingers of the sea
As seawaves slapped his sloop he slipped down a sweet slope into sleep
A red light where the road ends at the aquamarine sea.
Aboard the oceanliner they see.. moonlight whitewashing the sea
Those who live by or on the sea can most frequently be healed by her empty canvas, rhythms, and frequency
Flags of fog flap not but float above the kingdom of Neptune
The sun scattered a trillion diamonds on the sea...his angels will gather them into a necklace for thee
Her listening heals.. because she listens with total presence, without judgment,
without interruption, with unconditional love 108
The sirens in his odyssey kept not Odysseus from the sea
The beachcombing sea gives more than she takes as she secedes
The sea: a blue jewel framed by shells.. whose azure and aqua skies are not caught by aquarelles. Her sight and sound and smell
.... lift us out of hell. In her space our spirits upwell.*
As she hears the confessions of all rivers those on the shore hear the sea.. accepting all she calls no thing heresy.
So many sires he had in Donegal.. so many foremothers in Galway ..he was made of Donegalway
...in every cell of his being the sea calls to itself
That day the grey gulls over the grey gulf were invisible in the grey cover of the gloaming
As rocks girding a tidal pool... As metal setting for sapphire jewel... As rigid bones around liquid soul eyes.. the body frame for the Spirit Nigh
The mountain palm gave birth. Her coconut babes rolled downhill to the ocean.. Now they are islands in that sea .. with hard shells bathed inside by coconut milk and outside by piscean seas
In an all-grey sky through a cloud goblet a sunbeam straw sucked up the sea
The tide casts her slender silver fishnet veil, not to harm the fish, but to float them home to her sea.
I want to be with my love by the sea near his seaweed strewn legacy
hearing the gullsong ..smelling salt air ..feeling the sand arranged by the tide ..my heart slowing down to rhythms of seaslide .. seeing ascent of the Sun.. watching the rise oer the bay of the moon..ambling to a cafe fireplace to sip berry tea with book pen and community
Night can no longer suborn
first light's gathering morn! 120
The sun's allgiving gold cheer.. has become the allgiving tree's purple
Popping oer the mountains the dawn sun arose, unrolling through
windows welcome carpets.... of red rose
It is not the sweet nuthatch but the sun which hatches the nuts
of nut trees everyone
The sun thought about another's criticism that he lacked focus.. but
then began again to shine in all directions
Moondown is sunup She did not mourn the moonset for it meant sunrise.
The sun diamond stipples the ocean's wind ripples.
The sky shyly blushes pink at the approach
of the Avataric Sun
Behind sparkling fountain waters sinking climb
higher the rays of the giving sun king. We need not seek him.
He comes to us.
The sun wears no dark glasses. He has nothing to hide
and is not threatened by his own light.
The bee's favorite couplet: a sunup-brimming buttercuplet
The sun craves no limelight as he grows limes in his light.
As morning wands with a dewdrop each grass spire
so little acts of kindness are by God given
great power
the sun rays arc with their igniting sparks
making sparkles everywhere
Beach footprints by tidewater erased. Snow footprints
by the sun melted away. So does God forgive all transgressions.
When her sun wed his moon and his sun wed her moon
skies poured forth for lifefaithful loons Love's manylived monsoon
Oh please dear Mr. Pinkus with your dawning
rays..please pink us
The sun does not kill and tell.. but how can tree hide her new peaches in the dell?
With soundless tapping the horizontal baton rouge of dawn light
called forth a chorus of bird delight
He who gilds the fringed coast Of all buttercups the toast.
More ancient than all.. yet evernew His ray host.
The forces of night.. their vanishing might
.. melt away in delight.. at dawn's vanquishing light 140
The moon has dominion over the sea, he thought, watching as her unveiled full rays caused the highest tides. But at dawn he
saw the sun lift the waters much higher with his elevating
evaporating fire
The sun does not narrowcast.
And now a seasmoke fog hides the rising sun... but soon his
flaming rays will break through
Sal loved to sail in solitude and silence neath Sol
‘Dawndrawn’ sun-summoned dandelions... spread gold parasols
... brings another sundown .. a diaspora of dandelion down
The sun with her came out to play
but shy night could not stand his light and she ran quite away.
Holds the sun's cheer... every purple cherry.. and seed chariots of new trees of
As the longfingered sun reaches out to touch a cloistered trillium
or a lake trembles in the light of moon and stars
so can Tolstoy's long rainbow of words play our heartstrings from afar.
They whispered the arrival of the iceberg's new rival... he feared as the gulf stream approached.... his very survival
Arun arose awash in rose.. His dawn rays oer all arose. Did all arouse .. his rays of rose...
millennial oaks... the corn in rows... and the no-rows wildest rose.
The egg of the sun dipped into many cups of dye.. pink and purple saffron yellow orange and red.. a gold mellow but He preferred His own color.. that of blazing light
and emerged untouched by dawn or dusk or deepest night
(not an egg stolen from a chicken)
Light lingers in fig leaves and pink cloud fingers
The sun's divine current is transformed into currants
To the apple tree the sun said "You think you're the decider
but it is my rays which decide which apples become cider"
Where is my lover the sun? Coming up over the mountain..Where is my lover the sun? Splashing on top of that fountain.. Where is my lover the sun? Red-appling inside that green tree
Where is my lover the sun? Sparkling through all the blue sea.
Grey sea and grey skies are one... yet does the sudden crimson sailed boat give hope and perspective.
Tiny steps of great power: 1000 cars go.. after l green light. 1000 tons of avalanche safely move from l sound slight. A thumbs up from Caesar..saves the gladiator's life. The dawn's breaking light banishes the night. Making one phone call.... helps to reunite.
Some little waterfalls are so small they are a curving downward staircase of the river seabound
It takes many puddles to make a pool and many Liverpuddlians to make a Liverpool. They are a kind people, Liverpuddlians, who do not mind if frogs paddle or poodles piddle in the puddles of Liverpuddlians
There is an ancient highway of the heart between Siena and Vienna
Wherever walks Ambrose.. up spring amber roses.. pouring forth fragrance and deathless ambrosia. Wherever walks Ambrose
.. his heart melts neuroses.. and in their place.. up spring new roses
Our land is the land of the Cheyenne, Shoshone and Shawnee..
Cherokee and Seminole, in valleys of the Shenandoah and Swanee.
10,000 brush strokes of the master artist... equal not the perfect
paintings of the pure mirror
A clover veil.. violets the vale... neath skies cloudclad or when ultraviolet sun prevails.
A feathergowned crane flies through the forest like Cinderella fleeing the ball.....but now the Prince of Peace comes into the hall
A grey cloudcloak mutes the crimson leaves of oak.
Scarlet charcoal embers' shroud: soft grey ash and smoke.
A parasol and a parapluie..as umbrellas they are the same
.. one means prepared for the sun...the other.. ready for rain
As with positive thought.. when one expects the good
it is likely in ones life to reign
As Michelangelo's vision of David's divinity freed him from his marble block,
so a man of size plumpkin can free himself from his body coach pumpkin
Beautiful the scent of the tobacco flower
but the leaves which helped weave the fragrance are subdivided.
Before the falls, the sheen of shanti. At the falls
sheets of shakti.
Dawn rhodescent, jeweled by moon crescent, but both will melt when the sun is present
Did not the apple blossoms fall, there'd be no cider in the fall.
Fall's leafless orange berried bush foiled by blue sky.. a pointillist painting
Fernfurl, chrysanthemumcurl, lilyswirl, wisteriawhirl and sunflowertwirl
Flames of mornlight... the cotton clouds do ignite
Flowering grass spire, dew-wanded, a green exclamation point!
Foamwake disappears from the whale tail.. dries up.. the snailtail
Fragrant fireweed fringes fire hydrants.
From the Bubble Blower, the moon rises and floats
God who painted with crushed pink pearl living oysters' shells
wants them left alone in the shallows and shoals
In the folds of the fields Mother Earth has.. phlox.. foaled... she has phlox unfolded 180

It is the leela of the Lord to unscroll lilies and lilacs and violets in divine light.
Lily pad plates... jade spheres with rims.. raindrops fill them to the brim
Mist lies in parallel layers under the clouds as satin sheets lie under cotton blankets
On the stepping stones in the pool... snow has made a pillow for each rock stool*
Secret springs, many aquifers. help the knitting of new needles for the aqua firs
Several lamps make a shack lovely.. more than a dark palace...
as the light of the holy makes any face beautiful
Stationery the sunblocking stained glass windows of a church,
but the iridescent windows in the butterfly's wings don't veil light in their flight.
The comet's tail, an orange light trail, brighter than a fish's scales, shining
more than beetle's mail.
Young souls love beauty. Older souls worship the beauty of love.
The diamond river cut swords through the whiteblanketed greensward
The fragrance wafting from a rose does enthrall
every Rao, Smith, Wong, King,Kim, Ali and Rosenthal
The full moon has spilled her silver paint cans onto the seastage. Some has splattered onto the cloud curtains
The goddess of the sun retires for the night through clouds spreading
her fan made of rays of light
The greenleaved grapevine does a tightroping straight
line... along the windstirred clothesline
and a wavy winner banner on the young pine
The old ailanthus many humans found peccable
but the woodpecker delighted in her status peckable
The private train car had smoke and mirrors, reflecting candles'' flames and curls rising as the mirror lake beneath the morning mist reflected the sun on the horizon
The south wind paddled the puddles, the lily padded ponds, and played the pea'd pods and pansies pied.
The spider web dewjeweled and studded with samara stars....has not today done harm
The sun paintbrush dapples the woods into apples
The white rose of Uganda has the same aroma
as the deep purple rose which grows in Roma. 200
Under gold dandelion parasols, beetles lie in the beach
of green grass, looking at the blue skysea beyond.
With early stars have fireflies asterisked the evening skies
Mother wrote that from the mountaintop they saw a village lay in the Mexican valley by the sealine. Every rooftop
was covered... in blue morning glory vines... the sky coming to earth saying "I will be thine"
Over the shoulders of April's winter trees..Mother Earth has thrown a pink shawl as light as the morning breeze.. but two moons later it was tossed for her favorite: a jade sari
A table on which the bees may sup For them by His grace God has raveled out of space a table which has merged with its cloth of lace
Om Parvat: Shiva on Mt Kailash with snowy script has written the Om in sacred Sanskrit. He has sifted flakes into recesses carved by Parvati's prayers and Tibet's holy scarves
That part of Kashmir is ringed by sharp peaked snowclad mountains...
the teeth of God.. guarding the green river valley... one of many tongues of God
The shifting beams of the Aurora Borealis in the northern skies' midnight blue chalice are reflected in the lake's royal blue waters with their rainbow fishes' moving gleams.
Oh JackOLantern, beyond toothless grin..through his scar-red apertures one sees wondrous light A 1 room house with 9 windows will appear to have 9 lights, but it is One
I hid behind the wall but my more courageous shadow.. . showed herself.. and walked up the ladder.
In the D Day invasion he fought Nazi knaves and helped free people Hitler made slaves. The living as well as the dead are brave. One day at a time his life he gave.
One by one in many countries they break through the ice of fear.. cups of crocuses .. stand up in caucuses .. East to West from Africa to the Caucusus and state their eternal allegiance to the Creator Sun.
With the most leaks the boat of democracy best floats
Only the shoemaker can make the shoes. Only the wearer can tell if they fit. These
are the timeless words... of brilliant David Spitz
What is destiny? The will of God. Since God is imprisoned in the hearts of all beings, destiny is ones nonharming desires.
Night outs the stars .. they fall in love with their own light, realizing they need no other.
He was of the school that one makes his own haiku rules. Why should he be bound by the straitjackets of dead people?
In that life, the monk entered the labial labyrinth... he was not ready to
celebrate the path celibate... centuries later he once again entered monastery portals
...all desire for sensory experience extinguished
"I must be about my Father's business" said the sun on the horizon rising..
as he in half the earth was raising the grapes into raisins.
Because their hearts were full of compassion's waters, they often broke right in half..hanging flyswatters 220
The tree branches God has joined together let no one cleave asunder.
The animal limbs God has joined together let no meatcutter cleave asunder.
April is the most fragile month, when tender jade tenrils can be crushed by unconscious boots
The fruit tree oer the brook drops her free food into waters dappled... the fish bob for apples
Those depressing stormclouds grey... wand the world to green
Like the beloved in a canoe paddled by her love is the willow tree trailing her lacy fingers in the lake.. wherever she breaks its blue mirror she paints the water sunset gold
When the naturalist who defines plants as wild edibles
comes around, do the plants shiver and shake, quiver and quake?
Some find peace most in the mountains. Some find peace
most at the sea. And some find peace most in the mountains oer the sea.
Only newfallen laurel leaves in Richard Wilbur's laureate wreaths
for he takes only what Mother Earth gently bequeaths
Breeze made blooms assent nod as Assisi's God whispered 'walk unshod' where dirt clods have vined into sweet pea pods
and hardened sod broken to goldenrod
In the foothills of the Apennines old olive trees with grapes vined ...make
violet orbs of olivine... we think of this in Los Angeles at Olive and Vine
Is God's favorite chapel sunlight dappled trees of apple? Her Ichi Ban shrine..trees of pine?
Her beloved mosque vine covered kiosks? Her best synagogue a cranberry bog?
Her holiest church woods of birch
The grape vine did entwine and spiral oer the high clothesvine
.. and turned it into a trellis ... from divine fire knitting knots just above the forgetmenots
All life is sacred but one day he chose that the Japanese beetle was greater than rose. Crawling in his greenmail* armour over the Goldsmithed bloom ready to turn gold petal fire
into pure insect flight. He found when he chose the bug oer the rose God gave him backendless blooms of rose
Cool full moon light it is certain will shine through living bamboo curtains
She saw on an African safari that Mother Nature had by Lord Hari
showered with several brand new jade saris
Groundnesting birds, frogs, snakes, butterflies,
lady bugs, beehives, anthills, fireflies...all sliced or crushed as harvesters, lawnmowers and other machines roll unconsciously by
Oliver Stone: Within the olive is a stone.. a living stone which can reforest the world with olive groves, birds' and squirrels' homes,
free food treasure troves, roots below to prevent mudslides, evaporating leaves which summon rain above
He told us he had 9 acres in the Carolinas.. with grape arbors, peach groves, apple orchards and pumpkin patches, blueberry bushes
and nut trees matchless RTH
Cut down that tree! the lumbermen cried She's so ugly and
so slipshod With her flaky head lost in the clouds and her feet in the filthy sod.. But all who loved her encircled her and kept her from the axe and the blade and in the spring with new roots she was shod and clad in a jade laceleafslip from God.
Landscapers need not be landscrapers but bulldozers always disturb bulls dozing. 240
The way of yielding water.. flowing.. being ...never preaching
is the teaching of the ancient ..I Ching
Some cherrypick. Some plumpluck but Newton was given an apple windfall
What are the jobs of apple trees To breathe and to be.. while apples come automatically. (to everyone who has been helped by the work of Steve Jobs)
The daybreak sun in a state of ever-rest faster than mountain climbers have ever scaled Everest
Gently opens the lake lotus the sun with his long fingers
.. and whether He sets or rises ...His light forever lingers
Briefly the fins of the joyful dolphins cleave the waters.
Now to mingle again they begin.
The seawind and wavedrift bring their surprises and seagifts
The wind will in the windmill helps windfall to befall
In a world of deep blue sea and aqua skies
welcome are purple sunset and gold sunrise
If you don't build it they will come. If you let it alone it will grow
LeBron in a dream said "Skip unnecessary steps." 251
Another point of view: Those who dutifully shoveled their walks unwittingly later left a surface of ice whereas those who let everything go left a safe place to walk in the crunching snow.
How do you do? said the rose to the bee. On the dewclad rose
said the bee to the rose I would rather do than to be.
Can only the wind surf the grass seas?
Infinite drops of rain gathered by river trains, now remain in the bowl of sea main.
As the wind whistles, ripe seeds of thistle send forth their epistles. The wind will scatter them.
The rain will enkindle them. the sun will lift them
Into the breach.. near the rocky beach... the seed of birch
the seed of beech and the hardstoned seed of peach
Bog crannies are the cradles for crimson cranberries
Once termites bored a hole in the holly on the hill. Now a gnawing holocaust of emptiness
where once Holly-wood was held. As time passed all knew Holly was hallowed because Holly was hollowed. Soon a beehive came graced with honey and the magic of the queen to the hallowed hollowed holy Holly on the hill.
Each night the tree of nut out of naught knits neat nuts ....
In the meadows pink lupins. In the forest, green Lew pines....
For a much longer time, last the fir shrines.
Redwoods: faithful silent sentries.. standing for millennia
not centuries
Only the forest green fir and the redleafed oak did hold their leaves in the winter wild
to make December's eves for the Baby more mild. Perhaps that is why they're the colors of the advent of the Christ Child.
Oh Martin Sometimes your voice was the thunder Sometimes it
was the falling rain. Always it burst our hearts asunder..
and made them beat... empathic in pain. (to all who loved MLK)*
In one famous life Paul Robeson arrived on earth with black robes on.
In previous lives he came into view arrayed in bodies of different hues.
First Lady Sally Hemings....your liquid monument is the reflecting waters..encircling the Jefferson Memorial..
As seas receive slaps without responding, so you absorbed over and over the humiliation of being hidden in a back room...
before your and his children were sold on the auction block.
Larry Doby and Jackie Robinson: Each thorn ... has become a rose Each scar.. has turned to star
Each taunt.. became slow admiration .. and then loyalty
until love broke forth like a fountain out of stony hearts
Count Nikolai Pistoff when he heard the rates of the therapist was very pissed off
and thereafter spelled therapist 'the-rapist'.
The incoming egalitarian tide melts the last ice of apartheid 270
Salisbury decried adding another hue unto the rainbow yet we would add
saffron and jade and pink and rose and olive and tan, crimson and indigos
As bells chime when someone enters or exits a bookstore
so Spirit sometimes makes music when souls come or go
from a body
Every River Styx is a River Phoenix, the soul either touching
down into a new and better form or returning forever to
the kingdom of ecstasy

He wished no induction into the House of Lords, but only
to return home to the Home of the Lord.
Those who focused on the shock of shards as the phoenix
bird burst from his shell... nearly missed the sight of his holy
maiden flight... as he soared up and away.........and out of sight
Death is the release of the bird of the heart from the ribcage of time.
Buried as they are killed, beheaded dandelions, on the scythe their green blood lyin
All will some day even those who have coronations
leave their bodies to crematers and coroners of their nations
Angels threw an etheric butterfly net over him.
The reverse of impaling lepidopterists, they from the body's cocoon
set his butterfly soul free from earth's room
Angels ring silent bells, as on their way to God, cockles leave their shells
Those who love God the most sometimes like to leave early for Home
As foam bubbles burst into the sea
in death Bubba's soul waters were set free
Over the slain elephants' ivory grows the merciful shroud of ivy.
Angel light ultraviolet keeps both from further violation.
Like caterpillars who eat themselves comatose
and then sleep as God weaves their wings
some are liberated after leaving their bodies.
Infinite are the ways God back to God all of us brings
She shed her body. Her Spirit hovers around you trying you to cheer Hoping though tears...may fill your ears....that somehow you her joyful spirit hear
That cheery cricket greeted me... and now his voice is still... but on the other side of life... God does his Spirit fill
When on earth she fell into love. Now she has risen into love.
We were born of 1 not 2 uteri....my beloved twin, you and also I
Now you hover round me like a sun shining from all sides.
Barrie was a mixed breed dog with confidence and joy.. whose tail twirled over his back.. like a
clover blossom over a sidewalk. Barrie used to bury bread in our bedspread
Swans, floating mounds of white, glide along on the blue lake .. though they look like icebergs
they harm none... they do not melt into their supporting water but rise above it. 290
Reflected in the rippling creek, the sun was made a daisy...fragmented by the faster current into daisy petal sparks Windstirred and starred each unplucked firepetal traveled downstream while the full daisy sun remained and murmured SHE LOVES YOU EVERMORE SHE LOVES YOU EVERMORE SHE LOVES YOU EVERMORE
Because Howard Zinn is one with God, he is one with all zinnias,
As a nimbus encircles a flame..as a father holds his child
his love surrounds her. He has gone ahead to prepare her chamber
and yet he hovers around her
Windows On the World, on Sept 11, 2001: At the top of the world
as they did dine...they died without an anodyne. And animals upon whom humans dine.. have died without.. an anodyne
Mrs Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis: "The stars oerfixed you and downcast their glowing spears." By strangest alchemy starlight turned into tears. The plump pumpkin of your life was shattered. Its evergreen seeds were most widely scattered. By prearranged script by God and you cowrit your sacrificial strength did a grateful nation lift.
No longer will families of those who committed suicide be barred from burying their ashes in the cemetery yard...for some are mystics.. who the translucent flimsy veil of life aside brush as onward in ecstasy to the Beloved they rush. They are fire-freed from limits of body frequency.
The funeral's current of grief is of lightning bolts which strike even strangers...causing them for
no explained reason to release tears of rain.
Sometimes they hesitated to sit next to him at funerals.. because he always made them laugh..
which harvested glares from people in grieving pews.. now he too has slipped from the
cloak of the body... and is making serious angels laugh.
The sand castles have been waved away. The ice sculptures have melted. The pink chalk on the sidewalk has been rained away. The peach blossoms have fallen. But the love you gave is invulnerable. The love forever remains.
Mother Earth has knitted strong knots in the faithful blue forget me nots. 300
From your infinite eyes we drink Stars within skies of blackest ink
Please don't eclipse us when you wink.. but hold us in your eyes, Black Sphinx
He remembered that pricks of the branches of the mistletoe tree can draw blood.
Oh womanizer or manizer most polygamous... try as you might you won't be milligamous
Serial womanizer Jack Frost had his face pressed to their windows.. asking them to come out and play.. before he disappeared again.
That God is Universal Love means not judging the promiscuous, polyamorous, polygamous, polyandrous?
Mary never needed to marry gold but a heart as cheerful as marigolds
She wed Bob.. who was holy and merry and bold And knew she
had married a heart of gold
Rose of Akron: Through the fence pickets peep the pink roses and purple peonies.. their roots are fixed by love but their fragrance and light pour to the stars
It seemed sun's love was off and on as he cloudcloak did doff and don, but he is always on with bright noon power.. not the twilight pink of dawn
Four Flowers...: The Sun arose in Morning Glory, with His Goldenrod wanding Violet to Rose
The bees' favorite couplet.. sunup brimming buttercuplet
In the predawn violet... as they wake the violets... of the unsung.....birds sing...
How awesome How sublime That out of muck and mud and slime....God makes lemons God makes limes.
The sun arrays the skies in rose as He arises and rouses the rose
April is aproned with apricot blooms.
Dandelions summoned by the sun... spread gold parasols
Little Tree, Little Tree, I wonder where you are
to thank you for the sweet pink fruit you did weave
from distant star.
Wherever she has trod in the dell flowertrails to Mother Earth befell .. daffodils and larkspur and bluebells daisies and trilliums and cockleshells
Weeding, whispered the Great Spirit...is plant racism
Ivy and violets vy not with the violent. 320
Why is the rose encircled by thorns? That she not be plucked
Bursting blooms of bluebonnet to the sun sing silent sonnets
A beetlebored bamboo flute.. Yonder wind plays upon it
Hawaiian breadfruit... shed your Joseph's coat of many colors..
your 1000 panes of stained glass mosaic.. and become 10,000 breadfruit trees
Enpine the cone! Enoak acorn! Enpear the seed that inner
sun be freed!
For every tree and wildflower He has willed the power
as He flows through all an effortless willpower
Lilac'd fields Lilliputian the Lord of Love has many lilies
put in
A temple of God are all beings, every Lee, Obama, Blair, every Mandela, Chavez, Castro and Putin.
As birds helped Cinderella to dress for the dance,
the peony made her debut because of kind ants
Into the daisy the sun has spun his gold
and his rays has rolled into the marigold
May and Mother Earth has gone under cover
hiding herself neath fields of daisy and clover
While all the world over new blooms are stitched by her sun lover.
Impatiens teach patience as they weave new blooms from
the sun and cloud looms
The meadows are asterisked by asters. Though they
seem randomly sprayed, not a single one has gone astray.
Clover lamps with their curved necks hang over the cobbles
of a London sidewalk shedding purple light in their tiny world
The glistening spider filament fluttered in the wind, spangled
with dandelion spores...a magic wand with not one
but many stars
God needs no chain or buckle..to link the roots of honeysuckle.
Her herald fragrance runs ahead as her seamless threads delve in new beds.

Like the anemone she has nary an enemy
Above its jade velvet carpet, the moss sends shoots
of tiny lime stars.. shooting stars
From the plane, one sees cloudscript...
.. ancient stotras of Sanskrit...
As he walked along, he saw a slain dandelion with grey locks
and blew the down of the mower victim that there be new fluffy flower flocks after springmelt of fluffy falling flakes.
Because the wind rustled blooming fruit trees
they released their fresh fragrance into the breeze 340
Why has God his dew morngift sent?
For cider, butterfly drinks, for lilac and jasmine scent
The orange tree... a green galaxy with many blazing
saffron sunorbs
In the county of Fairfax in the meadows flagged with phlox, no more will horses be abused and beagles caged later to frighten the fox, nor ever again eat the flanks of flocks
Most can from the apple tree pick spies
but only God can pluck blazing stars from the skies
Within each acorn cloak are infinite oaks.
Inch across the yard the bright rays of dawn
Striking magic wands cause flowers in the lawns.
Unseen starlight flickers. In solar lux and rainflux melt snowflakes while spin goldflecked phlox and purple flax.
The Japanese beetle sews eyelets in the rose.
Sweet wee weevils turn lilacs to lilace.
Only the jasmine plant has a right to string garlands of its blooms.
The morning sun does the throat of lark spur and blue the meadows with sweetest
They called the wind lackadaisical but because she in freedom blows
the world will never ...........lack for daisies
Flowers consider bloom pluckers pedophiles.. who scotch the unroll of the scroll of
the petals' files.
She wanted no bloom symbols of love eternal for their petals proved most ephemeral
and the flowers did not wish to be decapitated
Nightzies too are the daisies though we can't see their glow
as the sun is elsewhere shining hidden by the earth's slow axis flow
The pistil tong in the hibiscus (upside down bell) flower is silent.. nevertheless
its musical scent attracts the bees
For His Cynthia God made Forsythia . she's first to bloom in the spring last to drop
her leaves in the fall
Painters love flowers for their hues. Perfumers love blossoms for their smells. Bees other bees of bloom nectar tell. But Lady Bird loves cowslips for themselves.
Niagara Falls: Two branches of the same river of God approach a cliff. Rocks cause the foes each other diametrically to oppose. As they roar
over its side, unhurt they emerge as one, some drops rising as mist to bless riparian trees.
The sandalwood tree gives fragrance to the killing lumberman.
The pine in fire warms those who have slain her.
The cow gives calories, albeit toxic, to those who have murdered her.

In Luke we are told "Her sins, which are many, are forgiven" What of the opposite... those who are the greatest forgivers? those who humble us all with their willingness to release the past? 360
Beach footprints by high tide erased. Snow footprints by the sun melted away without a trace. With the pulling of the switch, metal filings are released. So do the forgiving melt transgressions.
Like myriad snowflakes entering a tropical sea are the attacks of temporary foes upon your royalty.
Embezzled heart, can you forgive the guzzling bee who has taken all your nectar? "He knew not what he did", young little bee.
Long ago, his forgiving Lord turned his 30 pieces of silver to eternal gold.
The moon shattered silver into shards in the shallows and upon the seashore
But they've been gathered into One by the Resurrecting Morning Sun!
The spouse saw his love entangled with another.... instantaneously demonic alchemy turned
love into hate for his lover. But slowly in time he let go... of the scarlet dye which had colored
the waters of his soul.
When one can flow into his foe and witness his most bright soulglow
then love replaces the wavering of to and fro
The tree's leaf plumes dangle with plums
As the sun poured into her niches and naves and her coves and her caves Mother Earth cried "You violate me!" But weeks went by
and she spied April's apricot apron and apple blooms
and then she exclaimed "You violet me!"
The river tarries not over the stones of karma. To seaward joyfully running is her destiny's dharma
When the pond was smashed by his clenched fist..it became a cradle rocking for little fish.
Anger is the ore for lovegold.
The frozen daggers of unforgiving icicles.. shine in the light but it is the orb of forgiveness
.. the miracle point at the tip where the icicle drips which most clearly reflects the sun
Crocuses are blowing with the news..cows are crowing it and frogs are croaking it..
One most sacred place in Creation is the forgiving ground of Bosnian Serb & Croatian
There are signs of the tide's inrush as the gulls come closer..as the sound of wavelave lapping brings peace.. and in the waters of the heart is a subtle seachange
As two negatives when multiplied a positive make.. former foes who seek each others' good
cause miracles forth to break
God looks on error as a mother looks on a toddler's fall* .. or on her 4 year old child's making mudballs or like the sun gazing upon sour fruit soon to be sweet*.. or upon a blow which releases water from ice freeze
If you do now your heart unlock I promise in the future I will knock
Does God look upon a broken vow as on a river not clinging to bough?
Within the sheath are bright seeds containing future gold fields of corn
Just so grow joy's bright kernels inside the husks of cruel scorn
The blue paint of the third eye cannot be chipped away..The blue eraser of the 3rd eye
cannot be overlaid. It cancels all mistakes of the past.. all dark portraits
The seas do not record the weedcleaving swords of the unknowing oared.. nor does the heather neath highland mist seek to remember the heavy tread
which for wee moments crushed her violet head 380
The river has changed in this second.....some of him has emptied into the sea.. some is being renewed by waterfalls in headwaters
As a sword has the illusion it slices the sun's beams
so do the unforgiving have the illusion they have been harmed.
Melt away now Valjean's pursuers, who had chased him through Parisian sewers.
Now he lets go litigious suers... for his soul and heart are newer
She the sea.. receives red hot lava and transmutes it into green glass jewels.
She the listening compassionate ear turns anger into love.. with every word she hears.
You cannot see how he is changing. He is a growing baby eagle with an unmoving shell
and within him does unseen the force of Godlove swell. He is water melting within
the towering iceberg spires He is coldform becoming formless through the touch of GodSunFire.
He is the April apricot leaf ready to unfold .. which will calyx the fruit as it turns to gold
The clarified waters of Snowdrop Lake form from melted hexagonal snowflakes.
The heart unfrozen with new love flows as new soulspace does forgiving make.
1st of the year snow had covered everything muffling harsh noises
softening ravine chasms with its silent anthems of peace.. its flags of quiet grace... Its visible amnesty, tangible absolution,.. muffling division.. resurrecting purity and forgiveness
The sun came across an unreceptive clod who would not receive her beams.. She began to withhold 1 of her infinite rays from this dirtball..
but decided this was silly... and began to shine again.. universally in directions all.
On the left, her haiku.. capsulized as
beautifully as any tiny nut in a shell..On the right, her seascapes...
infinite in their endless joy
Humankind prefers vessels from which to sip infinity
... gobles from which to sup eternity.
Is a swamp a pond.. in a state of despond?
He placed no fence of pickets round his growing almond thicket
He wanted to give as freely as the sun and so he gave away almonds without tickets
Concern for rubles or rupees, pounds or rubies, shillings or yen or farthings is from God's heart a far thing
They thought the moon needed cloudwings to fly but the next night they
saw her soar alone in the sky.
Herr heron no longer the freed herring hears

Watching raindrop beads spark seeds into weeds..
Their rights were his creed.. and not what any other decreed
One said that marriage is a tree.. do not break its boughs.
Another said: as a river flows beyond banks, the past's vows.. to the present bow..
Spring melts snowflakes. Joy pops balloons. Roots burst the vase. Love breaks the cage.
Dracula was free to think God's gladiolas gaudy.. and to run from
the morning luster.. of a seabubble cluster.
Some like earthworms eat dirt and die. Others like caterpillars become butterflies.
Bell tongs chime... bird flight time
If there were left 1 sheet of Shakespeare's original words
perhaps Picasso would have it erased that he could ink up the easel space.
Those who ordained that a fork goes to plateleft are the ones who use it as a
fleshspear. Their rules bind none.
Free are the butterflies who as babies feasted on the leaves of
the trees round Cherry Blossom Bay 405
A dragonfly on daffodil alights.. having donned a more dazzling dress as well as the gift of flight
When God's green grows...it's rarely in rows....awry the rye rises...unruly the rose
Unruled the wind blows ...Unstraight... river flows...Unchained... fire glows...Rarely in rows.
Sine nomine....with no signature does the apple tree freely give away all her fruit....
only a unique constellation of seeds her seal
A constellation of Mt Shasta daisies.. untied themselves from their roots..
now these butterflies.. in freedom fly
A sweet little pig, Alfred Beethoven....escaped with his life from the knives of a coven....Because God made him perfect with four hooves cloven..he is safe from Muslim Jewish and some Christian ovens.
I choose not a campfire's sparks but the sun, not a puddle but the deep blue sea, not balloonjailed air but the wind and for my friend I choose thee.
Criticizing someone who is heavily drinking is a summons which calls forth
the demon of the rumming.
In forest glen lives Saint Len caring not for yen teaching love is zen.
Shelter workers.. so patient.. for elephants in folding their tents.. take a little longer
Oh Clara T.. a mind of perfect clarity.. heartfont of pouring charity
.. as in the woods of Cherokee.. grows allfruit giving cherry tree
Kudzu, unthanked, hangs her tapestries.. on every telephone pole and happy tree.
Fir sentinels stay and stand tall guarding the space where the waters fall.
Santa's sleigh silhouettes the moon above sylvan framed snow.. the moon's silver slivers are everywhere
The torch never diminishes its own fire.. when enkindling other torches through giving entire
Watering apple trees in spring each act of charity returns amplified and summer
is in the fall applefied. 420
She is a projected table rock in a waterfall.. always pouring out what she receives
His mind does not bookkeep. His mind does not measure.
To give of heart treasure is his greatest pleasure.
An overturned clamshell.. this slab of granite shelf This waterf/altar oer which
priest river pours himself....Poured out to all the amphitheatre below this offering of his sacred wine to his God and God's every creature shrine

He attempted to live by ten tenets.. he tried to all to be tender, and never profit off of tenants
Stocking Christmas window shelves for others and not for themselves seen by those outside
but not within the store are department store elves as anonymous acts of charity indivisible
are known to angels invisible more than to neighbors visible...
Trickling time.. the tiptoeing tide in gifts silde which will abide neath the stars' shining ides
They roll free in the mother peapod.. these green spheres.. these green pearls..
given freely by the Mother of all Peas and the Father of all Peace
Wingless earthlings feed winged birds as the unliberated can advance the destiny
of the liberated and in doing so, our own.
Inside the souls of all Chinese...children of Kwon Yin, the Divine Mother, a commitment fully to feed all the hungry..
Evergiving, a world traveler, master artist, tennis player, faithful wife, mother, daughter, grandmother, out of love a dishwasher... there are too many petals to describe in the chrysanthemum of her soul.
June 21st: .......night's requiem is warbled by the robin's reveille
Each soul of God a ray Each with light He arrays Never does a single soul
forever goes astray.
Cattails weave escape ladders for drowning bugs
while a friend's safety net of words.was enough to catch a falling star
Snow silent swift...as skydown softly sifts.... and turns cloud
gifts... into earthblanket drifts.
Through the silent night...miracles we did not see
.. icebergs of resistance slipped into the sea
Do rain arrows come from the rain bow?
As angels' inspiration descends it becomes clad in words.
The low guru river from afar is invisible but its green line of disciple willows is visible
The woodpecker was able to make in the tree a nave.. but only the sea's waves can carve sea caves
Jesus said to 'consider the lilies of the field.. they toil not nor spin'. It is the sun which had them spun. 460
The limehued silk of the corn.. each strand wand catches the dew of the morn.
At the end of the season cornfields are downmown
The raintree remains alone secure in his throne.
As the river roared through the granite chute, it
fell onto 7 granite bowls...7 pools below 7 falls..
as shakti flows into the crown and then every other chakra
In earth's theatre, waiting in the wings as he slowly sheds his angel's wings
sacrificing freedom, a great soul.. becomes a lovechild God you to bring
The raindrop slides down the lily leaves, taking none of the jade from their green sleeves
To parched peach tree roots unbidden come silent streams.. underground, hidden
Almighty is He who ignited the luster in each and every graped cluster.*
He had an MBA degree and degree by degree overcome by greed he had become
Legree'd. Yet one sudden day he saw.... that he and God were We'd.
Rainblessed, afoot! is a root.. the ailanthus grown a foot!
The sun has melted winter fields frozen...while spreading His rays oer beloved Aaron Rosen All Beings His chosen
Into the stream fell a samara shower, a flotilla of lifeboats in time for the struggling bug
It is good luck to feed birds in flight that they need not slow down nor alight
The Grace rain follows dry river bed hollows.
Soon are new shallows.. then deeps do all hallow
A gathering of grey cloud mass.. communion rain for animals birds bugs trees and grass
As desert shadows are more defined than those of the woods
so the separation between good and evil is greater there
Raincloud flotilla, float not idly by, but rend yourself with lightning... that your grace fall from the sky
Past life lessons became whispers which turned to buttons keeping my clothes on me.
Though a seeming physical impossibility, the ark of each heart
contains every creature. Some do not yet know it.
The sea assails the small schiff sails but by God's grace the boat prevails

God is a nighttrain Who quietly rolls us out of 'the shadows of the valley of death'
as we sleep in one of His infinite laps 480
As his light, sun spills into corn's kernel cells...As the bees' gathered amber is poured into hive chambers...so does God's grace...fill mind's gridlace
A sailor in his cups walks along the pier and falls off.. the cold water returns him to sanity
A dog is so cheaply bought.. He sells his heart
for all eternity for a handful of popcorn
Birds chirp and cheep above the school chapel, for Chips
no longer serves chops to the chaps.
Tiny wisps, the many teats on the grey cloud..
who nurses the trees as she passes out of form.
Every day at six heures we thank God for enkindling Cesar
Winter when God's unseen gift of breath becomes visible.
A heavy storm... squirrels thankful.. for pine cones have landed..
near their laps
The Franciscan friar ate no friers and thus made the fellow fliers more safe from fire
Sunrise is apple fall
To God's muses we are the peons. It is they who whisper delightful paeans. Their thoughts arrive so subtly ... to Rebecca, Luke, Jack and Ian
Knowing Joe, Alexandra, Dmitry, Irene and Paula and Nicholas and Constantine
we say "How holy and generous are the Greeks bearing gifts"
As when the rain jewels the jade pine's lace and a poststorm wind releases
her shower of grace....so when the healer touches with love one who is auffering
this sometimes releases a quiet tearfall
Neighbors said the little dog had been dumped 2 days before on Howe Road. He waited 48 hours by the telephone pole for his family to return.
With each passing car one thousand times his heart rose and fell until he learned how not to feel. He was adopted. The tendrils of trust
grew slowly... It took a long time for his heart to heal but he is now happier .. than ever before.
Cunningham Falls: It splashed It rippled It sheetglassed It soared It babbled It seeped and it soaped and it roared.
It pooled ..cascaded It gurgled seatoward but at its purest was bubbleless white foamless as Soundless it poured.
When the suffering sound of others' tears falls into his chaliced ears..
he alchemizes them into cheer
He was a vegan on plane bus and Amtrak. He knew he'd be free of ecoli and anthrax.
and he'd experience no appendicitis attacks while saving animals from the axe.
Jesus and sunrays charge not payment for the healing touch of their raiment
Angel stirred Bethesda's poolwaters healed because they never rejected any sent to them by God. Once a year the waters were stirred. Jesus had no such limitation.

The heaviest fruit grows on pumpkin vines in horizontal and not vertical
lines... Near the ground the humble and prolific
their green umbilical cords entwine
Do not dismiss the puddle. She can transmit the light of the blazing sun.
"The meek shall inherit the earth." The meeker eventually inherit heaven where they live with the Maker of Meekers and of all Miracles.
The humble rain rejected by the hard tree trunk.. entered through the dirt .. putting on his
nutcolored clothes.. and into the root seeped and up into the heart of the tree.
He is not a Luciferian pastor who prefers to be the boss and master. He cares not for domination nor for denomination.. Nor does he engage in demonization
He is content to wash others' feet 504
Near the sea the Mississippi's path is lowly. He flows with power.. he flows slowly.
Every drop he carries and his way... are holy. He is ready to give to God the Sea.... wholly
It is the pumpkin vine in the dirt and meek who the waters of the creek did seek
From her the greatest cornucopia forth from earth did break.
He once hit the waters of the Pacific with his fist.. wisdom then made
him a pacifist.
She no longer feels sad that her body is bound by gravity .. as she
wings the hearts of millions.
Icicle rows dripping in the light.. lines of exclamation
points!!!!!translucent with sun joy
Spring willow streamers... the tree cheerleads the birds in branch bleachers
Into shards the dreams have shattered.. the pain in the dream... has not mattered.
From the chalice of his heart I drink love and joy. It is the only draught which quenches my soulthirst.
The sight of him! long needles of light knit.. of a sudden weaving wings for my heart!
As the pure bright mirror transmits the morning sun
we need not understand God.. but only pass God on
The morning birds' melodies.. the woodpecker does counterpoint
How is it that his ceaseless drill... shatters the barriers to peace?
Around the corner from the flesh food coroners, August field's coronation of a cornucopia of cornstarred cobs and (soon) cones of pine
Laundry dances in the wind on the clothesline... empty scarecrows...of whom no bird is frightened
The fields are filled with crystal balls of morning dew, each revealing your destiny: the morning sun
Spring rains raise the wells Every one does upwell. merging as they overspill! A
new joy river they do swell.
Saddened by the plaintive sounds of the mourning dove,
he decided to be silent or cheerful when he spoke. 520
Feared lightning became the silver lining of the cloud of good change.
Water spiders, skaters ..gliders, blissdarting shooting stars without external guiders
October when each leaf is a stained glass aperture in the cathedrol of autumnal light
Squirrels spiral up the church spires and down again to the spirea
Alighting and taking off from the tiger lilies and phlox and sunflowers are hummingbirds and butterflies and bees,with no air controllers and no accidents.
Sunwands turn rain droplets into blackberry drupelets as enkindled okra seeds acknowledge heliocracy.
White morning glories translucent in the sun..bloom fabric stretched on its ribs like Japanese
rice paper lanterns shining with light
As a shaft of light sweeps down a sootfilled chimney is God's delight available to all.
When the couple midnight swam in the quarry, waving were the skies' reflections starry.***
The ice sculpture fish has melted into his waters of completion.
Melted the ice sculpture quince.. and flowed into roots.. swelling new quince.
The sun is always overjoyed. Only Draculas his rays avoid. Only demons his rays annoyed
as with rays he fills night's void
Magpies to starlings opine in the woods of pine. No matter their politics...their joy is divine
Is the etymology of 'edify' that people knew hilarious Ed? Do merging rivers eddy..giddy about Ed?
During rain or after sunset, sunflowers have their heads down.. but mostly they keep their sunnier sides up
Every evening in the eaves birds are singing songs of Eve
First came her lightning..then her rain first her humor with kindness in its train First the baptism by fire and then water's laving. First Uranus.. the way for Neptune paving
His cat watches on the window tv his favorite movie: "Flitting Birds and Crouching Squirrels".
Where they walk, in their wake, blooms suddenly burst awake. Stars give birth to baby stars.
Perhaps the brambles, briars and wide brooks are to the barrister a barrier
but his Spirit beyond all bounds is always victory's carrier 540
A little birdie flew overhead a traffic light of green and red. From her diagonal point of view she saw both crimson and lime hue. Obey traffic rules? Birdies need not. Masters listen only to the inner voice of God.
The bee does not fly with honey on his wings.. matter is irrelevant where the spirit rings
As mater births son, so all matter eventually brings forth Spirit
To fight trophy hunters the hippos formed
an hippocracy. They work to end slaughter and lawmakers' hypocrisy.
Legal statutes are frozen statues.. not the liquid law of love
Birds don't worry about jaywalking.. as they go jayflying
Arrayed against all the darkest night With all the arms and secrets and might
comes a rippling ribbon of dawning slight.. an omnipotent band of breaking light
Not the will's resistance to surrender to God, but the Spirit's desire to flow into Love, as a stream merges with a river and the river with the sea
No living animals allowed in the diner...only their dead forms on which to dine. There are no bare feet where people eat...only cadavers...corpses called meat.
The morning sun rising on the eastern horizon blinded the viewing of the red and
green traffic lights.. as a direct connection to God's light overrides earth ideas of wrong and right
Each flowering grass pillar had curved from the weight of its little lime caterpillar
God the Divine Alchemist makes mangoes from the morning mist
Om, the jewel in the lotus rests as kunda bloom pearls in petal snows rest
The sun does his rays dispatch to the blueberry and the pumpkin patch.
He does gold peppers mint by the sweet jade peppermint.
Clouds unfold, waves unrolled, grape leaves unscrolled, horses foaled, phlox flags unfurled.. all's right with the world
The odds are 1 in 64 to have 6 boys and nary a girl, but if God ordains otherwise, the odds are 1 in 1 to have 6 boys and nary a girl.
The Spirit conceives blueprints... one seeddream became trees of quince
Twenty four hours usher in the New Year in a sacred candlelight procession. Eastern dawns break while Western midnights
join the invincible progression. To the gathering might of the new
and the power of resurrection...each being in each point of the globe
make sublime profession.
Radiovoice comes in at night as through the window
streams starlight.. uplifting as the boat which pops
oer the horizon into sight.
It is each heart-mind which decides how strong or nonexistent
are the rings of saturn. 560
Is fickle Cupid the most prolific of all muses of poetry?
Atop the sea light glitters. Neath the sea light glimmers.
Sometimes his love for her shouts. Sometimes it quietly shimmers.
The stars each and every ...sparkle in revelry
while the moon continues her sunward reverie
awaiting his herald: the cock's dawn reveille
Two freedom loving tumbleweeds blown together these windwed weeds
wended ever after as one through the winding ways of life
Two roses dwelt above.. the very sharpest thorns. So high they
swayed in morning light their petaled fleece was never shorn
Love is the sun..it can be covered with the shroud of a grey or white cloud
but it can never be killed or scotched or cowed
She said it was more flexible to be polymated and bisexual. Her heart unripe
not yet ready to care that around him in shards lay his shattered heart
As he sat across from a beautiful young blonde woman..suddenly he had a vision of her in her past life.. a centenarian man ready to die.. It was a maya lustbuster
For he'd been attracted not to her soul but her exterior luster.
Sometimes as she wingwheels in the vaults of heaven the hawksquaw makes hawk squawks
.. but more often she is beyond the divisiveness of sound in the sacred silence of skyseas.
From 2 dynasties of love they merge into a destiny of love
Dusk sun at their backs. Its long shadow makes their 2 silhouettes one.
I want to go to God on the road of you.
Within the shrine of his soul, I kneel before the heart of my Beloved.
In the hive of my heart, unstolen from any bees, is stored infinite love for you
Ten thousand acorns don't equal one millenial oak.
The leaves of the birch stay green longer in the fall... but the pine tree is the greenest of
them all
She is a centenarian apple tree yearly producing more fruit She is a train.. each day
attracting more cars for her route.. She is a river ingathering each stream as she flows to the sea. With her every hour she wields more power
Touch parents while they can know the touch, and trees before they lose their leaves.
The cloud balloons were pierced by church steeples.. soon they's be ready to drop their grace on the people
Snow silent swift as skydown sprinkle sifts and turns cloud gifts into earth blanket drifts.
God has in mercy clipped a scene from His starscript.
Each of us wears an invisible garland of skulls.. for all the souls we have in this or other lives killed, injured, consumed, neglected, for all those beings whose hearts we have hurt. God's mercy sometimes
instantly, sometimes through centuries, turns all the skulls to jewels.
Because James Coburn was a Buddhist he was never a fast foodist.. The gentle man donned villains' robes and made people cry but in reality he would not harm a human bird or fly
Wishes start as tender tendrils, yet as the oak's wood hardens, so do desires, sometimes blocking Spirit's fire.
To God the sportsman surrendered his mallet the politician surrendered her ballot the artist surrendered his palate the cripple surrendered his pallet. And God handed back each .. multiplied by divine power. 585
Hurricane Kate forced proud palms to padnamasakar* the humble ocean. Because she the sea everywhere has feet it's not hard for them to show their devotion (padnamaskar: touching the feet of the spiritual teacher)
They called the weathervane a scattered birdbrain because the Wind Of Spirit moved her in His train
How did the sweet rain transubstantiate to juice of pear?
You dwell where dreams immortal are ushered through materializing portals
When day's azure blues become eve's purple hues then violets are not blue.
That flourish the forget me nots God fastens roots to stems with knots
We want all others to love him because we love him.
The large mango seed makes an orchard mangotreed,
but the tiny acorn unfurls into much larger and thicker groves.
Now the Red Sea of clover is Bee-cloven But back to Queen Lover flies bee Beethoven
Devoured by silkworms are jade mulberry leaves
... silkworms boiled alive for silk sleeves
.. worms and leaves.. for Spirit their bodies leave
Birds sing the anthems of Spring. The faithful wind flaps the flower flags.
Gold centered pink daisies.. their buds little balls of
pink yarn.. used to weave the pink clouds of the rising sun
polymorphous water.. reborn as rain ice snow fog and mist
dew puddles brooklets
ponds, lakes, bays, rivers, foam, spray, seas
What is the shape of thunder? a cloud?
How amazing that Goddesigned slices of limes and lemons hold each
limedrop or lemondrop
jewel in its chamber until it is squeezed. Some of God's
gifts await in the wings just the slightest effort on our part. 600
The bubble bursts into seaspray.. and then lifts off on solar rays
If God made too lovely the cocoon, would the caterpillar
want to leave his room?
Toads hop up the tree's toadstool stairway, and at its crown are by unconditional love..kissed into kings. Caterpillars creeping crawl along ivy creepers..soon they'll be loveglove
cocooned.. that they might have wings.
As she began to focus on the grace rather than the pain, each little scar\ turned to miracle star
The lightning only seemed to bisect the rainbow.. instead his foil magnified her beauty
My cocoon is woven of threads of desire but the desireless butterfly will break forth to sunfire
In one life she was Polyanna... in another, wed to polyandry, in a third PaliAnish.
As the ears of crickets are near their knees
so those God-surrendered hear angels in the breeze.
Angels leave miracles in the large sized begging bowls of dumpsters.
Unencumbered the vine of cucumber climbs dead branch umber
pouring forth tendrils of trust while others slumber.
The mind is a radio dispatcher which through prayer sends angels
to those in need. Yet her heart.. need do nothing at all..
the angels respond.. to her unspoken calls.
At Blossom when they play martial music,..flowers are surprised
for God does not arm blooms.
The wind reminded a tree ...the Indian Cigar on the heath
in total giving to bequeath..... to the little ones crawling beneath.....
a subtly fragrant blossom wreath.
Raise the blind.. the room floods with light Plug in the lamp.. gone the night. Light the cotton.. it's gone in fire. God's mercy does fill every desire
Round wonders flow from the tip of a magic wand.
Spherical music flows from the top of a baton.
A world of talk flows from the metal of a plug.
Angels pay back infinitely.... kindness to a bug.
He thought 'it's just another water mirage'.. but it was the water mirror
of the rising sun.. in her reflections creating miracles
The bee named Hector... needs no visible lector ....to read him the sector where blooms of great nectar.... pour forth fragrant vectors
The spiritually handicapped .....need access ramps for easier entry into heaven
From the Maker's majesty manifest myriad mangoes
Because in God her taproot is grounded ....with love for all she does upwell....and so each of her heart's desire fruits....on her soul tree in satiety swells. 620
God's highlighted synchronicities.....often come in threes..... trinities of simplicity
When attacks come to auras spherical .....which transmute all to spiritual weapons boomerang upon the senders. This is spiritual physics, of laws of miracles
With the sun's grace and of mist just a trace
the spruce ravels green lace out of pure aqua space
What a wonder to see.. on the very same tree..
fresh blooms of youth and wise sweet fruit.
We too can turn water into unfermented purple wine
by watering often our allgiving grape vines.
Every sea is a Red Sea cleaving.. parting for Moses with his sailclad clipper All he need do is embark
The sweetest grapes grow on oldest vines
He who spun the sun.. the one which spins peaches... every one
He who weaves the waves He who holds every drop of all rivers
will carry us all back to the land of love.
Over the threshold.....comes sun's freshgold Through the portal....spills his light immortal
In through the door.....Sol's firepour Wide now the gate..for destiny's date.
Miracle points: The lion skull in the desert shelters a bee hive. Sea water through the aeons
has made of rock a rookery. Suffering has carved new caves in the heart.
In Tara's empty space miracles take place.
Like falling rain oer lilyleaf tripped Like pure moon into bright cloud slipped
Like setting sun into calm sea dipped did Jesus' soul come to Mary.
Like communion chalice sipped Like the river oer fallsbrim lipped
Like dewdrop out of buttercup dripped was Jesus' soul born of Mary.
God the artist can totally change his oil paintings faster than a star's twinkling... faster than clouds moon-winking
Who turned the CAT in caterpillar to the FLY in butterfly?
Friends with humor can melt away tumors ... of babyboomers
He has rescued so many animals, his ark would have sunk
long ago... but divine grace keeps afloat his sanctuary boat.
The mathematics of masters is that they need no mammon, no medium of money
to make and manifest their multiplying magnifying miracles. Their hearts summon manna.
Their souls grow mangoes.
Rock carving rivers over time are trapped by their own liquid chisels.
God the Sculptor has often changed their and our courses.
God can a pear impeach in a tree of peach and cherries entwine on old grape vines
Nataraj did prayers answer and He healed the invasive cancer... now she's once again a dancer 640
The full moon poured pitcher after pitcher of coconut milk into the sea..
and the sea.....she silvered it all.
The full moon opalescent.. has lost weight.. is now a crescent
A queen wears stolen crown jewels shining bright heisted from India.They glow in the light. The moon thief has also taken light.
She does herself array in sun owned rays.
You are the nectar the hummingbird the clover. You are the bloom, the bee, the Oerhoverer. You are the beloved the Love and the Lover.
Our hearts leapt each night when he walked in the door.. Sunset was our second sunrise.
Since he has left we have missed him every hour. Our earth sunset
will be Reunion's sunrise.
Eve angel does not evangelize. Mystic power flows from the lovelight in her eyes.
A tree stormbent horizontal.. had 7 parallel branches growing
straight up... like a parent who sacrificed for her children
Saints know the love of 1000 followers does not equal the love of God.. Many mothers know the love of many biological or adopted children does not equal that of the beloved husband
Only the most nurturing and empathic could help a cat live happily for 23 years.
The silver rule: to do some good for others. The golden rule.. to love others as we love ourselves. Some rare ones follow the diamond rule..
they silently love their families more than themselves.
Unlike the queen bee who stayed in 1 place because her wings were clipped by honey thieves, the mother bird stayed during the forest fire because her babies could not fly.
In spring he took them on Mayrides. In summer he took them on Dayrides.
In the fall he gave them hayrides. In winter he took them on sleighrides.
Many mothers and every tree are statues of nonliberty .. rooted by their love
En and Em make verbs from nouns as in enjoy and in embark Love too moves verbs
from confined nouns as it gives the rooted the wings of the lark.
As a youth he read only poetry, a bee supping only on nectar, an angel sipping ambrosia.
Hexagonal are honeycombs and snowflakes
and the columns in the Giant's Causeway that basalt makes
April south wind stirs October leaves of red into a mobile with no visible threads
Unlike a freshman's trunk, overpacked, clothes spilling out,
the epigrams of Gore Vidal... have a world in few words.
River carved Grand Canyon.. neither captured by a master's oils or a child's crayons
Frogs croaking, raindrops softly dropping, woodpecker sculpting, lark singing... in perfect
harmony.... the symphony of God 660
The wind's fingers stroke the tree harp and the tree's green fingers in turn stroke the wind.
God's creations: the notes of Mozart and John Moats' heart
The enraptured woodpecker raps his rhapsodies, in the apple trees and not the bush of raspberries
This master of jazz is Mine, said the Lord of all Jasmine
Like a green river valley is each of her poems. Strung together by the river, the nonviolent garland... takes us to the sea.
The sun strikes the icicle wands and they flow into flowers. The sun sparks the icicle batons
making the music of melting asterisking them with miracle drops
The applause for Pavarotti.. is as beautiful as his voice..
for it is the sound of many hearts beating as one each sending love through his hands.
Like bells on a sleigh harness are white pepper seeds strung
in the inner chambers of the jade belltower.
The bird orchestra has retired for the evening.. Later crickets leave off their chorus
But still the treefrogs played tirelessly for us
The ornithologist described the lark's 'plain appearance'. It was not
his fickle eyes but the ears of all who waited for her song.
When the night is most still then the nightingale's trill spontaneously spills
The artist paints the lily.. water colors dry on the canvas
.. but the lilyroots remain wet
The present's fleecy cloud wrapping is removed revealing
the jewel Sun streaming His own ribbons.
Poets you love are rungs on a ladder...
for your morning glory poems they become a lattice
Treeharps play without strings... nightingales begin to sing...bees forego their weapon stings... ..squirrels leap and twirl and swing.... drawn by hidden sacred spring
With discipline they queue before dawn cue
tuning their orchestra slowly..to sing to me and to you..
the note choir gathers sunfire.. as they sing Bird Gospel without surcease
of His constant providing, His Love, His Joy, His Peace

The sun does not preach as he the peach tree does impeach
Some Muslims think Christians are infidels. Some Christians think Muslims are going to hell.
Some Jews think you're only chosen if a Cohen, Levi, Marx or Rosen. Some Adventists think they're the only elect. Some Hindus think they're the most select. God loves all equally as
the sun pours forth his rays equally in all directions
The preacher was saved from a sermon about 'the london derriere' when someone
whispered to him it was 'The Londonderry Air'
Harrison and Henry machinegunned the stars.. but starlight kept glowing
.and they gave a new meaning to 'shooting stars' as their own stars continued to climb. 680
Why do I mind more the unripeness in others and me than I mind the green fruit on a sweet tree? Not until God's appointed hour will fruit become beesweet and not be sour
A child's cries in the store disappear with a cruel parent walking him out the door
but ....the cries remain in the heart
Humane slaughter.. an oxymoron.. from those who don't
know.. oxen aren't morons
As small flowers bloom at the tips of glaciers so do
unlucky children survive around cold parents.
Crocodiles shed crocodile tears which blend invisiblly with riverdrops
when they are underwater. They cry perhaps when they are hunted.
Margaret, when we see the Pieta, we think of you. But the
frozen marble of pain has turned to rising joy.
The ice does not in pain scream when in the sun he melts into stream nor does he scream when he climbs into spiraling steam.
We need rain to make a rainbow...through drops goes the glow...
of the palate of pastels which says "goodbye to hell"
As Peter Sellers playing Dr Strangelove would with his left arm keep lowering his right arm's heil..so did the paid pawns in the media occasionally forget to hide the strings
of their puppet masters before the people prevailed over the butcher-pharma-war profiteer and petroplutocracy
Cherish the hard cherrystones .. they are the chariots of new scarletrubycrimson cherries.. From their boundless charity come new cherry trees For them.. every year is a jubilee
God answers and unfolds all from time's yarn ball
Melting are the ice towers of Babel into the streams with their cheerful babble
and their iridescent rapids-born bubbles...as they flow on unscrolling their Bibles of joy
There is no crucifixion for the rivers flowing to the sea. Waterfalls
are a joyful experience for the pure waters of Spirit.
Mother bird, why worry. Don't scurry. Don't hurry. No flurry.
Your babies... they are safe.
Birds sit watching from the theatre's brick parapets waiting for me to
finish eating and feed them the rest
Why do doctors call their customers 'patients'? Is it to obscure the financial arrangement and the many hours wasted in waiting rooms for overbooked appointments?
Before the dandelions gold have their tents unrolled the black umbrella tents must unfold
To all beings manifests the mango tree... her manna gently and
gradually... Some rest as gifts in high grass baskets
He was alive because on that atom bomb day in Niigata the skies were gray *
Those who tried to colonize Vietnam
have written on water. 700
61 died that day in the 1st infantry in Vietnam. Rows of bodybags, the
fruit of war.. drying in noonday sun.
Oh God to You we give thanks... that in time Polish horses... defeat
Nazi tanks
How many have been blinded burned bombed or blown apart
by Hitler, Churchill, puppet presidents or Bonaparte?
Weary worker ants rest on moss pillows grown by the pussywillows while a
family of ducks floats on lake billows
Pansies fringe the rusting panzers
As the unchanging blue waters of the lake reflect
the gold, crimson, pink and saffron of the changing fall
so the peaceful soul absorbs the ups and downs of those
in crisis in answer to God's call
Above a battle dark smokegrey and bloodcrimson in surprise
and silent contrast break pastels from the palate of sunrise.
The fruit tree groves of life randomly grow
but Arlington's deathbloom graves... are set in rows
a deep pool at every waterfall base
.. postcrisis waters of God's resting grace
Shakti has become shanti. Power has become peace
God is rearranging the stars into a special script for you...
a fortune cookie strip of joy. a secret message, a puzzle
There are the stars of purple framed night
streaming peace, pouring light
Some call war profiteer cartels
'the US' but we the people of America
from Sacramento to Schenectady
reject such lying syndecdoches
Those who wend their way on the opposite
side of the road are not our foes. Each stays within the
lines as peace on both sides goes.
One has to choose between bomber pilots' wings and the whirring help of angel wings
As many like holy Uri Geller can with mindpower bend metal
so prayer and positive thought can defuse and melt weapons.
Downward falsified: war's casualty statistics ... truth raped by aims sadistic
Divine Mother Kwon Yin sometimes veils her beauty
that it not create fear in her children.. fear to approach her
The wind lullabies the lilac looms and fireflies
The storm was full of menacing dark clouds.. hard cold rain..treecleaving lightning ..
now it is over and in the twilight 3 rainbarrels brimful of rain.. shimmer in the starlit peace.
Atop them lattices of fallen leafy branch .. lifeboats for any country mice.
Beneath the morning star jewel.. arrive arrayed in gold the beams of dawn..
and though their swordshafts appear each other to pierce.. with crossfire and conflicting dreams
.. because they are made of light, they merge 720
When children are cremated by bombing their bodies' ashes require no enbalming
These innocent children of the poor.. now soldiers with the whole world on their exploited shoulders.. some of whom need to be resoldered
Nonviolent is the violet light which wakes us from the sleep of night. Gently comes the dawn's twilight each step taken oh so slight.
Worse than pedophiles is pedocide, abstractly bombing children from Florida computers
If a biologist teaches dissection is he a necrologist...
desensitizing teens to cruelty and killing, funneling them into
careers of animal carving, vivisection
Above, heaven's fields are a flaming flamingo feather pink while below palm trees'
flaming fronds fall set with people and animals on fire by bombs
a barberry bush with saffron leaves..... on its branches hang rows of crimson raindrops...
as if the bombing raids of the distant war had rained blood here
He was not drafted to warships but summoned to worship.. not to soldiers' gassing
by 'friendly fire' but called to the Higher Fire
Waves scalloped shield the scallops. Blue lips and cherrystones
hide protected by Neptune's throne.
In the Party Green welcome are all shades of Green except for the green in the burger's gangrene
He ends the blood of unjust wars. Red is his peaceward passion. He works to end all suffering.
Blue is his deep compassion. He always shows silent serenity. White is his shadeless dispassion.
Willow branch fingers trace in the pond painting the water.. sunset gold
As fog fragments and imagination's figments
swell trees and do new figs mint,
so every good wish is answered by God...
(yet 'the chains of gold bind as much as the chains of iron')
Where aqua sky meets deep blue sea, the hearth of the
orange sun was in the west. Through the night miraculously
the entire fireplace was moved to the east, as resistant
thoughts can join winners between dusk and dawn.
Rotting fruit contains living seeds which shelter infinite
Bright sunwands as they unfurl cause the chrysanthemum to uncurl
.. so cause loverays unbidden to ope heartchambers long hidden
Because the water trough has several leaks
the apples on the tree nearby have rosier cheeks\
and Look! how have grown the lovely lilacs
because the roof does leak
Santa may have 1 sleigh, but Abba's sleighs are infinite..
endless is the pouring of their gifts.
It was not a peace officer's rooflight but the sun flashing
hello in the rear view mirror, saying the past of everyone
is holy.
The mosquito was trying to be like the bee who avoided all blood including
A or B positive as he buzzed around being positive 740
A patch of moss moose-marred ...where
the rain pooled in his print, mice make merry .. before
mirroring the Evening Star
The darkest before the dawn does the dew create
and rests the dormant doorman.
The cornucopia within cornstarred cobs and cones of pine
Out of great Nought, visualizing thought, electric blue prints
have for each wrought what she or he sought
.. what she or he sought...turning to 'be' from every 'ought'
(to the Kinneys of Korea and other points)
Every raindrop is a crystal ball
foretelling thoughts of perfect rainfall.
Electrically thoughts magnetize matter's tiny particles
as the skeleton of a sunken ship attracts barnacles.
The break of day! The crack of dawn! Look not at night's
shellshards but at the newbird sun!
What her omnipotent heart ordained, her obedient will obtained.
(to the mother of S B Everett and J Brunner)
When comes eternal noon? When soul turns around each no to on.
Rising waters in a quarry.. fill every niche and nave..
Spirit's rising waters grant each desire in heart cave.
A single silent green light empowered a line of awesome truck might. A single
band of pink dawning light
pushed back the entire greyblanket of night.
Can one brake the break of day? Can one brook the coming dawn?
When the pond was smashed by his clenched fist.. it became a cradle rocking for the little fish God transmutes anger into love
Sun rays weave Out of eternal ethers.... into purple heather ... as tiny thought feathers... become love's tethers.. melding 2 together
We are chambered nautili.. in each new life in more spacious chambers we lie..
until we return to God... by and by
As rainarrows are released before the rain bow appears, thoughts precede action.
As God is infinite, universal, unconditional, perfect Love, all beings are written into The Book of Life.
Every mature tree from twig to root yearns to be home for flocks of birdfruit.
In the mountains...God has massed his thunder. Belief can hasten the power's breaking asunder.
You can reshuffle the deck of fate anytime. You can multiply the aces you are given..infinitely. 760
Peapicking, pecan pecking plum plucking, pear pickpocketing squirrel
packs his loot in his cheeks
Only a tiny line of blue says the sea is on the horizon. Only a tiny line of pink says the sun is about to be rising. Only a raindrop on a leaf but it reflects many stars.
Only a smile on the face sparks timely grace
The despised weed ..the rejected wallflower ..the most shaded place
Job seemingly God-abandoned... the ugly duckling ..reindeer Rudolph before the foggy night
but now the square moves to trine and materializing dreams do them entwine
Blue spruce spires... their steeples point to blue star fire
Out of the sea the sun aborning Not adorned but all adorning
With His awesome light of morning Says to you "Come! My Mavoorning!" (to Ethel Lynch)
O God Dweller in the Heart of Every Being, release now and forever the joy latent in all
Jack in the Pulpit has taken up silence.. to his new sermon none said
'ahem' ...many said 'amen'...
Pen chisel carves tunnel out of feelings' mine cavein
God and humans both know of love unreturned. The difference is: about this God is unconcerned.
Held the dew the concave butternut better than the convex buttercup
From all eyes shines God's light ... from every human, bird, fish and mite
The mind of a genius is a sky piled high with lightning forked thunderclouds.
The desireless mind of a master is blue with nary a cloud.
She was not forced to walk the plank into the ocean of her Self ... she was ready to jump
Deity winds blow into the Lungs, the Temple of Breath
Sipping from a teacup he mulled over the day's deeds ... from a teacup brewed from red clover seeds
Trees of January like Job continue to lift their arms in prayer
though they are powerless, unable to speak or move, their leaves stolen.
He took off his boots, but still the discalced elephant
caused harm and so he decided to meditate in the pond.
As a telescope turns the pinprick of light into the jewel of Jupiter, meditation gives tangible proximity to God who indwells all
He feared when he died he would slide to hell down a slippery funnel but God told him he'd rise to him... through a lightfilled tunnel 780
The bees' buzzing omkar to blooming little stars
One thought Britannia once ruled the waves. Another thought: India rules the quiet depths.
The sun does nothing but meditate.. yet flow his rays in 360 cubed ways. He is focused on one point, but his energy transforms..all points.
As he saw.. his fears were allayed..for there was the sun
in mornlight arrayed.. there were the trees with springblooms sprayed....answered were the prayers.. that he had prayed
Sunrise does night shadows shatter.. for all sre Spirit
not their bodies' matter
Knowing that if he took any more animals in his ark would
sink, he began to pray.
Flowers don't chase bees. It is to the safe meditator at the treebase and not to the hunter that
the shy deer comes. Her serene quiet heart magnet.. like a crystal ball
invokes the form she desires.
As rivers slowly deposit their sands in the sea... and suddenly there is a new sandbar..
so God's angels stream slowly into our minds.. suddenly a complete vision appears
Faster than God answers when His Name is invoked are His
responses to cries of agony whether silent or sounded.
Dreams are messages in a bottle washed upon our shores from the ocean of God. They are script of the night seeded by angels.
Is it easier for meditaters to focus on a form than on the void?
How can one pinpoint infinity?
They tangle the edge of the river with vines", to me in meditation said the Divine... not meaning that one should walls de-vine... but attachment reduces the current of shakti He reminds.
Not in the morning (mourning) pond does the Lion wash his blood", He said to writer in meditation. So many meanings of this koan... one of which was that the evening pond, pink with the glow of the setting sun, does not reflect the blood on the lion's muzzle. Listeners should see only the divine in others.
The dawn is dewing. The awakened, doing. The bee is beeing. The yogi, being.
A willow grows by living waters but a lotus lily is by them surrounded
As the branchweave is a grid through which we see the sky
so does the mindgrid the One reality distort and divide
Only God is God fullblown. The rest are God in bud.
Visualizing gentle weather... billions together.. humanity becoming one bird flock moving together
When someone projects negativity , it's as if
a painter invaded his victim's home and painted that ones kitchen black.
She came across a mirror crying and she did ask him why..
he paused.. and then..this was his reply:
the warrior says I'm violent The courtesan that i'm a slut
The little boy: I'm immature.. The overweight.. likes not my gut
Onto us God's projection of His own perfection
melts away our thoughts of rejection.
Younger souls project darkness onto what old souls do
as waters reflect in darker hues, the aqua of sky blue 800
Some people are Mirror Lake, sparkling in the sun's reflection.
But don't dive in... for there are hidden sharp projections.
One cannot add enough antibiotic powder to make safe coprophagous clams' chowder
To abstain from eating beings of the main is safest in the main
The flame of both lard candles and pure ones can transmit fire... and glow with spirit light.
Nevertheless he bought only pure ones..... because pigs and cows have rights.
Among nature's purifiers are wind, water, earth, and pure fire
John Kennedy wanted a Mercury mission, but not mercury emissions
The health department establishment tell us to wash our hands frequently...
yet re the filth of eating animal cadavers... they're on a silent frequency
As one honking horn disturbs hundreds of ears, so one angry word shatters peace into pieces.
Dawn's breaking quiet begets bees' buzzing riot.
Three quiets merge.. the silent snowsift.. night's fall swift and the stillness of the wilderness
God has said to revile none.. rather to revel as He God as Love indwelling each reveals
Raindrop circles expand in the pond.. echoes of the silent splash
Yogis sometimes roll up the red carpet of welcome, the speaking tongue.
Bright orange trumpet flowers grow like clapperless bells.. as saffron clad monks prefer silence
The boat leaves foam wake. The canoe, ripples. But geese leave no trace as they fly.
Misogynists wish women to be tongueless belles, as silent as the meadow's tongless bluebells
Basho taught us the pond has no sound no refrain.. until violated by a frog, a stone, or fingers of the rain
The pain-inflicting doctors who play at science debark captive dogs so that they may hurt in silence.
Love's quiet triumphs over hate's loud trumps
Mums outlast lilies. Her silence always outlasted speech.
Sunny dandelion tents collapse for the night. Birdwings infold in the purple twilight.
Shutters close but peeps through the inner light. Eyelid screens fall.. for dreammovie delights. 820
The sweet echoes of the green-girt geckos sweetly foil the sound of silence
Near the jade pepper temple hung with quiet white chimes
grows the citrus tree weaving translucent veils of lime
Fluffy flakes fell, flickering in the starlight, flecking the lamplight.
Oh Julie .. God's sun is shining She is grapevining and the grove tree now she's liming
Oh what a blessed relief! to see April the trees re-leaf! and a windbussed Noreasterfragrant with Easter melt away the last ice-lings of grief.
the bee the purple blooms did rape .. and now there are sweet violet grapes
Jesus said 'greater power shall I give to you'.... the power to be resurrecters..... only confining thoughts can limit our actions
A fallen petal of a purple rose fell onto the clover... I thought until I spied
it was a butterfly.. who unfolded her wings and flew up high
Glass shatters.. neath sunfire.. each shard reflecting his orb entire
The Great Lord can behind him twirl... vast universe' gyrating
swirl... that his rebellious insurection
.... become his glorious resurrection
No lid for the cups of sunlemony buttercups..
they just infold to escape night cold..
but in the morn... once again unrolled...
once again their cheery chalices of gold do dewy dawn hold
One upright responsible pier pillar after another yields in the night to the
hegemony of the flowing tide.
Those who took opposition roles...
were midwives of her strengthened soul
The sun arises and rouses the rose. In raspberries,
His arisen rays are rose.
A wee teardrop reflects a star. The tears dry.. remain the stars.
Meet the sea the icebergs melted
.. and now reflect the sunrise molten
Every dawn a straight rainbow of promise is on the horizon
...heralding each heartsun's rising.
As resoldered metal is stronger than when first forged,
so the resurrected are paradoxically more perfect than
the Godcreated original
The soul's essence is ever in God's presence, and unharmed by the
fires of creation or the ashes of cremation.
He was so loved by all creatures that when it rained
a cloud served as his umbrella. 840
Filling every inch of the line of floodcracked cement
is a thread of velvetjade moss
In the empty chalice of the rivercarved grand canyon
dawn has drawn with gold pink orange light crayons.
Candle flame fear not results if you ignite the snuffed candle's reborn light.
As a clock with no hands can register time as the sun plays across its face, so Spirit needs no body in order to manifest its power.
How has each apple tree's barren branch.. burst to wands of blooming blanch?
At the base of the birdfeeding pole, a perfect circle frames it... the lace trace of birdprints, as they ate the seeds which had a precipitous fall
God the Divine Genie is waiting in the bottles of all hearts
to answer wishes.
On Ararat rests the ark. A rainbow is born in the dark. Out of silence bursts
the joyful song of the lark.
Night swallows the swallows' trails and swallowtails. Dawnfire resurrects them
Within all beings the Spirit dwells removing all cursing spells, creating tongs for soundless bells, wanding every halfshell into full shell.. causing stone hearts with love to swell..
The feathers of the Phoenix bird are not always flakes of fire..
sometimes they are mercy's falling waterdrops
Out of the pain of hell so low.. was born of goodbye the sweetest hello
Over the mountain's Eastern ridge Of a sudden came Mornlight's dawnbridge
Which distilled into Matter And became a light ladder ...transporting them Wherever they wished.
As he graces moated castles with spring's pastel tassles, the sweet pea king is beyond peeking
into power behind thrones in Peking or who will be the British king
Bluebirds sit on the barren black branches of a winter tree.. It is not their gentle touch which will resurrect him but the God ever within himself.
Out of the humus, born of humility.. springs the lily.
to Jesus' fig tree: He did belittle you.. but soon he'll bebig you.. and in the spring with blooms he will wig you..
In summer he'll summon jade garb to resprig you.. And this fall with figged twigs he'll refig you
From the Palisades we saw a diamond backed rattler radiant in the sun
.. rippling his rattle arcing to strike the Cuyahoga Valley to evergreen life...
.. in every drop of his river flux shining with the sun's own lux
Who besides a snake can swim in the grass?
Call no demon names. Focus on his divine core. See the gold
within his ore. 860
Sooner or later ...even Satan's minions ...are beyond opinions lifted by Love's universal pinions.
A playing boy's discarded stick became the father heron's
beakborn gift... for their nest a new twig ...
the rejected stumbling block.. to the temple's
cornerstone he lifts
Said the mother fly to her gay child..... be strong when the cruel
call you a maggot faggot
Dawn tiptoes... and treetoads' toes.... she tips with rose
The spilled seeds swept out the door became corn on the cob from corn on the curb.
Light passes through trillions of unique beings' prisms. Each
prism casts a unique pattern of light. But every one of them is
light. Everyone is truth for that being.
In every weed the angels nod, as she spins her lace from sod. Only boundless love is fit for God.
The ants who build wee little hills in the cracks of sidewalks trust in the gentleness of humankind.
In the cartoon a man with a manicured crewcut perfect lawn shook his rake at a stray puppy and yelled 'go home!'. A cartoon script bubble pointed to the dog....as she was
thinking "I don't have a home."
The most beautiful places are the emptiest spaces
Birds are happy with the branches of a dead
tree on which to rest...dead sticks with which to build a nest.
In the sea, a zillion strong singing each his own song,
every sweet sponge.
Archivists are wavecounters.
Fast weaving privacy screens, bamboo curtains
.when alive.make the world beautiful.. it is certain
Not dressed in uniform is the rose.. but she is clad in civilian clothes. Informants
thought she must be working under cover.. with some of her petals furled and close.
Such a simple thing... a ball of string ... to help the vine grow.... to the spring
Never did the tree of beech or the palm on the beach or the orchard's fragrant peach
.. of the sun his light beseech
By the babbling brook and the bubbling fountain near the bobbing buoys
and boats with baby boys birds are bibbing dew
and bees are bibbing too
We go by much too fast the hidden gates to see
.. the quiet love.....silent caring.. anonymous frequencies.
He makes the microscope... a macroscope..
as he magnifies for mere mortals the rights of the minuscule 880
Maple leaves... gold stars.. gently fall down.... Mother Earth giving everyone an A
She was criticizing him. the words hurt.. yet rivers of rosepurple light flowed from
her hands and feet.. like a song whose lyrics were lost in the exquisite melody
When angels see someone risk his own safety to speak the words of truth and peace, they give of their own feathers to wing his words. And God then multiplies their wings.
The squid ink of war’s imbedded journalists.. is meant not to clarify but to obscure with dark clouds.
Amod told me of Waccha Siddhi...which means that one always tells
the truth, devas and angels turn his words into reality.
Mirrors do lie ... they fail to show God the Indweller... residing in each being.
As their voices are one in sound so the choir's uniforms convey they act as one, whether it is humans in a church chorus or frogs in a seaside symphony.
A champion racehorse at the winning line, unattached, eating the
blooms of his victory wreath
The apple tree's blooms spun by sun looms dropped for fruit to make
room .. swept away by wind broom
Wishing order he'd been a cuthappy lust-er but entranced by tiger
lilies' lustre he began to leave alone God's surprising little clusters
The conductor must choose between the proferred bouquet and
the baton, between the past and the future.
A white heron flock flies across the jade cypress swamp canvass. A
script of winged words triumphant.
My Jesus is the Lover of the Prodigal Son, the 100th lamb, the leper, the sinner, the prostitute,
the demon possessed, the crucified thief. His sacred heart sees only how to end the suffering.
The grape vine's love has the junk yard conquered
.. greenpeacing its metal with grapes of concord
There are many paths over the bay.. the stone bridge.. the foam wake of boats..
.. the glowing path of the sunset..
Icarus, after several tries, is now one with the sun. Sisyphus, first helped by angels, and
then on his own, has taken the stone to the hilltop. Juliet, schooled in the holy art of
resurrection, has vivified Romeo. Duryodhana is a hero of nonviolence now and the
Indian revolutionaries who were by their occupiers cannonized... are now canonized.
Music invoked by baton. Lightning drawn by the rod. Metal drawn to magnet. Compassion summons God.

Will, your winded wings will win.
The wind whispers to the willow wisps... they grow with new will
Love whips not our poor wills.. but summons
hearts like whippoorwills 900
The stars change their courses and revolve around those who align to omnipotent resolve
Over a summer God turned the soundless dew into juice of lime. Long ago in an instant Jesus turned water into wine. Now in a moment the Higher Power of the surrendered alcoholic turns wine.. back into water.
Let me not eat the fortune within the cookie nor the mango's seed
.. nor through indiscipline fork myself in the heart
He never takes no for an answer He mines for love
with a diamond drill.. His endurance is an act of will
Grace and hope the parents of will There are no walls Where there is will.
A full moon face shining with empathy for all... a profile as craggy as the Himalayas
Said the vine of her wine: "I can't I can't. I shall not recant. It is
not I who abused my grapes....but she who did the bottle decant"
Wind chimes play not on time... but when the Spirit moves through trees of lime.
The South Wind has for the evening donned jasmine scent*
The wind weaves many white caps so quickly for the blue sea
Mother Wind moves the water rocker to and fro on the stormy sound's deeps. On the boatcradle by lapping waves she is softly lulled to sleep.
The wind has blown away the cloud cover.. and the pond's reflection from grey to blue clover
Clouds' whitewaterweave covered the sky.. and yet everywhere there was a patch of blue.. it was a different hue... here aqua.. there cerulean... or teal or indigo
The east wind blowing westward marries the falling rain
turning her attention elsewhere
Crosswinds quilt the Connecticut River ever so slightly but still the waters flow to the sea.
As gauzy veils lie on the shoulders of the slender, as avalanche clouds pour through tall firs, as morning mist rolls through ship masts, do monsoon clouds flow over the peaks of the Himalayas
Froggie croaks on his rock dais encircled by dizzy daisies all the day long.
The wind makes them wave in applause.
They thought her a clinger and him upright and stable. But it was the tomato vine and
not the tomato stake which put all the food on the table.

Inside the soft peach flesh lives hard peach pit. Inside the hard peach pit.. eternal pink peach fire.
Inside the sheep's clothing lives hard heart wolf. Inside the wolf's belly the wolf planned the lamb.
But instead.. inside wolf's heart the Lamb of God.
The sunset dyed red cloud like Jesus' Turin shroud
rinsed by night of blood in purity shines outloud. 920
On an Asheville spring hillside.. the divine lamplighter
ignited the mountain laurel's purple candelabra.. with her
constant praise to the Son and Abba
A spiral swirl of windwed weed Each tiniest wheat-hued needle caught a globe of dew.
.. a crystal rosary of 59 beads already goldchained inside...awaiting only the Jeweler
of Morning to forge thislinkling and lift this love aloft to the Lord
If it's kind and in prayer you ask it, God has it for you in an Easter basket... and rarely this even involves... raising someone from her casket.
O Ganga in Bangladesh may you never again be the goddess of
The glow of Poornachandra... gives birth to Poornananda.
After God ordered ocean to quaff the flooded world He sent a ribboned rainbowto say Never More...But when Neelakanta drank venom of the globe He sent polyribboned rainbowl:
a sky of liquid ore!
His biographers said that Ramana Maharshi first fed the animals at his ashram, then the beggars, next the visitors, then the ashram
residents and finally himself.
Her rattles Kali snake in a dance does shake When she strikes the curtain falls and maya is shown as a fake
The cloud darkens, Indra drops gray grace. Baba's fingers will and drop vibuthi gray grace
In the distance mighty roar many leagues birds flew to see onto which the Ganga pours
Shiva's brow Almighty. Eternal mist of cataract Wed to Light of Iswar's eye
bears Ganesh of Parvati.. Rainbow of Eternity
The olive tree is the altar of Allah. On it Allah has placed free olives for all.
Does anyone yearn for sunset more than a pious person fasting during Ramadan?
A dreammaker whispered this to dreamer: "Hazrat.... Love for this came humankind into the world. Seeking and finding it they need
come no more
Drawn to morning prayer, a flock of birds, not having removed their
shoes, dance an airborn minuet round and round the minaret
Oh Bawa Muhaiyaddeen... you filled your simple mosque in a poorer part of town with white light... your love so strong that babies crawled to you from their mothers.
The Quran says many times that Allah is All Merciful. The mercy of Allah embraces all.
It was said of Mohammed that he came across a mother cat and her kittens sleeping on his
cloak. Rather than awaken and move her, he cut away for himself only that portion of the
cloak on which she did not lie. He had been a camel driver. He would allow none to beat
camels, and reminded others to feed them well.
Buddha was a Hindu. Jesus was a Jew. Getting caged in labels.. blocks the God in
me and you.
God's lightning cleaved the heaven's asunder.. and out of them S/He spake in thunder...
There is no such thing as a Jewish hunter!"
The Torah says to feed ones animals before oneself. They are voiceless and need help
in bringing food down from the shelf. 940
They accused Noah of being an animal hoarder... but his heart
had no other options

The Buddhist saw that when his wrist was tired the Wind came and moved
his prayer wheel for him. Spirit Breath comes and goes
and the lung prayer wheels move to and fro.
A 3 year old baby girl..in a Chinese restaurant.. wiping the window glass for her parents.. in desirelessness she refused pennies, paper, toys....her radiant smiles clothing all in her joy
This purple bloom of milkweed.. its sphere made of 108? spears
symbolic of the Buddha.. 10000 lives taking him to perfection
No creature is thought a pest in compassionate Budapest..so great is Buddha's Spirit in allembracing Budapest.
Day by day the vine has crept While others soundly slept.. up the trellis she has stepped,and where climatis has for joy her petaled purples wept Buddhists have only with feather brooms swept
Saffron robed monks Buddhist are seldom seen in seaside camps nudist
Light ribbons from the Buddha's full moon do his holy shrine festoon. His Spirit moves the
bamboo grove... by the lagoon.
A Tecumseh museum... with axes and knives hanging from the walls. His Spirit walks through the large highup room opening each
shutter. One is then aware only of the supernal blazing light.
*1 Atheists cannot see infrared or ultraviolet rays, nor hear more than an
Infinitesimal fraction of sound wave frequencies. Atheists know the tiniest sliver of knowledge. Only the omniscient know all the factors and are entitled to judge what is real and what is not.

A gentle cow reading Leviticus found that cloven hoofed animals
are forbidden for food. And so she did cleave each of her four.
Above.. the starstrewn sky Below.. a landmine-sown earth lies.
Above the pastel spray of breaking day... below the battlefield's crimson and gray
At a defense contractor luncheon, the eagle ice sculpture drips water
from his melting beak. Frozen form
becomes all form. The waters of peace are flexible not rigid.
May no illegitimate
leader's illegal wars hasten any 'til death us do part'
Babe issued a press release.. "they tell fibs..
.. I have no ribs to spare.. no spare ribs"
Because of her the world will sooner bring.. a world of no more
suffering.. where none are swallowing....a chicken's or a swallow's wing
Butchers unthinkingly smash the hour glasses of mammals' lives.
Do plants have feelings? said one and the other replied:
Wallflowers must have broken hearts. 960
Emma Wood said 'animals love vegans'... It's also true that
plants love fruitarians.
Factory farmed hens: unloved they are born.. nameless they
live... innominate they die... ungrieved in stomachs they are buried
He stopped fishing for reasons of mercy
and saved himself from radiation, worms, lead and mercury.
How do the words of the Peaceful Master become the tirades of
warmonger pastors?
How many daisies does a daisy cutter bomb cut?
In India the bloody footprint of Alexander's throne
lasted as long as a twig cleaves the sea into which it is thrown.
It is not recorded in the words of Tennyson
that Ben Franklin got sick when he ate venison
Kneeling to God, all weapons' Wielder, he became a
weapons yielder.
Lambs go more quietly to their murder than pigs. Pigs fight
hard against the knife wielders.
Less likely to suffocate fishes or cause their suffering
are suffragettes and meditative Sufi rings.
Little chick fertilized within the eggshell basket
.. Of Thee God he asked it... that none turn the little shell into a marble casket
Many are footprints of the harshly shod which have trod smashing little ones between the booted and the sod
Neither the barbs of the blackberry bush nor the thorns protecting the rose act aggressively.
NASA secreted hundreds of mice into the hold of the shuttle. Each was a
spacemouse.. each was a scapemouse.
Neath obsolescent mower it used to be that crickets make a final peep.
Fireflies' lanterns snuffed beneath the skies. Bumblebees' pollination
stops Caterpillars do not become butterflies
Seldom are birdwatchers seen... in factory farms
Oh a cockroach is better luck than a cricket upon the hearth.. for
she magnetizes to your home those who love every heart
That general bombed so many into bodiless realms stygian. Now his stone statue has
new epaulets... the droppings of the pigeons
Robins need not squabble over a stick for their 2 nests.. for there are dead sticks everywhere.
Spaniards are ending the waving of red flags toward crucified bulls, as everywhere the white flags of mutual surrender to God flap, and the wind rustles the pink flags of thyme......
all flags of earth peaceful in time
She defends not only underdogs but undercats, undercows, and underpigs, underchickens and underfishes. 980
The boats which to their slaughter ship sheep are never shipshape.
The fire in the mob's hate torches does not always color within the lines.
The God indwelt beetle sanctifies the holy rose.
The trash truck comes around, its treeslapping height
leaving a mobile of severed spring leaves in its wake... its mechanized pickup
not knowing what living tiny mice or human corpses might be inside
They cleave off innocent pigs' cloven hooves
... yet the scarlet blood does not crimson
the purple fields of clover
If his heart is a bud.. not yet fullblown will he understand the iris' unfolding sermon
or care about how they freeze the tongues of captured ermine... will they know yet
that rats and mice are not vermin
Trillions of animals' agonized cries through the years echoing in our ears....
in agony beseeching God "When will you hear?"
Up peep and pop the poppy pods.
Does their scotching and scorching please Papa God?
Can not heroin be controlled without harm
to Mother Nature's plants and sod?
We have nothing to offer you say the cows of their gravy
but our blood sweat and tears.
A bee willing to hang upside down in drooping blooms
will harvest more honey. But the converse is not true..
those who work the hardest are not those who make the money.
The horse has run her heart out for her 'owner''s bank
account.. and her reward? the slavery of a stall before a Mexican slaughterhouse.
Ralph Nader works for consumers, Casey Kasem for consum-ees
Angels please make more clever plants of clover... that they hide from cleaving mowers
Once when a riverflood had created many beyondbank pools in which thousands of fish were trapped as waters slowly receded..he spent 3 nights and days\ bucketing them back to the mainstream..and to life.
The hound was haunted by the hind he had hunted. Over the months God to him hinted he should no longer hurt any harts nor harm any hinds.. Now he, the hound, no longer hunts and so by hinds is no longer haunted.
"Straighten up and fly right" said his father..but his son misheard it as 'fly rights' and sallied forth to organize the untouchable maggots of the world
The portable dairy of the mother dromedary..Is it meant for humans or the baby dromedary?
That baby boy squirrel eats the apple peels.. turning them round and
round with his tiny hands..like someone chewing on a new thoughtfrom all angles.... but
he eats pine cones like corn on the cob
When a horse is hanging upside down in an abbatoir, is the building called a slaughterhorse?
The bright orange wings of the Baltimore Oriole are not as radiant as his spirit's aureole 1000
Chanel Number 5 had ambergris from sperm whales, civet from the civet cat, musk, (38 musk oxen castrated for 1 oz of musk oil), and castor from the Canadian beaver.
Should it have been called Chanel Number 41?
Some of the chores of the scullery maid..... to throw tiny birds' skulls into the trash and then to store the marmelade
Little parachute samaras.. maple seedlings.. gather in the gutters of homes and streets. Little treasure troves.. who will become groves.. if left alone in places unmowed. Those who give them a nod.. let them burst from the sod.. let them break from their podsfor they've been sent by God
A. asked "Which fork is used in proper etiquette
to spear the animal's flesh?" B replied: "Not one... not a single one"
Pearls are sphered articles.. mucus covered sand particles
'untimely ripped' from coprophagous oysters
.. themselves torn from their gentle cloisters
What is a quadrapus? An octopus after run over
and vacuumed up by a suffocating fish trawler
Human cannibals eating castrated bulls’ canned balls hoping to
become hard cannon balls merely cause themselves prostate cancer
He needed no special logic to intuit how to raise the low life expectancy of Inuit
Tolstoy was monogamous..Gandhi .. nonzoophagous. Maybe a rhinoceros or hippopotamus
are polygamous Maybe most lions and tigers carnivorous but human beings are designed
to be monogamous... Humans designed frugivorous
Every pork loin is from an innocent pig purloined. Every pork chop from a little pig painfully chopped
Noah was saved on the ark from the quandary of accepting sharks.
For they could swim in the seas and not harm those inside the barque.
God has put a 'do not disturb' sign over the green shelled limpets cozily nesting in lime waters limpid
The semantics of human chauvinism.... verbs and a noun to obscure the murder of animals..
scotch, dispatch, cull, harvest, euthanize*, thin, bag, sticking
It is dormancy and not hypocrisy to eat cows and object to hippophagy.
The frightened calf Harriet saw the cowboy as Iscariot mounted on a slavehorse chariot
twirling his neckbreaking noose lariat.
For their fur coats men murdered ermine
A little mouse whose name is Herman they called by the most cruel name vermin
Out of each creature's eyes in each being's body shrine do light and love divine for every being shine
Some day the acacia leaves will forgive giraffes and in the presence of koala bears
bamboo shoots will laugh.. while the cows will be welcomed by each blade of grass
Does God prefer to see caterpillars eat to create their wings.. rather than fiight snuffing humans
eating others creatures' wings
Croquet balls near wickets, golf balls in thickets, are seldom respecters of the rights of crickets 1020
The sound of the raptor wings of the kestrel is not to other birds music orchestral
Was he a suicide bomber bee.. protecting his hivefellows from the heavy tread of human boots
and the polycidal insecticide planes? Was he a David bee taking on a Goliath 10,000 times his size? Yet he flew away without being killed.. nor did he kill the man he stung
Caged the yellow winged cockatiel. Crushed for redcoats the cochineal.
Millions more do not fish.. (a verb made from killing the noun)
They're not suffocating creatures.. no beings strangling... no longer angling... not causing
panicked beings' dangling in deathlines entangling
Re factory farms Californian to Carolinian and Virginian, puppet pastors with paid for opinions say humans over animals have dominion, as butcher minions chain saw bird pinions.
He thought it better to have canneries for cranberries than canneries for canaries

Capricorns are antiquarians while Aries' breakouts seem antiantiquarian
.. Friendly to both are God and kind aquarians.
The painter's smock is daubed with the pastels of his palate. He has become one with his painting. While his portrait is concentrated
and Virgo specific his abstract smock is pastels light-full and Pisces pacific.
A flaming feather of the Pluto firebird fell to earth's floor... a sign of God's guarding guiding grace..
for He loves us evermore evermore evermore
33 degree water can be colder than 32 degree ice for it is not barred from entering the skin
When Cancer forgives and has no fear... cancer can disappear
Aries spring each being frees from capricorn's winter freeze
Where scorpio's silent underground springs burst into joy as sagittarian geysers…there she dwells and everywhere
Neptune opposes red mars.. his angry glow melts near other stars... as daily the sunball dips his fire... into the sea entire... resurrected mars is more pacific... less target specific
It was July..needles had fallen to the floor from his Christmas tree.. It was festooned with spider webs. but the lights still blinked on and offin his evening window..and to passersby gave a strange cheer
Suicidal bombing is very bad. Much worse is polycidal bombing by pilots or drones.
For Mars she was an item on the menu, but Venus had a change of venue.
A star is a cluster of luster..
He hadn’t realized that meat was an addiction, with its uric acid or trioxypurine a stronger craving than coffee’s caffeine or dioxypurine
An idea for a screenplay. If you like it, it is yours. An autopsy reveals a man has been poisoned by arsenic. His wife is arrested. After an hour and a half of plot regarding the agony of confinement, the procurement of an attorney, the shame etc.,. at the 11th hour an expert witness testifies that her husband ate fish 5 dinners a week for several years, and that he had eaten not only arsenic which accumulates in the fish flesh but other heavy metals as well. The wife goes free. She was the cook who made the meals, but had no desire to kill him..
The mirror does not hold onto any face and therefore is able to show him or herself to the next person, as the noninterrupting listener who does not project judging is able to help in healing.
*JBO told many including her nephew Luke to avoid sushi because it
Contained liver flukes.




My love for you a yearling became... many eons ago.
His dogs and cats cannot read.. save the script of his soul
They cannot write..except on his heart
As a tide floats all boats ..As great music lifts all lyrics
..so do love's spirit pinions ..give wings to all opinions.
At dawn the emperor sun breaks forth from the lair of mars but in the evening he
disappears behind cloud curtains to the chamber of venus.
Living shrimp in a bucket looked up at me with their penetrating sweet black eyes on stalks.
Cloud maya makes the sun appear to wink at you. But his love
is constant, not on and off.
Compass needles are magnetized to the north
but compassion unencompassed in all directions pours.
The sun yellow of the solar plexus, the healing greens and pinks of the heart,
the blue of the throat, indigo of the third eye, blazing white, gold and violet of the crown
entwine in a rainbow and pour forth to the world.
Did the Creator gave rats and snakes and bugs and weeds
life and then not give them feelings?
For love the model forsook the runway. From that shallow world she did run away.
Her love awaited at the airport Monday. That eve they taxi'd down the runway.
Ribboned sunbeams, his words wing me.
He aspired to be a Venutian rather than a martyr.. to follow
the path of venus' love rather than sometimes angry mars.
He no longer harms daisies or their petals shreds.. to ask if her love for him has been shed.
His empathic heart is always giving command performances for anyone in need.
A warm day in November... a leaf came calling down..
but then he flitted up... it was not a falling flutterby... but a rising butterfly!
Love the fan makes spark the fire Love the focus creates form from desire Love the finescreen turns firehose to mist Love the filter sees Pharisee as Christ Love the factory where miracles are fashioned. Love the furnace freezing hearts have sought. Love the fruit tree with gifts for all laden. Love the filings on the greatest magnet caught.
Because I was taught in school to objectify animals, it was easier not to think about eating their murdered body pieces. Why should I use the pronoun 'it' to refer to animals? They aren't objects nor genderless.
Is the fact that God is Universal Love a license to be
promiscuous, polyamorous, polygamous or polyandrous.?
In his heart bell hung a tong which struck every time
he caught sight of her or heard her voice.
Knowing that froggie fear was engendered by horse hooves,
Pegasus grew wings and then he arose framed by a sky of orange pink and rose.
Love is a purifier more sacred than pure fire.
Love limited, love circumscribed, love lukewarm is by God decried.
Love not force rides the horse.
Love surrounds hate as the sea laves icebergs.
Hate is frozen Love. God is Love which will melt all hate
Love was the priest who married them.
Lust says the whole is not as great as the part but
Love flows whole from its temple in the heart.
A baby who lies untouched in cradle.. a child who sits untouched in a crib.. will grow up thinking he's unlovable.. feeling he is untouchable.
Mongers in the name of love heartshaped candies sell.
But our landlord lives God's love in every single cell.
More precious because he'd waited so long to hear.. the most beautiful lyrics... 'I love you' in his ears.
A match does not an iceberg ignite nor does a waterdrop survive in a forest fire . We are influenced by the company we keep.
Allgiving sun passes light... through persimmon tree leaf filters.. filling her fruit
with lovepotion juice...paradisical philters
Phone wires pinker glow as love reconnecting flows
Roses are pink. Violets are violet. Our love for you
is forever inviolate
She is my beloved sister...off all who come her way the assister.
She was baptized in water by her brother's rare tears..
baptized in fire by her mother's unshed tears
Sleeping Beauty is awake inside each being, but some of us
need the kiss of unconditional love to know we are made of love
Some criticized him for sharing his journal, , but most
were grateful that he had invited all into his heart
Some human beings frighten the birds. They are animated scarecrows,
but there are others who attract them near and far. They are carecrows.
Suddenly out of the green, pops a trillium. Of fields elsewhere, the sun lilies em
Suddenly out of the blue, the ship on the horizon Suddenly out of the purple, love's eve rising.
The Lord of Love laves his lilies in light.. and lets dandelions and ivy leaves alone to live
The love of the heart has surrounded the mind's knife of
criticism sheathing it with silence.
The peony sphere has no perfume.. until she opens the petals of her heart
The same God shines through the prisms of all eyes.
They suddenly knew they wanted to avoid pain and much trouble
by going through life as a doublebubble
Those who stop eating pork or beef or squab don't ingest adrenalin.
Reduced is their squabbling.
To the lowlying sea....river waters to the most humble point descending..
but then lifted by the lovelight of the sun waters are ascending
Two puddles loved each other and became a brook.2 pools
of light loved each other and became a glow.2 hearts loved each other and became one.
Unbidden buzz in the bloombibbing bees.
Until we saw Linda G's sanctuary, we never thought
Noah's Ark... could be as clean as a sunwashed barque
We came to a crossroads and what did we see? All directions pointing..
to his heart's infinity
The chubby little hand of the small boy .. tenderly cups the head of the puppy..
..a magic little cup this hand.. which holds the liquid of love though upside down.. pouring
it from endless springs
Within small circles do spiders build webs while larger
ones foil them. So the uncircumscribed heart foils lurking danger.
Your heart is a blazing star.. sending forth infinite rays in all directions.
Held by love, the busy yellow jacket sups within the petals' brackets
Arthur pulled a sword out of stone..but he was not able to pull
out the sword Guinevere thrust into his heart until Bea came along ...she who could liquefy a rock with her aura.
Dust caked plant confined within house walls..stares out wistfully
as cleansing raindrops make loveslides down free leaves
Shortly before he was born, God gave a vision of a soaring eagle suddenly swooping down
and voluntarily entering an open bamboo cage on a boat. I knew a great soul was taking
To God they said "Your amarylis and Your lilies with delight do fill us."
And God replied "I made them for My Beloved Phyllis"
The wind decanted the bush of lavender lilac and she was garbed in her own sweet perfume
In dawning daybreak so pure and still they opened the window above the sill. The Sun of Love into room did spill.
The little baby boy stretched out his arms to the stranger with a radiant smile.. silently saying 'pick me up'...conferring a grace which made her cry. Arms so small Bequeathing All
Whether you are Kwon Yin or Kwon Yang You are always a lovable God
Allen’s heart compass is Allen-compassing. To Love points Allen’s heart compass. It is all encompassing
Wherever is Maynard, Mother Earth is moving Mayward
In the past he had criticized the mores of those eels named Moray.. but resolved Maury in the
future to give out more A's.


Rocking cradle of the world.. sunset stairway to the stars..
only by greatmasters trod... only written on by God.
Out of the sea the sun aborning with his awesome light of morning
Not adorned but all adorning says to you "Come!My Mavoorning!"
Rain at sea... redundancy
It snows at sea... silence falls in flakes...melting
designs.... slip form for All
Wavecarved caves near the seagirt rock.. wavesculpted into a seagulled rookery..
Every morn...the sea reborn ...is smoke and mirrors..... fog and reflection.
We gave him a pitcher. He gave us the sea
The rock temple to Poseidon will in some millenium show crumbling, but the wavy
sea will remain... as ever the ocean main.
The tide sent into the cleft of rock Neptune's polyfingered hand of welcome.
Without equal, each wave sequel. Land is for eagles. The sea
is for seagulls
The ebbtide slowly recedes, but in that sweet leg of the sea
tidepools, seaweed, shells sunsparks and driftwood.... are his legacy
The rain in Maine remains mainly by the main.
That sand not soon turn the beachfence into driftwood
the artist designed a metal seat.
From the shore.. one looks upward to the sanddune grass..10,000 green brush blades
trying to paint the blue sky jade* No matter how high it climbs the mountain ash finds
he cannot stamp his footprint frondprints of green hue upon the sky of spiritblue
Faster than any stylus squiggling.. can write the sun
in the water wiggling... but when the sea is perfectly still..
it appears it was water which held the quill
Receives all arrows the universal quiver
as the sea receives all lonely rivers
Daily the sea laves with tidal milk waves
nursing in love her hungrymouthed caves
Today in their palate of many hues
the sky and sea have 90 shades of blue
Little petstore goldfishes.. suffocating in the tiny plastic bag.. God set you
free..into fresh water rivers which lead to the sea.
Gentler than land's are the seasons of the seas.
The rainbow's end touchdowns in the waving sea. Though she pours her pastels endlessly, deep blue remains the sea
Surfers delight in the motion of the angry waves of the ocean
as neptune, king of the sea, delights in their mars.
Shadows of fishes play in the shallows above varying
shades of abandoned shells.
Within a wavelaved rock fissure, God hid the fish from the kingfisher.
The rowboat's wake intersected the path
of the morning sun upon the water... effort was squared to light
The sea mirror was framed by lobster traps..until she rose and smashed them
A clamshell holds the seaswell.. Reflected in captured tide.. does Jupiter's light dwell
Waterfall mist asked the sea 'when shall I return to Thee? '
Windsent seascent everywhere went
As artists long for blank canvases, as sealovers yearn for the blue space of the skysea,
the Spirit longs to be uncluttered.
So many shades of blue from royal navy to aqua hue.. without
the horizon ship one could not tell sky from sea.
Seacradle is fishes rocking among the rocks but she is slapping at fishermen's docks
For the sun wearing daily a fresh foam frock helping God on all hearts to knock
The full moon lifts seawaves in joy, but only the sun can lift water drops out of the sea.
Blackberried tarts on white lace doilies are the seafoam framed ocean's dark rocks
Ships in bottles cannot sail, but messages unsealed from
bottles do, and their words are meant most for those who find the script.
More than the stable shore God hallows the waving sea's shellshod shallows.
In the kinder world there surely no longer shall be
shellfish shiv'd to shed their sheltering shells from the sea
Waves will rise in joy, they know soon toward the full moon of the longed for monsoon
Message in sea's bottles. Tidings in the tides. Time's
rivers to the timeless sea glide. Every being will with God abide.
Cavecarver tide.. a patient sculptor who abides
He is like the sea: on the surface bubbling with wave effervescence
... in the depths one with divine Everpresence
The sun's fireball has scattered embers in the sea, unquenched
by her waters. for love can never be extinguished.
The drops the rain scatters the river then gathers.. for the sea who in turn
offers them in her great chalice to the Sun Father
One smells seasalt before the first seasight...
of His Eoyal Lowness, Neptune bluerobed. He fills hearts with delight
She picked up only vacant seashells at the shores of the Seychelles.
For chambered nautili hollow were minnow castles in the shallows
It is the trickling time for the tiptoeing tide to float in gifts which abide
beneath the twinkling stars' ides.
The tide is afoot! in the 10 million fingers of the sea
As seawaves slapped his sloop he slipped down a sweet slope into sleep
A red light where the road ends at the aquamarine sea.
Aboard the oceanliner they see.. moonlight whitewashing the sea
Those who live by or on the sea can most frequently be healed by her empty canvas, rhythms, and frequency
Flags of fog flap not but float above the kingdom of Neptune
The sun scattered a trillion diamonds on the sea...his angels will gather them into a necklace for thee
Her listening heals.. because she listens with total presence, without judgment,
without interruption, with unconditional love
The sirens in his odyssey kept not Odysseus from the sea
The beachcombing sea gives more than she takes as she secedes
The sea: a blue jewel framed by shells.. whose azure and aqua skies are not caught by aquarelles. Her sight and sound and smell
.... lift us out of hell. In her space our spirits upwell.
As she hears the confessions of all rivers those on the shore hear the sea.. accepting all she calls no thing heresy.
So many sires he had in Donegal.. so many foremothers in Galway ..he was made of Donegalway
...in every cell of his being the sea calls to itself
That day the grey gulls over the grey gulf were invisible in the grey cover of the gloaming
As rocks girding a tidal pool... As metal setting for sapphire jewel... As rigid bones around liquid soul eyes.. the body frame for the Spirit Nigh
The mountain palm gave birth. Her coconut babes rolled downhill to the ocean.. Now they are islands in that sea .. with hard shells bathed inside by coconut milk and outside by piscean seas
In an all-grey sky through a cloud goblet a sunbeam straw sucked up the sea
The tide casts her slender silver fishnet veil, not to harm the fish, but to float them home to her sea.
I want to be with my love by the sea near his seaweed strewn legacy
hearing the gullsong ..smelling salt air ..feeling the sand arranged by the tide ..my heart slowing down to rhythms of seaslide .. seeing ascent of the Sun.. oer neptune..watching the rise oer the bay of the moon..ambling to a cafe fireplace to sip berry tea with book pen and community


Night can no longer suborn
first light's gathering morn!
The sun's allgiving gold cheer.. has become the allgiving tree's purple
Popping oer the mountains the dawn sun arose, unrolling through
windows welcome carpets.... of red rose
It is not the sweet nuthatch
but the sun
which hatches the nuts
of nut trees everyone
The sun thought about another's criticism that he lacked focus.. but
then began again to shine in all directions
moondown is sunup
The sun diamond stipples the ocean's wind ripples.
The sky shyly blushes pink at the approach
of the Avataric Sun
Behind sparkling fountain waters sinking climb
higher the rays of the giving sun king. We need not seek him.
He comes to us.
The sun wears no dark glasses. He has nothing to hide
and is not threatened by his own light.
Oh womanizer or manizer most polygamous...but only the
sun can be righteously milligamous
The bee's favorite couplet: a sunup-brimming buttercuplet
The sun craves no limelight as he grows limes in his light.
As morning wands with a dewdrop each grass spire
so little acts of kindness are by God given
great power
the sun rays arc with their igniting sparks
making sparkles everywhere
now a seasmoke fog hides
the rising sun... but soon his
flaming rays will break through
Beach footprints by tidewater erased. Snow footprints
by the sun melted away. So does God forgive all transgressions.
Sunrise is apple fall
When her sun wed his moon
and his sun wed her moon
skies poured forth for lifefaithful loons
Love's manylived monsoon
Oh please dear Mr. Pinkus with your dawning
rays..please pink us
The sun does not kill and tell.. but how can tree hide her new peaches in the dell?
With soundless tapping
the horizontal baton rouge
of dawn light
called forth a chorus
of bird delight
He who gilds the fringed coast Of all buttercups the toast.
More ancient than all.. yet evernew His ray host.
The forces of night.. their vanishing might
.. melt away in delight.. at dawn's vanquishing light
The moon has dominion over the sea, he thought, watching as her unveiled
full rays caused the highest tides. But at dawn he
saw the sun lift the waters much higher with his elevating
evaporating fire
The sun does not narrowcast.
And now a seasmoke fog hides the rising sun... but soon his
flaming rays will break through
Sal loved to sail in solitude
and silence neath Sol
Dawn drawn dandelions sun-summoned... spread gold parasols
... brings another sundown .. a diaspora of dandelion down
The sun with her came out to play
but shy night could not stand his light and she ran quite away.
Holds the sun's cheer... every purple cherry.. and seed chariots of new trees of
As the longfingered sun reaches out to touch a cloistered trillium
or a lake trembles in the light of moon and stars
so can Tolstoy's long rainbow of words play our heartstrings from afar.
They whispered the arrival of the iceberg's new rival... he feared as the gulf stream
approached.... his very survival
Arun arose awash in rose.. His dawn rays oer all arose. Did all arouse .. his rays of rose...
millenial oaks... the corn in rows... and the no-rows wildest rose.
The egg of the sun dipped into many cups of dye.. pink and purple saffron yellow orange and red.. a gold mellow but He preferred His own color.. that of blazing light
and emerged untouched by dawn or dusk or deepest night
(not an egg stolen from a chicken)
Light lingers in fig leaves and pink cloud fingers
The sun's divine current is transformed into currants
To the apple tree the sun said "You think you're the decider
but it is my rays which decide which apples become cider"
Where is my lover the sun? Coming up over the mountain..Where is my lover the sun? Splashing on top of that fountain.. Where is my lover the sun? Red-appling inside that green tree
Where is my lover the sun? Sparkling through all the blue sea.


Grey sea and grey skies are one... yet does the sudden crimson sailed boat give hope and perspective.
Tiny steps of great power: 1000 cars go.. after l green light. 1000 tons of avalanche safely
move from l sound slight. A thumbs up from Caesar..saves the gladiator's life.
The dawn's breaking light banishes the night. Making one phone call.... helps to reunite.
Some little waterfalls are so small they are a curving downward staircase of the river seabound


It takes many puddles to make a pool and many Liverpuddlians to make a Liverpool.
They are a kind people,Liverpuddlians, who do not mind if frogs paddle or poodles piddle
in the puddles of Liverpuddlians
There is an ancient highway of the heart between Siena and Vienna
Wherever walks Ambrose.. up spring amber roses.. pouring forth fragrance and deathless ambrosia. Wherever walks Ambrose
.. his heart melts neuroses.. and in their place.. up spring new roses
Our land is the land of the Cheyenne, Shoshone and Shawnee..
Cherokee and Seminole, in valleys of the Shenandoah and Swanee.


10,000 brush strokes of the master artist... equal not the perfect
paintings of the pure mirror
A clover veil.. violets the vale... neath skies cloudclad or when ultraviolet sun prevails.
A feathergowned crane flies through the forest like Cinderella fleeing the ball.....but now the Prince of Peace comes into the hall
A grey cloudcloak mutes the crimson leaves of oak.
Scarlet charcoal embers' shroud: soft grey ash and smoke.
A parasol and a parapluie..as umbrellas they are the same
.. one means prepared for the sun...the other.. ready for rain
As with positive thought.. when one expects the good
it is likely in ones life to reign
As Michelangelo's vision of David's divinity freed him from his marble block,
so a man of size plumpkin can free himself from his body coach pumpkin
Beautiful the scent of the tobacco flower
but the leaves which helped weave the fragrance are subdivided.
Before the falls, the sheen of shanti. At the falls
sheets of shakti.
Dawn rhodescent, jeweled by moon crescent, but both will melt when the sun
is present
Did not the apple blossoms fall, there'd be no cider in the fall.
Fall's leafless orange berried bush foiled by blue sky.. a pointillist painting
Fernfurl, chrysanthemumcurl, lilyswirl, wisteriawhirl and sunflowertwirl
Flames of mornlight... the cotton clouds do ignite
Flowering grass spire, dew-wanded, a green exclamation point!
Foamwake disappears from the whale tail.. dries up.. the snailtail
Fragrant fireweed fringes fire hydrants.
From the Bubble Blower, the moon rises and floats
God who painted with crushed pink pearl living oysters' shells
wants them left alone in the shallows and shoals
In the folds of the fields Mother Earth has.. phlox.. foaled... she has phlox unfolded
It is the leela of the Lord to unscroll lilies and lilacs and violets in divine light.
Lily pad plates... jade spheres with rims.. raindrops fill them to the brim
Mist lies in parallel layers under the clouds as satin sheets lie under cotton
On the stepping stones in the pool... snow has made a pillow for each rock stool*
Secret springs, many aquifers. help the knitting of new needles for the aqua firs
Several lamps make a shack lovely.. more than a dark palace...
as the light of the holy makes any face beautiful
Stationery the sunblocking stained glass windows of a church,
but the iridescent windows in the butterfly's wings don't veil light in their flight.
The comet's tail, an orange light trail, brighter than a fish's scales, shining
more than beetle's mail.
Young souls love beauty. Older souls worship the beauty of love.
The diamond river cut swords through the whiteblanketed greensward
The fragrance wafting from a rose does enthrall
every Rao, Smith Wong, Kim, Ali and Rosenthal
The full moon has spilled her silver paint cans onto the seastage. Some has
splattered onto the cloud curtains
The goddess of the sun retires for the night through clouds spreading
her fan made of rays of light
The greenleaved grapevine does a tightroping straight
line... along the windstirred clothesline
and a wavy winner banner on the young pine
The old ailanthus many humans found peccable
but the woodpecker delighted in her status peckable
The private train car had smoke and mirrors, reflecting candles'' flames and
curls rising
as the mirror lake beneath the morning mist reflected the sun on the horizon
The south wind paddled the puddles, the lily padded ponds, and played the
pea'd pods and pansies pied.
The spider web dewjeweled and studded with samara stars....has not today done
The sun paintbrush dapples the woods into apples
The white rose of Uganda has the same aroma
as the deep purple rose which grows in Roma.
Under gold dandelion parasols, beetles lie in the beach
of green grass, looking at the blue skysea beyond.
With early stars have fireflies asterisked the evening skies
From the mountaintop they saw a village lay in the Mexican valley by the sealine. Every rooftop
was covered... in blue morning glory vines... the sky coming to earth saying "I will be thine"
Over the shoulders of April's winter trees..Mother Earth has thrown a pink shawl as light as the
morning breeze.. but itwo moons later it was tossed for her favorite: a jade sari
A table on which the bees may sup For them by His grace God has raveled out of space a table which has merged with its cloth of lace
Om Parvat: Shiva on Mt Kailash with snowy script has written the Om in sacred Sanskrit. He has sifted flakes into recesses carved by Parvati's prayers and Tibet's holy scarves
That part of Kashmir is ringed by sharp peaked snowclad mountains...
the teeth of God.. guarding the green river valley... one of many tongues of God
The shifting beams of the Aurora Borealis in the northern skies' midnight blue chalice are reflected in the lake's royal blue waters with their rainbow fishes' moving gleams.
Oh JackOLantern, beyond toothless grin..through his scar-red apertures one sees wondrous light


I hid behind the wall but my more courageous shadow.. . showed herself.. and walked up the ladder.
In the D Day invasion he fought Nazi knaves and helped free people Hitler made slaves. The living as well as the dead are brave. One day at a time his life he gave.
One by one in many countries they break through the ice of fear.. cups of crocuses .. stand up in caucuses .. East to West from Africa to the Caucusus and state their eternal allegiance to the Creator Sun.


With the most leaks the boat of democracy best floats
"Only the shoemaker can make the shoes. Only the wear can tell if they fit. These
are the timeless words... of brilliant David Spitz


What is destiny? The will of God. Since God is imprisoned in the hearts of all beings, destiny is ones nonharming desires.
From mornrise to moonrise.. all is contained.. within God's eyes


Night outs the stars .. they fall in love with their own light, realizing they need no other.
He was of the school that one makes his own haiku rules. Why should he be bound by the straitjackets of dead people?
In that life, the monk entered the labial labyrinth... he was not ready to
celebrate the path celibate... centuries later he once again entered monastery portals
...all desire for sensory experience extinguished
"I must be about my Father's business" said the sun on the horizon rising..
as he in half the earth was raising the grapes into raisins.
Because their hearts were full of compassion's waters, they often broke right in half..hanging flyswatters


As he walked along, he saw a slain dandelion with grey locks
and blew the down of the mower victim that there be fluffy flower flocks
The tree branches God has joined together let no one cleave asunder.
The animal limbs God has joined together let no meatcutter cleave asunder.
Because the wind rustled blooming fruit trees
they released their fresh fragrance into the breeze
April is the most fragile month, when tender jade tenrils can be crushed by unconscious boots
Why has God his dew morngift sent? For cider, for butterfly drinks, for lilac
and jasmine scent
The fen way becomes a fern way, finely traced fans of jade.. waving in the wind.
The fruit tree oer the brook drops her free food into waters dappled... the fish
bob for apples
Those depressing stormclouds grey... wand the world to green
The orange tree... a green galaxy with many blazing saffron sunorbs
Most can from the apple tree pick spies but only God can pluck blazing stars
from the skies
Like the beloved in a canoe paddled by her love is the willow tree trailing her
lacy fingers in the lake.. wherever she breaks its blue mirror she paints the water sunset gold
When the naturalist who defines plants as wild edibles
comes around, do the plants shiver and shake, quiver and quake?
Some find peace most in the mountains. Some find peace
most at the sea. And some find peace most in the mountains oer the sea.
Only newfallen laurel leaves in Richard Wilbur's laureate wreaths
for he takes only what Mother Earth gently bequeaths
Breeze made blooms assent nod as Assisi's God whispered 'walk unshod' where dirt clods have vined into sweet pea pods
and hardened sod broken to goldenrod
Inch across the yard the bright rays of dawn Striking magic wands cause flowers in the lawns.
In the foothills of the Apennines old olive trees with grapes vined ...make
violet orbs of olivine... we think of this in Los Angeles at Olive and Vine
Is God's favorite chapel sunlight dappled trees of apple? Her Ichi Ban shrine..trees of pine?
Her beloved mosque vine covered kiosks? Her best synagogue a cranberry bog?
Her holiest church woods of birch
The grape vine did entwine and spiral oer the high clothesvine
.. and turned it into a trellis ... from divine fire knitting knots just above the forgetmenots
All life is sacred but one day he chose that the Japanese beetle was greater than rose.
Crawling in his greenmail* armour over the Goldsmithed bloom ready to turn gold petal fire
into pure insect flight. He found when he chose the bug oer the rose God gave him back
endless blooms of rose
Cool full moon light it is certain will shine through living bamboo curtains
as she did for Thomas Merton as she did when Liz was flirtin with her beloved Richard Burton
She saw on an African safari that Mother Nature had by Lord Hari
showered with several brand new jade saris
Groundnesting birds, frogs, snakes, butterflies,
lady bugs, beehives, anthills, fireflies...all sliced or crushed as harvesters, lawnmowers and other machines roll unconsciously by
Oliver Stone: Within the olive is a stone.. a living stone which can reforest the world with olive groves, birds' and squirrels' homes,
free food treasure troves, roots below to prevent mudslides, evaporating leaves which summon rain above
He told us he had 9 acres in the Carolinas.. with grape arbors, peach groves, apple orchards and pumpkin patches, blueberry bushes
and nut trees matchlessRTH
Cut down that tree! the lumbermen cried She's so ugly and
so slipshod With her flaky head lost in the clouds and her feet in the filthy sod.. But all who loved her encircled her and kept her from the axe and the blade and in the spring with new roots she was shod and clad in a jade laceleafslip from God.
Within each acorn cloak are infinite oaks
Landscapers need not be landscrapers but bulldozers always disturb bulls dozing.


The way of yielding water.. flowing.. being ...never preaching
is the teaching of the ancient ..I Ching
Some cherrypick. Some plumpluck but Newton was given an apple windfall
What are the jobs of appletrees? To breathe and to be.. while apples come automatically.
The daybreak sun in a state of ever-rest faster than mountain climbers have ever scaled Everest
Gently opens the lake lotus the sun with his long fingers
.. and whether He sets or rises ...His light forever lingers
Briefly the fins of the joyful dolphins cleave the waters.
Now to mingle again they begin.
The seawind and wavedrift bring their surprises and seagifts
The wind will in the windmill helps windfall to befall
In a world of deep blue sea and aqua skies
welcome are purple sunset and gold sunrise
If you don't build it they will come. If you let it alone it will grow
I fell alseep with the tv on as news reported China's ban on Lebron James' commercial.
Then in a dream he said "Skip unnecessary steps."
Another point of view:Those who dutifully shoveled their walks unwittingly later left a surface of ice whereas those who let everything go left a safe place to walk in the crunching snow.
How do you do? said the rose to the bee. On the dewclad rose
said the bee to the rose I would rather do than to be.


The way of yielding water.. flowing.. being never preaching is the teaching of
the ancient I Ching
Some cherrypick. Some plumpluck but Newton was given
an apple windfall
Can only the wind surf the grass seas?
Infinite drops of rain gathered by river trains, now remain in the bowl of sea main.
The daybreak sun in a state of ever-rest faster than any mountain climber has scaled Everest
As the wind whistles, ripe seeds of thistle send forth their epistles. The wind will scatter them.
The rain will enkindle them. the sun will lift them


Into the breach.. near the rocky beach... the seed of birch
the seed of beech and the hardstoned seed of peach
Bog crannies are the cradles for crimson cranberries
Once termites bored a hole in the holly on the hill. Now a gnawing holocaust of emptiness
where once Holly-wood was held. As time passed all knew Holly was hallowed because Holly was hollowed. Soon a beehive came graced with honey and the magic of the queen to the hallowed hollowed holy Holly on the hill.
Each night the tree of nut out of naught knits neat nuts ....
for every Natalie and Nate and Nat and Knute.


In the meadows pink lupins. In the forest, green Lew pines....
For a much longer time, last the fir shrines.
Redwoods: faithful silent sentries.. standing for millenia
not centuries
Only the forest green fir and the redleafed oak did hold their leaves in the winter wild
to make December's eves for the Baby more mild. Perhaps that is why they're the colors
of Joseph, Mary and the Christ Child

Oh Martin Sometimes your voice was the thunder Sometimes it
was the falling rain. Always it burst our hearts asunder..
and made them beat... empathic in pain.
In a famous life Paul Robeson arrived on earth with black robes on.
In previous lives he came into view arrayed in bodies of different hues.
First Lady Sally Hemings....your liquid monument is the reflecting waters..encircling the Jefferson Memorial..
As seas receive slaps without responding, so you absorbed over and over the humiliation of being hidden in a back room...
before your children were sold on the auction block.
Larry Doby Each thorn ... has become a rose Each scar.. has turned to star
Each taunt.. became slow admiration .. and then loyalty
until love broke forth like a fountain out of stony hearts
Count Nikolai Pistoff when he heard the rates of the therapist was very pissed off
and thereafter spelled therapist 'the-rapist'.
The incoming egalitarian tide melts the last ice of apartheid
Salisbury decried adding another hue unto the rainbow yet we would add
saffron and jade and pink and rose and olive and tan, crimson and indigos


Angels threw an etheric butterfly net over him. Reverse lepidopterists, they from the body's cocoon set his butterfly soul free from earth's room
As bells chime when someone enters or exits a bookstore
so Spirit sometimes makes music when souls come or go
from a body
Every River Styx is a River Phoenix, the soul either touching
down into a new and better form or returning forever to
the kingdom of ecstasy
He wished no induction into the House of Lords, but only
to return home to the Home of the Lord.
It snows *at sea
* Quiet *** falls in flakes
Melting designs ***leave form for All
Those who focused on the shock of shards as the phoenix
bird burst from his shell... nearly missed the sight of his holy
maiden flight... as he soared up and away.........and out of sight
Death is the release of the bird of the heart from the ribcage of time.
Buried as they are killed, beheaded dandelions, on the scythe their green blood lyin
All will some day even those who have coronations
leave their bodies to crematers and coroners of their nations
Angels threw an etheric butterfly net over him.
The reverse of impaling lepidopterists, they from the body's cocoon
set his butterfly soul free from earth's room
As bells chime when someone enters or exits a bookstore
so Spirit sometimes makes music when souls come or go
from a body
Every River Styx is a River Phoenix, the soul either touching
down into a new and better form or returning forever to
the kingdom of ecstasy
Angels ring silent bells, as on their way to God, cockles leave their shells
Those who love God the most sometimes like to leave early for Home
As foam bubbles burst into the sea
in death Bubba's soul waters were set free
Over the slain elephants' ivory grows the merciful shroud of ivy.
Angel light ultraviolet keeps both from further violation.
Like caterpillars who eat themselves comatose
and then sleep as God weaves their wings
some are liberated after leaving their bodies.
Infinite are the ways God back to God all of us brings
Andrea Rose hovers around you trying you to cheer Hoping though tears...may fill your ears....that somehow you her joyful spirit hear
That cheery cricket greeted me... and now his voice is still... but on the other side of life... God does his Spirit fill
When on earth she fell into love. Now she has risen into love.
We were born of 1 not 2 uteri....my beloved twin, you and also I
Now you hover round me like a sun shining from all sides.
Barrie was a mixed breed dog with confidence and joy.. whose tail twirled over his back.. like a
clover blossom over a sidewalk. Barrie used to bury bread in our bedspread
Swans, floating mounds of white, glide along on the blue lake .. though they look like icebergs
they harm none... they do not melt into their supporting water but rise above it.
Reflected in the rippling creek, the sun was made a daisy...fragmented by the faster current into daisy petal sparks Windstirred and starred each unplucked firepetal traveled downstream while the full daisy sun remained and murmured SHE LOVES YOU EVERMORE SHE LOVES YOU EVERMORE SHE LOVES YOU EVERMORE
Because Howard Zinn is one with God, he is one with all zinnias,
As a nimbus encircles a flame..as a father holds his child
his love surrounds her. He has gone ahead to prepare her chamber
and yet he hovers around her
Windows On the World, on Sept 11, 2001: At the top of the world
as they anon did dine...they died without an anodyne. And animals upon whom humans dine.. have died without.. an anodyne
Mrs Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis: "The stars oerfixed you and downcast their glowing spears." By strangest alchemy starlight turned into tears. The plump pumpkin of your life was shattered. Its evergreen seeds were most widely scattered. By prearranged script by God and you cowrit your sacrificial strength did a grateful nation lift.
No longer will families of those who committed suicide be barred from burying their ashes in the cemetery yard...for some are mystics.. who the translucent flimsy veil of life aside brush as onward in ecstasy to the Beloved they rush. They are fire-freed from limits of body frequency.
The funeral's current of grief is of lightning bolts which strike even strangers...causing them for
no explained reason to release tears of rain.
Sometimes they hesitated to sit next to him at funerals.. because he always made them laugh..
which harvested glares from people in grieving pews.. now he too has slipped from the
cloak of the body... and is making serious angels laugh.
The sand castles have been waved away. The ice sculptures have melted. The pink chalk on the sidewalk has been rained away. The peach blossoms have fallen. But the love you gave is invulnerable. The love forever remains.


Mother Earth has knitted strong knots in the faithful blue forget me nots.
From your infinite eyes we drink Stars within skies of blackest ink
Please don't eclipse us when you wink.. but hold us in your eyes, Black Sphinx
He remembered that pricks of the branches of the mistletoe tree can draw blood.
Redwoods: faithful silent sentries.. standing for millennia not centuries
Oh womanizer or manizer most polygamous... try as you might you won't be milligamous
Serial womanizer Jack Frost had his face pressed to their windows.. asking them to come out and play.. before he disappeared again.
That God is Universal Love.. is it a license to be promiscuous, polyamorous, polygamous, polyandrous?
Mary never needed to marry gold but a heart as cheerful as marigolds
She wed Bob.. who was holy and merry and bold And knew she
had married a heart of gold
Rose of Akron: Through the fence pickets peep the pink roses and purple peonies.. their roots are fixed by love but their fragrance and light pour to the stars
It seemed sun's love was off and on as he cloudcloak did doff and don, but he is always on with bright noon power.. not the twilight pink of dawn


Four Flowers...: The Sun arose in Morning Glory, with His Goldenrod
wanding Violet to Rose
The bees' favorite couplet.. sunup brimming buttercuplet
In the predawn violet... as they wake the violets... of the unsung.....birds
How awesome How sublime That out of muck and mud and slime....God
makes lemons God makes limes.
The sun arrays the skies in rose as He arises and rouses the rose
April is aproned with apricot blooms.
They called the wind lackadaisical
but because she in freedom blows
the world will never...........lack for daisies
Dawndrawn, dandelions summoned by the sun... spread gold parasols
Little Tree, Little Tree, I wonder where you are
to thank you for the sweet pink fruit you did weave
from distant star.
Wherever she has trod in the dell flowertrails to Mother Earth befell .. daffodils and larkspur and bluebells daisies and trilliums and cockleshells
The bee Hector needs no lector to read him the sector
where blooms of great nectar pour fragrance in vectors
Weeding, whispered the Great Spirit...is plant racism
Ivy and violets vy not with the violent.
Why is the rose encircled by thorns? That she not be plucked
In the predawn violet... as they wake the violets... of the unsung..
birds sing...
Bursting blooms of bluebonnet to the sun sing silent sonnets
A beetlebored bamboo flute.. Yonder wind plays upon it
Hawaiian breadfruit... shed your Joseph's coat of many colors..
your 1000 panes of stained glass mosaic.. and become 10,000 breadfruit trees
Enpine the cone! Enoak acorn! Enpear the seed that inner
sun be freed!
Held the dew the buttercup better than the butternut
For every tree and wildflower He has willed the power
as He flows through all an effortless willpower
Delilah's lilac'd fields Lilliputian the Lord of Love has many lilies
put in
He is one with every Obama, Blair, every Chavez, Castro and Putin.
As birds helped Cinderella to dress for the dance,
the peony made her debut because of kind ants
He no longer daisy petals shreds to ask if her love for him has been shed
Into the daisy the sun has spun his gold
and his rays has rolled into the marigold
May and Mother Earth has gone under cover
hiding herself neath fields of daisy and clover
Impatience teach patience as they weave new blooms from
the sun and cloud looms
The meadows are asterisked by asters. Though they
seem randomly sprayed, not a single one has gone astray.
Clover lamps with their curved necks hang over the cobbles
of a London sidewalk shedding purple light in their tiny world
The glistening spider filament fluttered in the wind, spangled
with dandelion spores...a magic wand with not one
but many stars
God needs no chain or buckle..to link the roots of honeysuckle.
Her herald fragrance runs ahead as her seamless threads delve in new beds.
Like the anemone she has nary an enemy
above its jade velvet carpet, the moss sends shoots
of tiny lime stars.. shooting stars
From the plane, one sees cloudscript...
.. ancient stotras of Sanskrit...
As he walked along, he saw a slain dandelion with grey locks
and blew the down of the mower victim that there be new fluffy flower flocks after springmelt of fluffy fallling flakes.
The tree branches God has joined together let no one cleave asunder.
The animal limbs God has joined together let
no meatcutter cleave asunder.
Because the wind rustled blooming fruit trees
they released their fresh fragrance into the breeze
Only the jasmine plant has a right to string garlands of
its blooms.
Why has God his dew morngift sent?
For cider, butterfly drinks,
for lilac and jasmine scent
The fen way becomes a fern way, finely traced fans of
jade.. waving in the wind.
The fruit tree oer the brook drops her free food into the
waters... the fish bob for apples
Those depressing stormclouds grey... wand the world to green
The orange tree... a green galaxy with many blazing
saffron sunorbs
In the county of Fairfax in the meadows flagged with phlox, stop the fair unfair who fright the fox
before they eat the flanks of flocks
While elsewhere the sun, universal lover,
has knit a new cover, of purplest clover, all the field over
Most can from the apple tree pick spies
but only God can pluck blazing stars from the skies
Like the beloved in a canoe paddled by her love is
the willow tree trailing her lacy fingers in the lake
When the naturalist who defines plants as wild edibles
comes around, do the plants shiver and shake, quiver and quake?
Some find peace most in the mountains. Some find peace
most at the sea. Some find peace most
in the mountains oer the sea. I find peace... only with Thee
Only newfallen laurel leaves in Wilbur's laureate wreaths
for he takes only what Mother Earth gently bequeaths
Within each acorn cloak are infinite oaks.
Inch across the yard the bright rays of dawn
Striking magic wands cause flowers in the lawns.
In the foothills of the Apennines old olive trees with grapes vined ...make
violet orbs of olivine... we think
of this in LA at Olive and Vine
Unseen starlight flickers. In solar lux and rainflux melt snowflakes while spin goldflecked phlox and purple flax.
The Japanese beetle sews eyelets in the rose.
Sweet wee weevils turn lilacs to lilace.
Only the jasmine plant has a right to string garlands of its blooms.
The morning sun does the throat of lark spur and blue the meadows with sweetest
Lilies of the Valley are a very different thing from the Lillys on the Hill
They called the wind lackadaisical but because she in freedom blows
the world will never ...........lack for daisies
Flowers consider bloom pluckers pedophiles.. who scotch the unroll of the scroll of
the petals' files.
She wanted no bloom symbols of love eternal for their petals proved most ephemeral
and the flowers did not wish to be decapitated
Nightzies too are the daisies though we can't see their glow
as the sun is elsewhere shining hidden by the earth's slow axis flow
The pistil tong in the hibiscus (upside down bell) flower is silent.. nevertheless
its music attracts the bees
For His Cynthia God made Forsythia . she's first to bloom in the spring last to drop
her leaves in the fall.. the gold is drawn from her sunny soul
Painters love flowers for their hues. Perfumers love blossoms for their smells. Bees other bees of bloom nectar tell. But Lady Bird loves cowslips for themselves.


Niagara Falls: Two branches of the same river of God approach a cliff. Rocks cause the foes each other diametrically to oppose. As they roar
over its side, unhurt they emerge as one, some drops rising as mist to bless riparian trees.
The sandalwood tree gives fragrance to the killing lumberman.
The pine in fire warms those who have slain her.
The cow gives calories, albeit toxic, to those who have murdered her.
In Luke we are told "Her sins, which are many, are forgiven" What of the opposite... those who are the greatest forgivers? those who humble us all with their willingness to release the past?
Beach footprints by high tide erased. Snow footprints by the sun melted away without a trace. With the pulling of the switch, metal filings are released. So do the forgiving melt transgressions.
Like myriad snowflakes entering a tropical sea are the attacks of temporary foes upon your royalty.
Embezzled heart, can you forgive the guzzling bee who has taken all your nectar? "He knew not what he did", young little bee.
Long ago, his forgiving Lord turned his 30 pieces of silver to eternal gold.
The moon shattered silver into shards in the shallows and upon the seashore
But they've been gathered into One by the Resurrecting Morning Sun!
The spouse saw his love entangled with another.... instantaneously demonic alchemy turned
love into hate for his lover. But slowly in time he let go... of the scarlet dye which had colored
the waters of his soul.
When one can flow into his foe and witness his most bright soulglow
then love replaces the wavering of to and fro
The tree's leaf plumes dangle with plums.. even for plutocrats
As the sun poured into her niches and naves and her coves and her caves Mother Earth cried "You violate me!" But weeks went by
and she spied April's apricot apron and apple blooms
and then she exclaimed "You violet me!"
The river tarries not over the stones of karma. To seaward joyfully running is her destiny's dharma
When the pond was smashed by his clenched fist..it became a cradle rocking for little fish.
Anger is the ore for lovegold.
The frozen daggers of unforgiving icicles.. shine in the light but it is the orb of forgiveness
.. the miracle point at the tip where the icicle drips which most clearly reflects the sun
Crocuses are blowing with the news..cows are crowing it and frogs are croaking it..
A most sacred place in all Creation is the forgiving ground of Bosnian Serb & Croatian
There are signs of the tide's inrush as the gulls come closer..as the sound of wavelave lapping brings peace.. and in the waters of the heart is a subtle seachange
As two negatives when multiplied a positive make.. former foes who seek each others' good
cause miracles forth to break
God looks on error as a mother looks on a toddler's fall* .. or on her 4 year old child's making mudballs or like the sun gazing upon sour fruit soon to be sweet*.. or upon a blow which releases water from ice freeze
If you do now your heart unlock I promise in the future I will knock
Does God look upon a broken vow as on a river not clinging to bough?
Within the sheath are bright seeds containing future gold fields of corn
Just so grow joy's bright kernels inside the husks of cruel scorn
The blue paint of the third eye cannot be chipped away..The blue eraser of the 3rd eye
cannot be overlaid. It cancels all mistakes of the past.. all dark portraits
The seas do not record the weedcleaving swords of the unknowing oared.. nor does the heather neath highland mist seek to remember the heavy tread
which for wee moments crushed her violet head
The river has changed in this second.....some of him has emptied into the sea.. some is being renewed by waterfalls in headwaters
As a sword has the illusion it slices the sun's beams
so do the unforgiving have the illusion they have been harmed.
Melt away now Valjean's pursuers, who had chased him through Parisian sewers.
Now he lets go litigious suers... for his soul and heart are newer
She the sea.. receives red hot lava and transmutes it into green glass jewels.
She the listening compassionate ear turns anger into love.. with every word she hears.
You cannot see how he is changing. He is a growing baby eagle with an unmoving shell
and within him does unseen the force of Godlove swell. He is water melting within
the towering iceberg spires He is coldform becoming formless through the touch of GodSunFire.
He is the April apricot leaf ready to unfold .. which will calyx the fruit as it turns to gold
The clarified waters of Snowdrop Lake form from melted hexagonal snowflakes.
The heart unfrozen with new love flows as new soulspace does forgiving make.
1st of the year snow had covered everything muffling harsh noises
softening ravine chasms with its silent anthems of peace.. its flags of quiet grace... Its visible amnesty, tangible absolution,.. muffling division.. resurrecting purity and forgiveness
The sun came across an unreceptive clod who would not receive her beams.. She began to withhold 1 of her infinite rays from this dirtball..
but decided this was silly... and began to shine again.. universally in directions all.


On the left, her haiku.. capsulized as
beautifully as any tiny nut in a shell..On the right, her seascapes...
infinite in their endless joy
Humankind prefers vessels from which to sip infinity
... gobles from which to sup eternity.
Is a swamp a pond.. in a state of despond?


He placed no fence of pickets round his growing almond thicket
He wanted to give as freely as the sun and so he gave away almonds without tickets
Concern for rubles or rupees, pounds or rubies, shillings or yen or farthings is from God's heart a far thing


They thought the moon needed cloudwings to fly but the next night they
saw her soar alone in the sky.
Herr heron no longer the freed herring hears
Watching raindrop beads spark seeds into weeds..
Their rights were his creed.. and not what any other decreed
One said that marriage is a tree.. do not break its boughs.
Another said: as a river flows beyond banks, the past's vows.. to the present bow..
Spring melts snowflakes. Joy pops balloons. Roots burst the vase. Love breaks the cage.
Dracula was free to think God's gladiolas gaudy.. and to run from
the morning luster.. of a seabubble cluster.
Some like earthworms eat dirt and die. Others like caterpillars become butterflies.
Bell tongs chime... bird flight time
If there were left 1 sheet of Shakespeare's original words
perhaps Picasso would have it erased that he could ink up the easel space.
Those who ordained that a fork goes to plateleft are the ones who use it as a
fleshspear. Their rules bind none.
Free are the butterflies who as babies feasted on the leaves of
the trees round Cherry Blossom Bay
A dragonfly on daffodil alights.. having donned a more dazzling dress as well as the gift of flight
When God's green grows...it's rarely in rows....awry the rye rises...unruly the rose
Unruled the wind blows ...Unstraight... river flows...Unchained... fire glows...Rarely in rows.
Sine nomine....with no signature does the apple tree freely give away all her fruit....
only a unique constellation of seeds her seal
A constellation of Mt Shasta daisies.. untied themselves from their roots..
now these butterflies.. in freedom fly
A sweet little pig, Alfred Beethoven....escaped with his life from the knives of a coven....Because God made him perfect with four hooves cloven..he is safe from Muslim Jewish and some Christian ovens.


I choose not a campfire's sparks but the sun, not a puddle but the deep blue sea, not balloonjailed air but the wind and for my friend I choose thee.
Criticizing someone who is heavily drinking is a summons which calls forth
the demon of the rumming.


In forest glen lives Saint Len caring not for yen teaching love is zen.
Shelter workers.. so patient.. for elephants in folding their tents.. take a little longer
Oh Clara T.. a mind of perfect clarity.. heartfont of pouring charity
.. as in the woods of Cherokee.. grows allfruit giving cherry tree
Kudzu, unthanked, hangs her tapestries.. on every telephone pole and happy tree.
Fir sentinels stay and stand tall guarding the space where the waters fall.
Santa's sleigh silhouettes the moon above sylvan framed snow.. the moon's silver slivers are everywhere
The torch never diminishes its own fire.. when enkindling other torches through giving entire
Watering apple trees in spring each act of charity returns amplified and summer
is in the fall applefied.
She is a projected table rock in a waterfall.. always pouring out what she receives
His mind does not bookkeep. His mind does not measure.
To give of heart treasure is his greatest pleasure.
An overturned clamshell.. this slab of granite shelf This waterf/altar oer which
priest river pours himself....Poured out to all the amphitheatre below this offering of his sacred wine to his God and God's every creature shrine
He attempted to live by ten tenets.. he tried to all to be tender, and never profit off of tenants
Stocking Christmas window shelves for others and not for themselves seen by those outside
but not within the store are department store elves as anonymous acts of charity indivisible
are known to angels invisible more than to neighbors visible...
Trickling time.. the tiptoeing tide in gifts silde which will abide neath the stars' shining ides
They roll free in the mother peapod.. these green spheres.. these green pearls..
given freely by the Mother of all Peas and the Father of all Peace
Wingless earthlings feed winged birds as the unliberated can advance the destiny
of the liberated and in doing so, our own.
The olive tree is the altar of Allah. On it Allah has placed olives free for all. May Allah allow none to alter His altars. In protecting trees may no one falter.
Inside the souls of all Chinese...children of Kwon Yin, the Divine Mother, a commitment fully to feed all the hungry..
Evergiving, a world traveler, master artist, tennis player, faithful wife, mother, daughter, grandmother, out of love a dishwasher... there are too many petals to describe in the chrysanthemum of her soul.


June 21st: .......night's requiem is warbled by the robin's reveille
Each soul of God a ray Each with light He arrays Never does a single soul
forever goes astray.
Cattails weave escape ladders for drowning bugs
while a friend's safety net of words.was enough to catch a falling star
Snow silent swift...as skydown softly sifts.... and turns cloud
gifts... into earthblanket drifts.
Through the silent night...miracles we did not see
.. icebergs of resistance slipped into the sea
Do rain arrows come from the rain bow?
As angels' inspiration descends it becomes clad in words.
The low guru river from afar is invisible but its green line of disciple willows is visible
The woodpecker was able to make in the tree a nave.. but only the sea's waves can carve sea caves
Jesus said to 'consider the lilies of the field.. they toil not nor spin'. It is the sun which had them spun.
The limehued silk of the corn.. each strand wand catches the dew of the morn.
At the end of the season cornfields are downmown
The raintree remains alone secure in his throne.
As the river roared through the granite chute, it
fell onto 7 granite bowls...7 pools below 7 falls..
as shakti flows into the crown and then every other chakra
In earth's theatre, waiting in the wings as he slowly sheds his angel's wings
sacrificing freedom, a great soul.. becomes a lovechild God you to bring
The raindrop slides down the lily leaves, taking none of the jade from their green sleeves
To parched peach tree roots unbidden come silent streams.. underground, hidden
Almighty is He who ignited the luster in each and every graped cluster.*
He had an MBA degree and degree by degree overcome by greed he had become
Legree'd. Yet one sudden day he saw.... that he and God were We'd.
Rainblessed, afoot! is a root.. the ailanthus grown a foot!
The sun has melted winter fields frozen...while spreading His rays oer beloved Aaron Rosen All Beings His chosen
Into the stream fell a samara shower, a flotilla of lifeboats in time for the struggling bug
It is good luck to feed birds in flight that they need not slow down nor alight
The Grace rain follows dry river bed hollows.
Soon are new shallows.. then deeps do all hallow
A gathering of grey cloud mass.. communion rain for animals birds bugs trees and grass
As desert shadows are more defined than those of the woods
so the separation between good and evil is greater there
Raincloud flotilla, float not idly by, but rend yourself with lightning... that your grace fall from the sky
Past life lessons became whispers which turned to buttons keeping my clothes on me.
Though a seeming physical impossibility, the ark of each heart
contains every creature. Some do not yet know it.
The sea assails the small schiff sails but by God's grace the boat prevails
God's mercy is made manifest in manifold mango and manna feasts
God is a nighttrain Who quietly rolls us out of 'the shadows of the valley of death'
as we sleep in one of His infinite laps
As his light, sun spills into corn's kernel cells...As the bees' gathered amber is poured into hive chambers...so does God's grace...fill mind's gridlace
A sailor i his cups walks along the pier and falls off.. the cold water returns him to sanity


Little Tree, Little Tree, I wonder where you are
to thank you for the sweet pink fruit you did weave
from distant star.
A dog is so cheaply bought.. He sells his heart
for all eternity for a handful of popcorn
Birds chirp and cheep above the school chapel, for Chips
no longer serves chops to the chaps.
Tiny wisps, the many teats on the grey cloud..
who nurses the trees as she passes out of form.
Every day at six heures we thank God for enkindling Cesar
Winter when God's unseen gift of breath becomes visible.
The horse has run her heart out for her 'owner''s bank
account.. and her reward? the slavery of a stall
A heavy storm... squirrels thankful.. for pine cones have landed..
near their laps
The Franciscan friar ate no friers and thus made the fellow fliers more safe from fire
Sunrise is apple fall
To God's muses we are the peons. It is they who whisper delightful paeans. Their thoughts arrive so subtly ... to Rebecca, Luke, Jack and Ian
Knowing Joe, Alexandra, Dmitry, Irene and Paula and Nicholas and Constantine
we say "How holy and generous are the Greeks bearing gifts"


As when the rain jewels the jade pine's lace and a poststorm wind releases
her shower of grace....so when the healer touches with love one who is auffering
this sometimes releases a quiet tearfall
Neighbors said the little dog had been dumped 2 days before on Howe Road. He waited 48 hours by the telephone pole for his family to return.
With each passing car one thousand times his heart rose and fell until he learned how not to feel. He was adopted. The tendrils of trust
grew slowly... It took a long time for his heart to heal but he is now happier .. than ever before.
Cunningham Falls: It splashed It rippled It sheetglassed It soared It babbled It seeped and it soaped and it roared.
It pooled ..cascaded It gurgled seatoward but at its purest was bubbleless whitefoamless as Soundless it poured.
When the suffering sound of others' tears falls into his chaliced ears..
he alchemizes them into cheer
He was a vegan on plane bus and Amtrak. He knew he'd be free of ecoli and anthrax.
and he'd experience no appendicitis attacks while saving animals from the axe.
Jesus and sunrays charge not payment for the healing touch of their raiment
Angel stirred Bethesda's poolwaters healed because they never rejected any sent to them by God. Once a year the waters were stirred. Jesus had no such limitation.

The heaviest fruit grows on pumpkin vines in horizontal and not vertical
lines... Near the ground the humble and prolific
their green umbilical cords entwine
Do not dismiss the puddle. She can transmit the light of the blazing sun.
"The meek shall inherit the earth." The meeker eventually inherit heaven where they live with the Maker of Meekers and of all Miracles.
The humble rain rejected by the hard tree trunk.. entered through the dirt .. putting on his
nutcolored clothes.. and into the root seeped and up into the heart of the tree.
He is not a Luciferian pastor who prefers to be the boss and master. He cares not for domination nor for denomination.. Nor does he engage in demonization
He is content to wash others' feet
Near the sea the Mississippi's path is lowly. He flows with power.. he flows slowly.
Every drop he carries and his way... are holy. He is ready to give to God the Sea.... wholly
It is the pumpkin vine in the dirt and meek who the waters of the creek did seek
From her the greatest cornucopia forth from earth did break.
He once hit the waters of the Pacific with his fist.. wisdom then made
him a pacifist.


She no longer feels sad that her body is bound by gravity .. as she
wings the hearts of millions.
Icicle rows dripping in the light.. lines of exclamation
points!!!!!translucent with sun joy
Spring willow streamers... the tree cheerleads the birds in branch bleachers
Into shards the dreams have shattered.. the pain in the dream... has not mattered.
From the chalice of his heart I drink love and joy. It is the only draught which quenches my soulthirst.
The sight of him! long needles of light knit.. of a sudden weaving wings for my heart!
As the pure bright mirror transmits the morning sun
we need not understand God.. but only pass God on
The morning birds' melodies.. the woodpecker does counterpoint
How is it that his ceaseless drill... shatters the barriers to peace?
Bursting blooms of bluebonnet to the sun sing silent sonnets
A beetlebored bamboo flute.. Yonder wind plays upon it
Around the corner from the flesh food coroners, August field's coronation of a cornucopia of cornstarred cobs and (soon) cones of pine
As fog fragments and imagination's figments swell trees and new figs mint,
so every good wish is answered by God...
Laundry dances in the wind on the clothesline... empty scarecrows...of whom no bird is frightened
The fields are filled with crystal balls of morning dew, each revealing your destiny: the morning sun
Spring rains raise the wells Every one does upwell. merging as they overspill! A
new joy river they do swell.
Saddened by the plaintive sounds of the mourning dove,
he decided to be silent or cheerful when he spoke.
Feared lightning became the silver lining of the cloud of good change.
Water spiders, skaters ..gliders, blissdarting shooting stars without external guiders
October when each leaf is a stained glass aperture in the cathedrol of autumnal light
Squirrels spiral up the church spires and down again to the spirea
Alighting and taking off from the tiger lilies and phlox and sunflowers are hummingbirds and butterflies and bees,with no air controllers and no accidents.
Sunwands turn rain droplets into blackberry drupelets as enkindled okra seeds acknowledge heliocracy.
White morning glories translucent in the sun..bloom fabric stretched on its ribs like Japanese
rice paper lanterns shining with light
As a shaft of light sweeps down a sootfilled chimney is God's delight available to all.
When the couple midnight swam in the quarry, waving were the skies' reflections starry.***
The ice sculpture fish has melted into his waters of completion.
Melted the ice sculpture quince.. and flowed into roots.. swelling new quince.
The sun is always overjoyed. Only Draculas his rays avoid. Only demons his rays annoyed
as with rays he fills night's void
Magpies to starlings opine in the woods of pine. No matter their politics...their joy is divine
Is the etymology of 'edify' that people knew hilarious Ed? Do merging rivers eddy..giddy about Ed?
During rain or after sunset, sunflowers have their heads down.. but mostly they keep their sunnier sides up
Every evening in the eaves birds are singing songs of Eve
First came her lightning..then her rain first her humor with kindness in its train First the baptism by fire and then water's laving. First Uranus.. the way for Neptune paving
His cat watches on the window tv his favorite movie: "Flitting Birds and Crouching Squirrels".
Where they walk, in their wake, blooms suddenly burst awake. Stars give birth to baby stars.


Perhaps the brambles, briars and wide brooks are to the barrister a barrier
but his Spirit beyond all bounds is always victory's carrier
A little birdie flew overhead a traffic light of green and red. From her diagonal point of view
she saw both crimson and lime hue. Obey traffic rules? Birdies need not. Masters listen only
to the inner voice of God.
The bee does not fly with honey on his wings.. matter is irrelevant where the spirit rings
As mater births son, so all matter eventually brings forth Spirit
To fight trophy hunters the hippos formed
an hippocracy. They work to end slaughter and lawmakers' hypocrisy.
Legal statutes are frozen statues.. not the liquid law of love
Birds don't worry about jaywalking.. as they go jayflying
Arrayed against all the darkest night With all the arms and secrets and might
comes a rippling ribbon of dawning slight.. an omnipotent band of breaking light
Not the will's resistance to surrender to God, but the Spirit's desire to flow into Love, as a stream merges with a river and the river with the sea
No living animals allowed in the diner...only their dead forms on which to dine. There are no bare feet where people eat...only cadavers...corpses called meat.
The morning sun rising on the eastern horizon blinded the viewing of the red and
green traffic lights.. as a direct connection to God's light overrides earth ideas of wrong and right


Each flowering grass pillar had curved from the weight of its little lime caterpillar
God the Divine Alchemist makes mangoes from the morning mist
Om, the jewel in the lotus rests as kunda bloom pearls in petal snows rest
The sun does his rays dispatch to the blueberry and the pumpkin patch.
He does gold peppers mint by the sweet jade peppermint.
Clouds unfold, waves unrolled, grape leaves unscrolled, horses foaled, phlox flags unfurled.. all's right with the world
The odds are 1 in 64 to have 6 boys and nary a girl, but if God ordains otherwise, the odds are 1 in 1 to have 6 boys and nary a girl.
The Spirit conceives blueprints... one seeddream became trees of quince
Twenty four hours usher in the New Year in a sacred candlelight procession. Eastern dawns break while Western midnights
join the invincible progression. To the gathering might of the new
and the power of resurrection...each being in each point of the globe
make sublime profession.


Radiovoice comes in at night as through the window
streams starlight.. uplifting as the boat which pops
oer the horizon into sight.
It is each heart-mind which decides how strong or nonexistent
are the rings of saturn.
Is fickle Cupid the most prolific of all muses of poetry?
Atop the sea light glitters. Neath the sea light glimmers.
Sometimes his love for her shouts. Sometimes it quietly shimmers.
The stars each and every ...sparkle in revelry
while the moon continues her sunward reverie
awaiting his herald: the cock's dawn reveille
Two freedom loving tumbleweeds blown together these windwed weeds
wended ever after as one through the winding ways of life
Two roses dwelt above.. the very sharpest thorns. So high they
swayed in morning light their petaled fleece was never shorn
Love is the sun..it can be covered with the shroud of a grey or white cloud
but it can never be killed or scotched or cowed
She said it was more flexible to be polymated and bisexual. Her heart unripe
not yet ready to care that around him in shards lay his shattered heart
As he sat across from a beautiful young blonde woman..suddenly he had a vision of her in her past life.. a centenarian man ready to die.. It was a maya lustbuster
For he'd been attracted not to her soul but her exterior luster.
Sometimes as she wingwheels in the vaults of heaven the hawksquaw makes hawk squawks
.. but more often she is beyond the divisiveness of sound in the sacred silence of skyseas.
From 2 dynasties of love they merge into a destiny of love
Dusk sun at their backs. Its long shadow makes their 2 silhouettes one.
I want to go to God on the road of you.
Within the shrine of his soul, I kneel before the heart of my Beloved.
In the hive of my heart, unstolen from any bees, is stored infinite love for you


Ten thousand acorns don't equal one millenial oak.
The leaves of the birch stay green longer in the fall... but the pine tree is the greenest of
them all
She is a centenarian apple tree yearly producing more fruit She is a train.. each day
attracting more cars for her route.. She is a river ingathering each stream as she flows to the sea. With her every hour she wields more power
Touch parents while they can know the touch, and trees before they lose their leaves.


The cloud balloons were pierced by church steeples.. soon they's be ready to drop their grace on the people
Snow silent swift as skydown sprinkle sifts and turns cloud gifts into earth blanket drifts.
God has in mercy clipped a scene from His starscript.
Each of us wears an invisible garland of skulls.. for all the souls we have in this or other lives killed, injured, consumed, neglected, for all those beings whose hearts we have hurt. God's mercy sometimes
instantly, sometimes through centuries, turns all the skulls to jewels.
Because James Coburn was a Buddhist he was never a fast foodist.. The gentle man donned villains' robes and made people cry but in reality he would not harm a human bird or fly


Wishes start as tender tendrils, yet as the oak's wood hardens, so do desires, sometimes blocking Spirit's fire.
To God the sportsman surrendered his mallet the politician surrendered her ballot
the artist surrendered his palate the cripple surrendered his pallet.
And God handed back each .. multiplied by divine power.
Hurricane Kate forced proud palms to padnamasakar* the humble ocean. Because she the sea everywhere has feet it's not hard for them to show their devotion
They called the weathervane a scattered birdbrain because the Wind Of Spirit moved her in His train


How did the sweet rain transubstantiate to juice of pear?
You dwell where dreams immortal are ushered through materializing portals
When day's azure blues become eve's purple hues then violets are not blue.
That flourish the forget me nots God fastens roots to stems with knots
and ties the fragrant honeysuckle to her twigs with seamless buckles.
We want all others to love him because we love him.
The large mango seed makes an orchard mangotreed,
but the tiny acorn unfurls into much larger and thicker groves.
Now the Red Sea of clover is Bee-cloven But back to Queen Lover flies bee Beethoven
Devoured by silkworms are jade mulberry leaves
... silkworms boiled alive for silk sleeves
.. worms and leaves.. for Spirit their bodies leave
Birds sing the anthems of Spring. The faithful wind flaps the flower flags.
Gold centered pink daisies.. their buds little balls of
pink yarn.. used to weave the pink clouds of the rising sun
polymorphous water.. reborn as rain ice snow fog and mist
dew puddles brooklets
ponds, lakes, bays, rivers, foam, spray, seas
What is the shape of thunder? a cloud?
How amazing that Goddesigned slices of limes and lemons hold each
limedrop or lemondrop
jewel in its chamber until it is squeezed. Some of God's
gifts await in the wings just the slightest effort on our part.
The bubble bursts into seaspray.. and then lifts off on solar rays
If God made too lovely the cocoon, would the caterpillar
want to leave his room?
Toads hop up the tree's toadstool stairway, and at its crown are by unconditional love..kissed into kings. Caterpillars creeping crawl along ivy creepers..soon they'll be loveglove
cocooned.. that they might have wings.
As she began to focus on the grace rather than the pain, each little scar\ turned to miracle star
The lightning only seemed to bisect the rainbow..t instead his foil magnified her beauty
My cocoon is woven of threads of desire but the desireless butterfly will break forth to sunfire
In one life she was Polyanna... in another, wed to polyandry, in a third PaliAnish.


As the ears of crickets are near their knees
so those God-surrendered hear angels in the breeze.
Angels leave miracles in the large sized begging bowls of dumpsters.
Unencumbered the vine of cucumber climbs dead branch umber
pouring forth tendrils of trust while others slumber.
The mind is a radio dispatcher which through prayer sends angels
to those in need. Yet her heart.. need do nothing at all..
the angels respond.. to her unspoken calls.
At Blossom when they play martial music,..flowers are surprised
for God does not arm blooms.
The wind reminded a tree ...the Indian Cigar on the heath
in total giving to bequeath..... to the little ones crawling beneath.....
a subtly fragrant blossom wreath.
Raise the blind.. the room floods with light Plug in the lamp.. gone the night.
Light the cotton.. it's gone in fire. God's mercy does fill every desire
Round wonders flow from the tip of a magic wand.
Spherical music flows from the top of a baton.
A world of talk flows from the metal of a plug.
Angels pay back infinitely.... kindness to a bug.
He thought 'it's just another water mirage'.. but it was the water mirror
of the rising sun.. in her reflections creating miracles
The bee named Hector... needs no visible lector ....to read him the sector where blooms of great nectar.... pour forth fragrant vectors
The spiritually handicapped .....need access ramps for easier entry into heaven
From the Maker's majesty manifest myriad mangoes
Because in God her taproot is grounded ....with love for all she does upwell....and so each of her heart's desire fruits....on her soul tree in satiety swells.
God's highlighted synchronicities.....often come in threes..... trinities of simplicity
When attacks come to auras spherical .....which transmute all to spiritual weapons boomerang upon the senders. This is spiritual physics, of laws of miracles
He thought 'it's just another water mirage'.. but it was the water mirror
of the rising sun.. in her reflections creating miracles
With the sun's grace and of mist just a trace
the spruce ravels green lace out of pure aqua space
What a wonder to see.. on the very same tree..
fresh blooms of youth and wise sweet fruit.
We too can turn water into unfermented purple wine
by watering often our allgiving grape vines.
Every sea is a Red Sea cleaving..parting for Moses with his sailclad clipper All he need do is embark
The sweetest grapes grow on oldest vines
He who spun the sun.. the one which spins peaches... every one
He who weaves the waves He who holds every drop of all rivers
will carry us all back to the land of love.
Over the threshold.....comes sun's freshgold Through the portal....spills his light immortal
In through the door.....Sol's firepour Wide now the gate..for destiny's date.
Miracle points: The lion skull in the desert shelters a bee hive. Sea water through the aeons
has made of rock a rookery. Suffering has carved new caves in the heart.
In Tara's empty space miracles take place.
Like falling rain oer lilyleaf tripped Like pure moon into bright cloud slipped
Like setting sun into calm sea dipped did Jesus' soul come to Mary.
Like communion chalice sipped Like the river oer fallsbrim lipped
Like dewdrop out of buttercup dripped was Jesus' soul born of Mary.
God the artist can totally change his oil paintings faster than a star's twinkling... faster than clouds moon-winking
What was God's greatest miracle? to turn the CAT in caterpillar to the FLY in butterfly? No.. God's eyes were misty when God made Christy for God loved her so
Friends with humor can melt away tumors ... of babyboomers
He has rescued so many animals, his ark would have sunk
long ago... but divine grace keeps afloat his sanctuary boat.
The mathematics of masters is that they need no mammon, no medium of money
to make and manifest their multiplying magnifying miracles. Their hearts summon manna.
Their souls grow mangoes.
Rock carving rivers over time are trapped by their own liquid chisels.
God the Sculptor has often changed their and our courses.
God can a pear impeach in a tree of peach and cherries entwine on old grape vines
Nataraj did prayers answer and He healed the invasive cancer... now she's once again a dancer


Night is the husher He in the moon ushers Each of her rays an endless light gusher.
The full moon poured pitcher after pitcher of coconut milk into the sea..
and the sea.....she silvered it all.
The full moon opalescent.. has lost weight.. is now a crescent
A queen wears stolen crown jewels shining bright heisted from India.They glow in the light. The moon thief has also taken light.
She does herself array in sun owned rays.

You are the nectar the hummingbird the clover. You are the bloom, the bee, the Oerhoverer. You are the beloved the Love and the Lover.
Our hearts leapt each night when he walked in the door.. Sunset was our second sunrise.
Since he has left we have missed him every hour. Our earth sunset
will be Reunion's sunrise.
Eve angel does not evangelize. Mystic power flows from the lovelight in her eyes.
A tree stormbent horizontal.. had 7 parallel branches growing
straight up... like a parent who sacrificed for her children
Saints know the love of 1000 followers does not equal the love of God.. Many mothers know the love of many biological or adopted children does not equal that of the beloved husband
Only the most nurturing and empathic could help a cat live happily for 23 years.
The silver rule: to do some good for others. The golden rule.. to love others as we love ourselves. Some rare ones follow the diamond rule..
they silently love their families more than themselves.
Unlike the queen bee who stayed in 1 place because her wings were clipped by honey thieves, the mother bird stayed during the forest fire because her babies could not fly.
In spring he took them on Mayrides. In summer he took them on Dayrides.
In the fall he gave them hayrides. In winter he took them on sleighrides.
Many mothers and every tree are statues of nonliberty .. rooted by their love
En and Em make verbs from nouns as in enjoy and in embark Love too moves verbs
from confined nouns as it gives the rooted the wings of the lark.


As a youth he read only poetry, a bee supping only on nectar, an angel sipping ambrosia.
Hexagonal are honeycombs and snowflakes
and the columns in the Giant's Causeway that basalt makes
April south wind stirs October leaves of red into a mobile with no visible threads
Unlike a freshman's trunk, overpacked, clothes spilling out,
the epigrams of Gore Vidal... have a world in few words.
River carved Grand Canyon.. neither captured by a master's oils or a child's crayons
Frogs croaking, raindrops softly dropping, woodpecker sculpting, lark singing... in perfect
harmony.... the symphony of God
The wind's fingers stroke the tree harp and the tree's green fingers in turn stroke the wind.
God's creations: the notes of Mozart and John Moats' heart
The enraptured woodpecker raps his rhapsodies, in the apple trees and not the bush of raspberries
This master of jazz is Mine, said the Lord of all Jasmine
Like a green river valley is each of her poems. Strung together by the river, the nonviolent garland... takes us to the sea.
The sun strikes the icicle wands and they flow into flowers. The sun sparks the icicle batons
making the music of melting asterisking them with miracle drops
The applause for Pavarotti.. is as beautiful as his voice..
for it is the sound of many hearts beating as one each sending love through his hands.
Like bells on a sleigh harness are white pepper seeds strung
in the inner chambers of the jade belltower.
The bird orchestra has retired for the evening.. Later crickets leave off their chorus
But still the treefrogs played tirelessly for us
The ornithologist described the lark's 'plain appearance'. It was not
his fickle eyes but the ears of all who waited for her song.
When the night is most still then the nightingale's trill spontaneously spills
The artist paints the lily.. water colors dry on the canvas
.. but the lilyroots remain wet
The present's fleecy cloud wrapping is removed revealing
the jewel Sun streaming His own ribbons.
Poets you love are rungs on a ladder...
for your morning glory poems they become a lattice
Treeharps play without strings... nightingales begin to sing...bees forego their weapon stings... ..squirrels leap and twirl and swing.... drawn by hidden sacred spring
With discipline they queue before dawn cue
tuning their orchestra slowly..to sing to me and to you..
the note choir gathers sunfire.. as they sing Bird Gospel without surcease
of His constant providing, His Love, His Joy, His Peace


The sun does not preach as he the peach tree does impeach
Some Muslims think Christians are infidels. Some Christians think Muslims are going to hell.
Some Jews think you're only chosen if a Cohen, Levi, Marx or Rosen. Some Adventists think they're the only elect. Some Hindus think they're the most select. God loves all equally as
the sun pours forth his rays equally in all directions
The preacher was saved from a sermon about 'the london derriere' when someone
whispered to him it was 'The Londonderry Air'
"Harrison and Henry machinegunned the stars.. but starlight kept glowing
.and they gave a new meaning to 'shooting stars' as their own stars continued to climb.
Why do I mind more the unripeness in others and me than I mind the green fruit on a sweet tree? Not until God's appointed hour will fruit become beesweet and not be sour


A child's cries in the store disappear with a cruel parent walking him out the door
but ....the cries remain in the heart
Humane slaughter.. an oxymoron.. from those who don't
know.. oxen aren't morons
As small flowers bloom at the tips of glaciers so do
unlucky children survive around cold parents.
Crocodiles shed crocodile tears which blend invisiblly with riverdrops
when they are underwater. They cry perhaps when they are hunted.
Margaret, when we see the Pieta, we think of you. But the
frozen marble of pain has turned to rising joy.
The ice does not in pain scream when in the sun he melts into stream nor does he scream when he climbs into spiraling steam.
We need rain to make a rainbow...through drops goes the glow...
of the palate of pastels which says "goodbye to hell"
As Peter Sellers playing Dr Strangelove would with his left arm keep lowering his right arm's heil..so did the paid pawns in the media occasionally forget to hide the strings
of their puppet masters before the people prevailed over the butcher-pharma-war profiteer and petroplutocracy
Cherish the hard cherrystones .. they are the chariots of new scarletrubycrimson cherries.. From their boundless charity come new cherry trees For them.. every year is a jubilee
God answers and unfolds all from time's yarn ball
Melting are the ice towers of Babel into the streams with their cheerful babble
and their iridescent rapids-born bubbles...as they flow on unscrolling their Bibles of joy
There is no crucifixion for the rivers flowing to the sea. Waterfalls
are a joyful experience for the pure waters of Spirit.


Mother bird, why worry. Don't scurry. Don't hurry. No flurry.
Your babies... they are safe.
Birds sit watching from the theatre's brick parapets waiting for me to
finish eating and feed them the rest
Why do doctors call their customers 'patients'? Is it to obscure the financial arrangement and the many hours wasted in waiting rooms for overbooked appointments?
Before the dandelions gold have their tents unrolled the black umbrella tents must unfold
To all beings manifests the mango tree... her manna gently and
gradually... Some rest as gifts in high grass baskets.
We too can turn water into unfermented purple wine
by watering now our greenleaved allgiving grape vines.


He was alive because on that day
in Niigata the skies were gray *
Those who tried to colonize Vietnam
have written on water.
61 died that day in the 1st infantry in Vietnam. Rows of bodybags, the
fruit of war.. drying in noonday sun.
Oh God to You we give thanks... that in time Polish horses... defeat
Nazi tanks
How many have been blinded burned bombed or blown apart
by Hitler, Churchill, puppet presidents or Bonaparte?
Weary worker ants rest on moss pillows grown by the pussywillows while a
family of ducks floats on lake billows
Pansies fringe the rusting panzers
Ivy and violets vy not with the violent.
As the unchanging blue waters of the lake reflect
the gold, crimson, pink and saffron of the changing fall
so the peaceful soul absorbs the ups and downs of those
in crisis in answer to God's call
Above a battle dark smokegrey and bloodcrimson in surprise
and silent contrast break pastels from the palate of sunrise.
The fruit tree groves of life randomly grow
but Arlington's deathbloom graves... are set in rows
a deep pool at every waterfall base
.. postcrisis waters of God's resting grace
Shakti has become shanti. Power has become peace
God is rearranging the stars into a special script for you...
a fortune cookie strip of joy. a secret message, a puzzle
There are the stars of purple framed night
streaming peace, pouring light
Some call war profiteer cartels
'the US' but we the people of America
from Sacramento to Schenectady
reject such lying syndecdoches
One by one in many countries they break through the ice of fear.. cups
of crocuses.. stand up in caucuses.. East to West from Africa to the
Caucusus and show their eternal allegiance to the maker of their sun:
Creator of all of us.
Those who wend their way on the opposite
side of the road are not our foes. Each stays within the
lines as peace on both sides goes.
One has to choose between bomber pilots' wings and the whirring help of angel wings
The wind lullabies the lilac looms and fireflies
As many like holy Uri Geller can with mindpower bend metal
so prayer and positive thought can defuse and melt weapons.
Downward falsified: war's casualty statistics ... truth raped by aims sadistic
Divine Mother Kwon Yin sometimes veils her beauty
that it not create fear in her children.. fear to approach her
The wind lullabies the lilac looms and fireflies
The storm was full of menacing dark clouds.. hard cold rain..treecleaving lightning ..
now it is over and in the twilight 3 rainbarrels brimful of rain.. shimmer in the starlit peace.
Atop them lattices of fallen leafy branch .. lifeboats for any country mice.
Beneath the morning star jewel.. arrive arrayed in gold the beams of dawn..
and though their swordshafts appear each other to pierce.. with crossfire and conflicting dreams
.. because they are made of light, they merge
When children are cremated by bombing their bodies' ashes require no enbalming
These innocent children of the poor.. now soldiers with the whole world on their exploited shoulders.. some of whom need to be resoldered
Nonviolent is the violet light which wakes us from the sleep of night. Gently comes the dawn's twilight each step taken oh so slight.
Worse than pedophiles is pedocide, abstractly bombing children from Florida computers
If a biologist teaches dissection is he a necrologist...
desensitizing teens to cruelty and killing, funneling them into
careers of animal carving, vivisection
Above, heaven's fields are a flaming flamingo feather pink while below palm trees'
flaming fronds fall set with people and animals on fire by bombs
a barberry bush with saffron leaves..... on its branches hang rows of crimson raindrops...
as if the bombing raids of the distant war had rained blood here
He was not drafted to warships but summoned to worship.. not to soldiers' gassing
by 'friendly fire' but called to the Higher Fire
Waves scalloped shield the scallops. Blue lips and cherrystones
hide protected by Neptune's throne.


In the Party Green welcome are all shades of Green except for the green in the burger's gangrene
He ends the blood of unjust wars. Red is his peaceward passion. He works to end all suffering.
Blue is his deep compassion. He always shows silent serenity. White is his shadeless dispassion.


Willow branch fingers trace in the pond painting the water.. sunset gold
As fog fragments and imagination's figments
swell trees and do new figs mint,
so every good wish is answered by God...
(yet 'the chains of gold bind as much as the chains of iron')
Where aqua sky meets deep blue sea, the hearth of the
orange sun was in the west. Through the night miraculously
the entire fireplace was moved to the east, as resistant
thoughts can join winners between dusk and dawn.
Rotting fruit contains living seeds which shelter infinite
Bright sunwands as they unfurl cause the chrysanthemum to uncurl
.. so cause loverays unbidden to ope heartchambers long hidden
During rain or after sunset, sunflowers have their heads down..
but mostly they keep their sunnier sides up
Because the water trough has several leaks
the apples on the tree nearby have rosier cheeks\
and Look! how have grown the lovely lilacs
because the roof does leak
Santa may have 1 sleigh, but Abba's sleighs are infinite..
endless is the pouring of their gifts.
It was not a peace officer's rooflight but the sun flashing
hello in the rear view mirror, saying the past of everyone
is holy.
The mosquito was trying to be like the bee who avoided all blood including
A or B positive as he buzzed around being positive
A patch of moss moose-marred ...where
the rain pooled in his print, mice make merry .. before
mirroring the Evening Star
The darkest before the dawn does the dew create
and rests the dormant doorman.
The cornucopia within cornstarred cobs and cones of pine
Out of great Nought, visualizing thought, electric blue prints
have for each wrought what she or he sought
.. what she or he sought...turning to 'be' from every 'ought'
(to the Kinneys of Korea and other points)
Every raindrop is a crystal ball
foretelling thoughts of perfect rainfall.
Electrically thoughts magnetize matter's tiny particles
as the skeleton of a sunken ship attracts barnacles.
The break of day! The crack of dawn! Look not at night's
shellshards but at the newbird sun!
What her omnipotent heart ordained, her obedient will obtained.
(to the mother of S and J Brunner)
When comes eternal noon? When soul turns around each no to on.
Rising waters in a quarry.. fill every niche and nave..
Spirit's rising waters grant each desire in heart cave.
A single silent green light empowered a line of awesome truck might. A single
band of pink dawning light
pushed back the entire greyblanket of night.
Can one brake the break of day? Can one brook the coming dawn?
When the pond was smashed by his clenched fist.. it became a cradle rocking for the little fish God transmutes anger into love
Sun rays weave Out of eternal ethers.... into purple heather ... as tiny thought feathers... become love's tethers.. melding 2 together
We are chambered nautili.. in each new life in more spacious chambers we lie..
until we return to God... by and by
As rainarrows are released before the rain bow appears, thoughts precede action.
As God is infinite, universal, unconditional, perfect Love, all beings are written into The Book of Life.
Every mature tree from twig to root yearns to be home for flocks of birdfruit.
In the mountains...God has massed his thunder. Belief can hasten the power's breaking asunder.
You can reshuffle the deck of fate anytime. You can multiply the aces you are given..infinitely.
Peapicking, pecan pecking plum plucking, pear pickpocketing squirrel
packs his loot in his cheeks
Only a tiny line of blue says the sea is on the horizon. Only a tiny line of pink says the sun is about to be rising. Only a raindrop on a leaf but it reflects many stars.
Only a smile on the face sparks timely grace
The despised weed ..the rejected wallflower ..the most shaded place
Job seemingly God-abandoned... the ugly duckling ..reindeer Rudolph before the foggy night
but now the square moves to trine and materializing dreams do them entwine


Blue spruce spires... their steeples point to blue star fire
Out of the sea the sun aborning Not adorned but all adorning
With His awesome light of morning Says to you "Come! My Mavoorning!"
(to Ethel Lynch)
O God Dweller in the Heart of Every Being, release now and forever the joy latent in all
Jack in the Pulpit has taken up silence.. to his new sermon none said
'ahem' ...many said 'amen'...
Pen chisel carves tunnel out of feelings' mine cavein
God and humans both know of love unreturned. The difference is: about this God is unconcerned.
Held the dew the concave butternut better than the convex buttercup
Dawn drawn dandelions sun-summoned... spread gold parasols
... another sundown will bring.. a diaspora of dandelion down
From all eyes shines God's light ... from every human, bird, fish and mite
The mind of a genius is a sky piled high with lightning forked thunderclouds.
The desireless mind of a master is blue with nary a cloud.
She was not forced to walk the plank into the ocean of her Self ... she was ready to jump
Deity winds blow into the Lungs, the Temple of Breath
Sipping from a teacup he mulled over the day's deeds ... from a teacup brewed from red clover seeds
Trees of January like Job continue to lift their arms in prayer
though they are powerless, unable to speak or move, their leaves stolen.
He took off his boots, but still the discalced elephant
caused harm and so he decided to meditate in the pond.
As a telescope turns the pinprick of light into the jewel of Jupiter, meditation gives tangible proximity to God who indwells all
He feared when he died he would slide to hell down a slippery funnel but God told him he'd rise to him... through a lightfilled tunnel
The bees' buzzing omkar to blooming little stars
One thought Britannia once ruled the waves. Another thought: India rules the quiet depths.
The sun does nothing but meditate.. yet flow his rays in 360 cubed ways. He is focused on one point, but his energy transforms..all points.
As he saw.. his fears were allayed..for there was the sun
in mornlight arrayed.. there were the trees with springblooms sprayed....answered were the prayers.. that he had prayed
Sunrise does night shadows shatter.. for all sre Spirit
not their bodies' matter
Knowing that if he took any more animals in his ark would
sink, he began to pray.
Flowers don't chase bees. It is to the safe meditator at the treebase and not to the hunter that
the shy deer comes. Her serene quiet heart magnet.. like a crystal ball
invokes the form she desires.
As rivers slowly deposit their sands in the sea... and suddenly there is a new sandbar..
so God's angels stream slowly into our minds.. suddenly a complete vision appears
Faster than God answers when His Name is invoked are His
responses to cries of agony whether silent or sounded.
Dreams are messages in a bottle washed upon our shores from the ocean of God. They are script of the night seeded by angels.
Is it easier for meditaters to focus on a form than on the void?
How can one pinpoint infinity?
"They tangle the edge of the river with vines", to me in meditation said the Divine... not meaning that one should walls de-vine... but attachment reduces the current of shakti He reminds.
"Not in the morning (mourning) pond does the Lion wash his blood", He said to writer in meditation. So many meanings of this koan... one of which was that the evening pond, pink with the glow of the setting sun, does not reflect the blood on the lion's muzzle. Listeners should see only the divine in others.
The dawn is dewing. The awakened, doing. The bee is beeing. The yogi, being.
A willow grows by living waters but a lotus lily is by them surrounded
As the branchweave is a grid through which we see the sky
so does the mindgrid the One reality distort and divide
Only God is God fullblown. The rest are God in bud.
Visualizing gentle weather... billions together.. humanity becoming one bird flock
moving together


When someone projects negativity , it's as if
a painter invaded his victim's home and painted that ones kitchen black.
She came across a mirror crying and she did ask him why..
he paused.. and then..this was his reply:
the warrior says I'm violent The courtesan that i'm a slut
The little boy: I'm immature.. The overweight.. likes not my gut
Onto us God's projection of His own perfection
melts away our thoughts of rejection.
Younger souls project darkness onto what old souls do
as waters reflect in darker hues, the aqua of sky blue


Some people are Mirror Lake, sparkling in the sun's reflection.
But don't dive in... for there are hidden sharp projections.
One cannot add enough antibiotic powder to make safe coprophagous clams' chowder
To abstain from beings of the main is safest in the main
The flame of both lard candles and pure ones can transmit fire... and glow with spirit light.
Nevertheless he bought only pure ones..... because pigs and cows have rights.
Among nature's purifiers are wind, water, earth, and pure fire
John Kennedy wanted a Mercury mission, but not mercury emissions
The health department establishment tell us to wash our hands frequently...
yet re the filth of eating animal cadavers... they're on a silent frequency
To abstain from beings of the main is safest in the main


As one honking horn disturbs hundreds of ears, so one angry word shatters peace into pieces.
* 2
Dawn's breaking quiet begets bees' buzzing riot.
Three quiets merge.. the silent snowsift.. night's fall swift and the stillness of the wilderness
God has said to revile none.. rather to revel as He God as Love indwelling each reveals
Raindrop circles expand in the pond.. echoes of the silent splash
Yogis sometimes roll up the red carpet of welcome, the speaking tongue.
Bright orange trumpet flowers grow like clapperless bells.. as saffron clad monks prefer silence
The boat leaves foam wake. The canoe, ripples. But geese leave no trace as they fly.
Misogynists wish women to be tongueless belles, as silent as the meadow's tongless bluebells
Basho taught us the pond has no sound no refrain.. until violated by a frog, a stone, or fingers of the rain
The pain-inflicting doctors who play at science debark captive dogs so that they may hurt in silence.
Love's quiet triumphs over hate's loud trumps
Mums outlast lilies. Her silence always outlasted speech.
Sunny dandelion tents collapse for the night. Birdwings infold in the purple twilight.
Shutters close but peeps through the inner light. Eyelid screens fall.. for dreammovie delights.
The sweet echoes of the green-girt geckos sweetly foil the sound of silence
Near the jade pepper temple hung with quiet white chimes
grows the citrus tree weaving translucent veils of lime
Fluffy flakes fell, flickering in the starlight, flecking the lamplight.


Oh Julie .. God's sun is shining She is grapevining and the grove tree now she's liming
Oh what a blessed relief! to see April the trees re-leaf! and a windbussed Noreasterfragrant with Easter melt away the last ice-lings of grief.
the bee the purple blooms did rape .. and now there are sweet violet grapes
Jesus said 'greater power shall I give to you'.... the power to be resurrecters..... only confining thoughts can limit our actions
A fallen petal of a purple rose fell onto the clover... I thought until I spied
it was a butterfly.. who unfolded her wings and flew up high
Glass shatters.. neath sunfire.. each shard reflecting his orb entire
The Great Lord can behind him twirl... vast universe' gyrating
swirl... that his rebellious insurection
.... become his glorious resurrection
No lid for the cups of sunlemony buttercups..
they just infold to escape night cold..
but in the morn... once again unrolled...
once again their cheery chalices of gold do dewy dawn hold
One upright responsible pier pillar after another yields in the night to the
hegemony of the flowing tide.
Those who took opposition roles...
were midwives of her strengthened soul
The sun arises and rouses the rose. In raspberries,
His arisen rays are rose.
A wee teardrop reflects a star. The tears dry.. remain the stars.
Meet the sea the icebergs melted
.. and now reflect the sunrise molten
Every dawn a straight rainbow of promise is on the horizon
...heralding each heartsun's rising.
As resoldered metal is stronger than when first forged,
so the resurrected are paradoxically more perfect than
the Godcreated original
The soul's essence is ever in God's presence, and unharmed by the
fires of creation or the ashes of cremation.
He was so loved by all creatures that when it rained
a cloud served as his umbrella.
Filling every inch of the line of floodcracked cement
is a thread of velvetjade moss
In the empty chalice of the rivercarved grand canyon
dawn has drawn with gold pink orange light crayons.
Candle flame fear not results if you ignite the snuffed candle's reborn light.
As a clock with no hands can register time as the sun plays across its face, so Spirit needs no body in order to manifest its power.
How has each apple tree's barren branch.. burst to wands of blooming blanch?
At the base of the birdfeeding pole, a perfect circle frames it... the lace trace of birdprints, as they ate the seeds which had a precipitous fall
God the Divine Genie is waiting in the bottles of all hearts
to answer wishes.
On Ararat rests the ark. A rainbow is born in the dark. Out of silence bursts
the joyful song of the lark.
Night swallows the swallows' trails and swallowtails. Dawnfire resurrects them
Within all beings the Spirit dwells removing all cursing spells, creating tongs for soundless bells, wanding every halfshell into full shell.. causing stone hearts with love to swell..
The feathers of the Phoenix bird are not always flakes of fire..
sometimes they are mercy's falling waterdrops
Out of the pain of hell so low.. was born of goodbye the sweetest hello
Over the mountain's Eastern ridge Of a sudden came Mornlight's dawnbridge
Which distilled into Matter And became a light ladder ...transporting them Wherever they wished.
As he graces moated castles with spring's pastel tassles, the sweet pea king is beyond peeking
into power behind thrones in Peking or who will be the British king
Bluebirds sit on the barren black branches of a winter tree.. It is not their gentle touch which will resurrect him but the God ever within himself.
Out of the humus, born of humility.. springs the lily.
to Jesus' fig tree: He did belittle you.. but soon he'll bebig you.. and in the spring with blooms he will wig you..
In summer he'll summon jade garb to resprig you.. And this fall with figged twigs he'll refig you


From the Palisades we saw a diamond backed rattler radiant in the sun
.. rippling his rattle arcing to strike the Cuyahoga Valley to evergreen life...
.. in every drop of his river flux shining with the sun's own lux


Who besides a snake can swim in the grass?
Call no demon names. Focus on his divine core. See the gold
within his ore.
Sooner or later ...even Satan's minions ...are beyond opinions lifted by Love's universal pinions.
A playing boy's discarded stick became the father heron's
beakborn gift... for their nest a new twig ...
the rejected stumbling block.. to the temple's
cornerstone he lifts
Said the mother fly to her gay child..... be strong when the cruel
call you a maggot faggot
Dawn tiptoes... and treetoads' toes.... she tips with rose
The spilled seeds swept out the door became corn on the cob from corn on the curb.
Light passes through trillions of unique beings' prisms. Each
prism casts a unique pattern of light. But every one of them is
light. Everyone is truth for that being.
In every weed the angels nod, as she spins her lace from sod. Only boundless love is fit for God.
The ants who build wee little hills in the cracks of sidewalks trust in the gentleness
of humankind.


In the cartoon a man with a manicured crewcut perfect lawn shook his rake at a stray puppy and yelled 'go home!'. A cartoon script bubble pointed to the dog....as she was
thinking "I don't have a home."


The most beautiful places are the emptiest spaces
Birds are happy with the branches of a dead
tree on which to rest...dead sticks with which to build a nest.
In the sea, a zillion strong singing each his own song,
every sweet sponge.
Archivists are wavecounters.
Fast weaving privacy screens, bamboo curtains
.when alive.make the world beautiful.. it is certain
Not dressed in uniform is the rose.. but she is clad in civilian clothes. Informants
thought she must be working under cover.. with some of her petals furled and close.
Such a simple thing... a ball of string ... to help the vine grow.... to the spring


Never did the tree of beech or the palm on the beach or the orchard's fragrant peach
.. of the sun his light beseech
By the babbling brook and the bubbling fountain near the bobbing buoys
and boats with baby boys birds are bibbing dew
and bees are bibbing too


We go by much too fast the hidden gates to see
.. the quiet love.....silent caring.. anonymous frequencies.
He makes the microscope... a macroscope..
as he magnifies for mere mortals the rights of the minuscule
Maple leaves... gold stars.. gently fall down.... Mother Earth giving everyone an A
She was criticizing him. the words hurt.. yet rivers of rosepurple light flowed from
her hands and feet.. like a song whose lyrics were lost in the exquisite melody


When angels see someone risk his own safety to speak the words of truth and peace, they give of their own feathers to wing his words. And God then multiplies their wings.
The squid ink of war’s imbedded journalists.. is meant not to clarify but to obscure with dark clouds.
Amod told me of Waccha Siddhi...which means that one always tells
the truth, devas and angels turn his words into reality.
Mirrors do lie ... they fail to show God the Indweller... residing in each being.


As their voices are one in sound so the choir's uniforms convey they act as one, whether it is humans in a church chorus or frogs in a seaside symphony.


A champion racehorse at the winning line, unattached, eating the
blooms of his victory wreath
The apple tree's blooms spun by sun looms dropped for fruit to make
room .. swept away by wind broom
Wishing order he'd been a cuthappy lust-er but entranced by tiger
lilies' lustre he began to leave alone God's surprising little clusters
The iced sculpture fish has melted into his completing water.
The conductor must choose between the proferred bouquet and
the baton, between the past and the future.
A white heron flock flies across the jade cypress swamp canvass. A
script of winged words triumphant.
My Jesus is the Lover of the Prodigal Son, the 100th lamb, the leper, the sinner, the prostitute,
the demon possessed, the crucified thief. His sacred heart sees only how to end the suffering.
The grape vine's love has the junk yard conquered
.. greenpeacing its metal with grapes of concord
There are many paths over the bay.. the stone bridge.. the foam wake of boats..
.. the glowing path of the sunset..
Icarus, after several tries, is now one with the sun. Sisyphus, first helped by angels, and
then on his own, has taken the stone to the hilltop. Juliet, schooled in the holy art of
resurrection, has vivified Romeo. Duryodhana is a hero of nonviolence now and the
Indian revolutionaries who were by their occupiers cannonized... are now canonized.


Music is invoked by baton Lightning drawn by the rod Miracles come to magic wand and Will does summon God
Will, your winded wings will win.
The wind whispers to the willow wisps... they grow with new will
Love whips not our poor wills.. but summons hearts like whippoorwills
The stars change their courses and revolve around those who align to omnipotent resolve
Over a summer God turned the soundless dew into juice of lime. Long ago in an instant Jesus turned water into wine. Now in a moment the Higher Power of the surrendered alcoholic turns wine.. back into water.
Let me not eat the fortune within the cookie nor the mango's seed
.. nor through indiscipline fork myself in the heart
He never takes no for an answer He mines for love
with a diamond drill.. His endurance is an act of will
Grace and hope the parents of will There are no walls Where there is will.
A full moon face shining with empathy for all... a profile as craggy as the Himalayas
Said the vine of her wine: "I can't I can't. I shall not recant. It is
not I who abused my grapes....but she who did the bottle decant"


Wind chimes play not on time... but when the Spirit moves through trees of lime.
The South Wind has for the evening donned jasmine scent*
The wind weaves many white caps so quickly for the blue sea
Mother Wind moves the water rocker to and fro on the stormy sound's deeps. On the boatcradle by lapping waves she is softly lulled to sleep.
The wind has blown away the cloud cover.. and the pond's reflection from grey to blue clover
Clouds' whitewaterweave covered the sky.. and yet everywhere there was a patch of blue.. it was a different hue... here aqua.. there cerulean... or teal or indigo
The east wind blowing westward marries the falling rain
turning her attention elsewhere
Crosswinds quilt the Connecticut River ever so slightly but still the waters flow to the sea.
As gauzy veils lie on the shoulders of the slender, as avalanche clouds pour through tall firs, as morning mist rolls through ship masts, do monsoon clouds flow over the peaks of the Himalayas
Froggie croaks on his rock dais encircled by dizzy daisies all the day long.
The wind makes them wave in applause.


They thought her a clinger and him upright and stable. But it was the tomato vine and
not the tomato stake which put all the food on the table.


In Christ's crib, the crimson was not yet visible. His blood became
the crimson light of dawn.
Inside the soft peach flesh lives hard peach pit. Inside the hard peach pit.. eternal pink peach fire.
Inside the sheep's clothing lives hard heart wolf. Inside the wolf's belly the wolf planned the lamb.
But instead.. inside wolf's heart the Lamb of God.
The sunset dyed red cloud like Jesus' Turin shroud
rinsed by night of blood in purity shines outloud.
On an Asheville spring hillside.. the divine lamplighter
ignited the mountain laurel's purple candelabra.. with her
constant praise to the Son and Abba
A spiral swirl of windwed weed Each tiniest wheat-hued needle caught a globe of dew.
.. a crystal rosary of 59 beads already goldchained inside...awaiting only the Jeweler
of Morning to forge thislinkling and lift this love aloft to the Lord
If it's kind and in prayer you ask it, God has it for you in an Easter basket... and rarely this even involves... raising someone from her casket.
The Angel of the Annunciation cared not about Mary's enunciation


O Ganga in Bangladesh may you never again be the goddess of
The glow of Poornachandra... gives birth to Poornananda.
After God ordered ocean to quaff the flooded world He sent a ribboned rainbowto say Never More...But when Neelakanta drank venom of the globe He sent polyribboned rainbowl:
a sky of liquid ore!
His biographers said that Ramana Maharshi first fed the animals at his ashram, then the beggars, next the visitors, then the ashram
residents and finally himself.
Her rattles Kali snake in a dance does shake When she strikes the curtain falls and maya is shown as a fake
The cloud darkens, Indra drops gray grace. Baba's fingers will and drop vibuthi gray grace
In the distance mighty roar many leagues birds flew to see onto which the Ganga pours
Shiva's brow Almighty. Eternal mist of cataract Wed to Light of Iswar's eye
bears Ganesh of Parvati.. Rainbow of Eternity


The olive tree is the altar of Allah. On it Allah has placed free olives for all.
Does anyone yearn for sunset more than a pious person fasting during Ramadan?
A dreammaker whispered this to dreamer: "Hazrat.... Love for this came humankind into the world. Seeking and finding it they need
come no more
Drawn to morning prayer, a flock of birds, not having removed their
shoes, dance an airborn minuet round and round the minaret
Oh Bawa Muhaiyaddeen... my friend was right in saying that you filled your simple mosque in a poorer part of town with white light... your love so strong that babies crawled to you from their mothers.
The Quran says many times that Allah is All Merciful. The mercy of Allah embraces all.
It was said of Mohammed that he came across a mother cat and her kittens sleeping on his
cloak. Rather than awaken and move her, he cut away for himself only that portion of the
cloak on which she did not lie. He had been a camel driver. He would allow none to beat
camels, and reminded others to feed them well.


Buddha was a Hindu. Jesus was a Jew. Getting caged in labels.. blocks the God in
me and you.
God's lightning cleaved the heaven's asunder.. and out of them S/He spake in thunder...
"There is no such thing as a Jewish hunter!"
The Torah says to feed ones animals before oneself. They are voiceless and need help
in bringing food down from the shelf.
They accused Noah of being an animal hoarder... but his heart
had no other options
Jan F had a vision of a rose bush at Hitler's grave tended by 3 Catholic nuns. Did it mean
a. that all sentient beings including rose bushes have rights..no matter where planted
b. that Hitler's body was becoming the leaves and flowers of a rose bush
c. that all embodied beings including Hitler are temples of atma or GOD encased in the impermanent..
d. that some who are unforgiving still equate the half billion Catholics with the actions of Pius XII


The Buddhist saw that when his wrist was tired the Wind came and moved
his prayer wheel for him. Spirit Breath comes and goes
and the lung prayer wheels move to and fro.
A 3 year old baby girl..in a Chinese restaurant.. wiping the window glass for her parents.. in desirelessness she refused pennies, paper, toys....her radiant smiles clothing all in her joy
This purple bloom of milkweed.. its sphere made of 108? spears
symbolic of the Buddha.. 10000 lives taking him to perfection
No creature is thought a pest in compassionate Budapest..so great is Buddha's Spirit in allembracing Budapest.
Day by day the vine has crept While others soundly slept.. up the trellis she has stepped,and where climatis has for joy her petaled purples wept Buddhists have only with feather brooms swept
Saffron robed monks Buddhist are seldom seen in seaside camps nudist
Light ribbons from the Buddha's full moon do his holy shrine festoon. His Spirit moves the
bamboo grove... by the lagoon.


A Tecumseh museum... with axes and knives hanging from the walls. His Spirit walks through the large highup room opening each
shutter. One is then aware only of the supernal blazing light.


The way of yielding water.... flowing.. being never preaching is the teaching of the I Ching


All beings Love Spirit enfolds within infinite wings of blazing gold.


A gentle cow reading Leviticus found that cloven hoofed animals
are forbidden for food. And so she did cleave each of her four.
Above.. the starstrewn sky Below.. a landmine-sown earth lies.
Above the pastel spray of breaking day... below the battlefield's crimson and gray
At a defense contractor luncheon, the eagle ice sculpture drips water
from his melting beak. Frozen form
becomes all form. The waters of peace are flexible.
May no illegitimate
leader's illegal wars hasten any 'til death us do part'
Babe issued a press release.. "they tell fibs..
.. I have no ribs to spare.. no spare ribs"
Because of her the world will sooner bring.. a world of no more
suffering.. where none are swallowing....a chicken's or a swallow's wing
Butchers unthinkingly smash the hour glasses of mammals' lives.
Do plants have feelings? said one and the other replied:
Wallflowers must have broken hearts.
Emma Wood said 'animals love vegetarians'... It's also true that
plants love fruitarians.
Factory farmed hens: unloved they are born.. nameless they
live... innominate they die... ungrieved in stomachs they are buried
He stopped fishing for reasons of mercy
and saved himself from radiation, worms, lead and mercury.
How do the words of the Peaceful Master become the tirades of
warmonger pastors?
How many daisies does a daisy cutter bomb cut?
In India the bloody footprint of Alexander's throne
lasted as long as a twig cleaves the sea into which it is thrown.
It is not recorded in the words of Tennyson
that Ben Franklin got sick when he ate venison
Kneeling to God, all weapons' Wielder, he became a
weapons yielder.
Lambs go more quietly to their murder than pigs. Pigs fight
hard against the knife wielders.
Less likely to suffocate fishes or cause their suffering
are suffragettes and meditative Sufi rings.
Little chick fertilized within the eggshell basket
.. Of Thee God he asked it... that none turn the little shell into a marble casket
Many are the harshly shod footprints which have trod smashing little ones between the booted and the sod
Neither the barbs of the blackberry bush nor the thorns protecting the rose act aggressively.
NASA secreted hundreds of mice into the hold of the shuttle. Each was a
spacemouse.. each was a scapemouse.
Neath obsolescent mower it used to be that crickets make a final peep.
Fireflies' lanterns snuffed beneath the skies. Bumblebees' pollination
stops Caterpillars do not become butterflies
Seldom are birdwatchers seen... in factory farms
Oh a cockroach is better luck than a cricket upon the hearth.. for
she magnetizes to your home those who love every heart
That general bombed so many into bodiless realms stygian. Now his stone statue has
new epaulets... the droppings of the pigeons
Robins need not squabble over a stick for their 2 nests.. for there are dead sticks everywhere.
Spaniards are ending the waving of red flags toward crucified bulls, as everywhere the white flags of mutual surrender to God flap, and the wind rustles the pink flags of thyme......
all flags of earth peaceful in time
She defends not only underdogs but undercats, undercows, and underpigs, underchickens and underfishes.
The boats which to their slaughter ship sheep are never shipshape.
The fire in the mob's hate torches does not always color within the lines.
The God indwelt beetle sanctifies the holy rose.
The trash truck comes around, its treeslapping height
leaving a mobile of severed spring leaves in its wake... its mechanized pickup
not knowing what living tiny mice or human corpses might be inside
They cleave off innocent pigs' cloven hooves
... yet the scarlet blood does not crimson
the purple fields of clover
If his heart is a bud.. not yet fullblown will he understand the iris' unfolding sermon
or care about how they freeze the tongues of captured ermine... will they know yet
that rats and mice are not vermin
Trillions of animals' agonized cries through the years echoing in our ears....
in agony beseeching God "When will you hear?"
Up peep and pop the poppy pods.
Does their scotching and scorching please Papa God?
Can not heroin be controlled without harm
to Mother Nature's plants and sod?
We have nothing to offer you say the cows of their gravy
but our blood sweat and tears.
Weeding whispered the Great Spirit...is plant racism
A bee willing to hang upside down in drooping blooms
will harvest more honey. But the converse is not true..
those who work the hardest are not those who make the money.
The horse has run her heart out for her 'owner''s bank
account.. and her reward? the slavery of a stall
Ralph Nader works for consumers, Casey Kasem for consum-ees
Angels please make more clever plants of clover... that they hide from cleaving mowers
Once when a riverflood had created many beyondbank pools in which thousands of fish were trapped as waters slowly receded..he spent 3 nights and days\ bucketing them back to the mainstream..and to life.
The hound was haunted by the hind he had hunted. Over the months God to him hinted he should no longer hurt any harts nor harm any hinds.. Now he, the hound, no longer hunts and so by hinds is no longer haunted.
"Straighten up and fly right" said his father..but his son misheard it as 'fly rights' and sallied forth to organize the untouchable maggots of the world
The portable dairy of the mother dromedary..Is it meant for humans or the baby dromedary?
That baby boy squirrel eats the apple peels.. turning them round and
round with his tiny hands..like someone chewing on a new thoughtfrom all angles.... but
he eats pine cones like corn on the cob
When a horse is hanging upside down in an abbatoir, is the building called a slaughterhorse?
The bright orange wings of the Baltimore Oriole are not as radiant as his spirit's aureole
Chanel Number 5 had ambergris from sperm whales, civet from the civet cat, musk, (38 musk oxen castrated for 1 oz of musk oil), and castor from the Canadian beaver.
Should it have been called Chanel Number 41?
She picked up only vacant seashells on the shores of the Seychelles...
for chambered nautili hollow were minnow castles in the shallows
Some of the chores of the scullery maid..... to throw tiny birds' skulls into the trash
and then to store the marmelade
Little parachute samaras.. maple seedlings.. gather in the gutters of homes and streets. Little treasure troves.. who will become groves.. if left alone in places unmowed. Those who give them a nod.. let them burst from the sod.. let them break from their podsfor they've been sent by God
A. asked "Which fork is used in proper etiquette
to spear the animal's flesh?" B replied: "Not one... not a single one"
Pearls are sphered articles.. mucus covered sand particles
'untimely ripped' from coprophagous oysters
.. themselves torn from their gentle cloisters
What is a quadrapus? An octopus after run over
and vacuumed up by a suffocating fish trawler
Human cannibals eating castrated bulls’ canned balls hoping to
become hard cannon balls merely cause themselves prostate cancer
He needed no special logic to intuit how to raise the low life expectancy of Inuit
Tolstoy was monogamous..Gandhi .. nonzoophagous. Maybe a rhinoceros or hippopotamus
are polygamous Maybe most lions and tigers carnivorous but human beings are designed
to be monogamous... Humans designed frugivorous
Every pork loin is from an innocent pig purloined. Every pork chop from a little pig painfully chopped
In the sea, a zillion strong singing his own song, each sweet sponge
Noah was saved on the ark from the quandary of accepting sharks.
For they could swim in the seas and not harm those inside the barque.
God has put a 'do not disturb' sign over the green shelled limpets cozily nesting in lime waters limpid
The semantics of human chauvinism.... verbs and a noun to obscure the murder of animals..
scotch, dispatch, cull, harvest, euthanize*, thin, bag, sticking
It is dormancy and not hypocrisy to eat cows and object to hippophagy.
The frightened calf Harriet saw the cowboy as Iscariot mounted on a slavehorse chariot
twirling his neckbreaking noose lariat.
For their fur coats men murdered ermine
A little mouse whose name is Herman they called by the most cruel name vermin
Out of each creature's eyes in each being's body shrine do light and love divine for every being shine
Some day the acacia leaves will forgive giraffes and in the presence of koala bears
bamboo shoots will laugh.. while the cows will be welcomed by each blade of grass
Does God prefer to see caterpillars eat to create their wings.. rather than fiight snuffing humans
eating others creatures' wings
Croquet balls near wickets, golf balls in thickets, are seldom respecters of the rights of crickets
The sound of the raptor wings of the kestrel is not to other birds music orchestral
Was he a suicide bomber bee.. protecting his hivefellows from the heavy tread of human boots
and the polycidal insecticide planes? Was he a David bee taking on a Goliath 10,000 times his size? Yet he flew away without being killed.. nor did he kill the man he stung
Caged the yellow winged cockatiel. Crushed for redcoats the cochineal.
Millions more do not fish.. (a verb made from killing the noun)
They're not suffocating creatures.. no beings strangling... no longer angling... not causing
panicked beings' dangling in deathlines entangling
Re factory farms Californian to Carolinian and Virginian, puppet pastors with paid for opinions say humans over animals have dominion, as butcher minions chain saw bird pinions.
He thought it better to have canneries for cranberries than canneries for canaries

Capricorns are antiquarians while Aries' breakouts seem antiantiquarian
.. Friendly to both are God and kind aquarians.
The painter's smock is daubed with the pastels of his palate. He has become one with his painting. While his portrait is concentrated
and Virgo specific his abstract smock is pastels light-full and Pisces pacific.
A flaming feather of the Pluto firebird fell to earth's floor... a sign of God's guarding guiding grace..
for He loves us evermore evermore evermore
33 degree water can be colder than 32 degree ice for it is not barred from entering the skin
When Cancer forgives and has no fear... cancer can disappear
Aries spring each being frees from capricorn's winter freeze
Where scorpio's silent underground springs burst into joy as sagittarian geysers..
there she dwells and everywhere
Neptune opposes red mars.. his angry glow melts near other stars... as daily the sunball
dips his fire... into the sea entire... resurrected mars is more pacific... less target specific


Job 38:31 (KJV) "Canst thou bind the sweet influences of Pleiades, or loose the bands of Orion?
Canst thou bring forth Mazzaroth in his season? or canst thou guide Arcturus with his sons?"
The first Gentiles to worship Jesus were the magi astrologers. Only a self realized master
can truly read an astrological chart, and even he or she cannot necessarily foretell God's
mercy and grace as He/She rewrites the play after lessons are learned.

-Saiom Shriver-

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Forgive any offense, error or other disruption caused by these words. All
speech truncates reality, trying to contain the Infinite in the infinitesimal.
. If you see a duplication please email the author. God is beyond gender. Please forgive references to God in masculine gender which
is less cumbersom than S/He or His/Her. All Names for the One God whether God, Allah, Shiva, Great Spirit, Divine Mother, YHWH or
other refer to the same God, imho. Because I grew up as a Christian and have spent most of my
life in a predominantly Christian country, there are more poems for people of that faith.

DEDICATION These poems in entirety are dedicated to my loved ones who helped make
them possible, to God and other muses, and to you, beloved reader, for igniting them to life
with your eyelight.

Pearls do not refer to those from an oyster
cruelly and untimely ripped)
The sandalwood tree parable is from my teacher

Crossroads is to A D'Alessio/ Assister is to MSC
Arthur's stone is to Bea Arthur...who had the charisma to pull Guinevere's stone
from Arthur's heart
Friend to all is to Jack McDermott/ Beloved Phyllis is to Phyllis B
Empathic Heart is to P Borlo
A Yearling Became is to JCL// Maynard is to M. Clark
Landlord poem is to Wilbur Werline who in the midst of homes running 700 to 1200
a month... refused to charge more than 250, thinking God did not want him to
profit from others' need//Purifier is to the divine love and purity of
Father Charles Ogada of Nigeria and of Dr George Amoako of Ghana
Soaring Eagle is to Ben B/ Lilac Perfume is to M.A. Wyatt
Sunspill is to A and S Thakur/ The Little Baby is to E
They cannot read is to Ted Zagar//Inviolate is to Jess A/ Listener is to M Kolb
More A's is to unconditionally, deeply universally loving Maury Reishtein
Butterfly is to the focused enduring compassion of Dick S//
Persimmon philters is to the Kim H family, the Kim B family, the Kim S family
Chakra Rainbow is to J. B. Clair
Effervescence is to Jan and David We Gave Him A Pitcher is to C Lassell
Rocking Cradle of the World is to D and P Wilson
Faster than Any Stylus Squiggling is to Mark Braunstein//Donegalway is to Ed L
Receives All Arrows is to E Hubiak/ Blackberried Tarts is to Betsy Frost
Poseidon Temple is to EL and NL/ Mavoorning is to E Lynch// It Snows At Sea.. is to David Shriver and Julie Denholm
re the death of their mother Sylvia Dobkin Shriver
The rain in Maine is to poet William Cohen and all who live in or love Maine/Rookery is to Walt Rave
Sea Cradle is to Kim Bartlett/ Seychelles is to my mother/ Flags of fog is to MKJ//Love the finescreen is to K S Hoare
Sun necklace is to D Lieberth and his loved ones
Re the sea, 2012 holds many unexpected events.. it is wisdom
to ask ones indwelling God for guidance
Sun Wed Moon is to John and Adele Looney / Kiss and Tell is to Ramish Price / Baton Rouge is to Robert Marshall //Arun arose awash in Rose is to A Jani and to Aaron Rosen.//Arun is a Sanskrit word for the sun.// Sunball dyed is to Lucy Bilbro
Ambrosia is to Ambrogio Vittadini, who left the financial world to translate Vedic texts.
Shakti Shanti falls.. part of a poem to Rosa Feldman and Marshal Weisfeld
Apologies for the male pronoun re God. S/He is cumbersome though God is beyond gender.//Cloth of Lace is to MKJ
Om Parvat: Shiva SnowScript is to S. Thakur
to those who love James McDermott
Flyswatters is to Irving Haimes and Eli Kazdan
Apple Chapel is to the to God's beloved temples .. N, E, M, R, D, D, K, C, K and other Kempels)
Knitting Knots is to N.A.L.//Goldsmithed Rose is to the employees of Goodyear and the citizens
of Akron Ohio who fought a hostile takeover attempt by James Goldsmith which cost the
city and company 95 million dollars. Greenmail is a mass stockshare buy. Bamboo trees can
grow 30 ft or more in 1 summer blessing the world with green. Jade sari is to poet J Gupta
What are the jobs of apples is to Steve Jobs..
Fins of Dolphins is to T. Tereskiewicz
Thistles of epistles is to Sue and Jack M
Holy Holly is to Holly H.
Tree of nut is to N Ryder, N Altman, K Larson, N Slocum
Christ Child is to B and P Neman, who have anonymously served the poor all their lives
Oh Martin is to all who love Dr Martin Luther King
Larry Doby...1st African American in the American League
Sally Hemings: the many years slave lover of Thomas Jefferson
Home of the Lord is to R. Rohner /Phoenix Bird is to the loved ones of J C Lehman Jr
It Snows At Sea is to all those who loved Sylvia Dobkin Shriver/ Andrea Rose is to
the Teodosio family//Risen to Love is to Ed F's mother
2 Uteri isto E Daughterty, Clara T, Dear Abby and other twins whose birthmates left for God first//Swans is to Herman J/ Daisy Stream is to R Dawson on the death of his mother
Nimbus is to Jess and Hildy Ennis and their spouses... their mother for whom it was written died shortly after her husband of over 50 yrs.//Windows On The World is to all who died in the WTC &
after. Tens of millions support the 911 truth movement.. .//Current of Grief is to all who love C Turchan M/ Laughing at Funerals is to the loved ones of L Marshall. Only Love Remains
is to Sarah Bertsch's parents and their spouses and to all else who love her.
Mary and Bob is to the Hancasky's// Rose of Akron is to Elisa S who was taken to safety by
one of the Kent State protestors... who was later himself shot.
4 Flowers is to Rosita and Charlie Davis//Awry the rye rises is to Rosalie Cohen Quine and to Sharan Freundschuh//Little Tree Little Tree is to Tattva of Moundsville
Tree of Nut is to Nat Altman, Nate Slocum, Natalie Ryder, Knute Larson
Enpine the Cone is to Wm Barr//Hawaiian Breadfruit is to all those working to end the USDA exclusion of Hawaiian and other country fruits and plants from the US mainland
Anemone is to a Domincan sister at Crown Point Ecology Center
Forsythia is to Cynthia M.P.
Lady Bird Loves Cowslips for Themselves is to Lady Bird Johnson,
a woman gracious in suffering, a defender of the underdog
Greatest Forgiver is (to Charles R. Marshall. who inspires those who know him with his refusal to resent those who harm him/ /You violet me is to Nita N// God looks on sin.. the quote about toddler's fall is from my teacher's writing.
I will knock is to T Jackson// Heather is to HS// Sea Transmutes Lava is to Lois Lichty
who gently diverted criticism... never speaking an unkind word//
to the unbounded giving of N Natelson
When God green grows is to Rosalie Cohen Quine, now with God and to younger than springtime Sharan F. A.//Alfred Beethoven is to B Unti
who has for several decades worked to free all creatures.
I choose thee is to J Freundschuh
His mind does not bookkeep is to John S Wegener/ Dept. Store Elves is to M. J. Trenta/
Waterf/altar is to George B /// Ten Tenets is to Don Papes, vegetarian cat protector, skilled
in architecture, plumbing, electrical engineering who would sometimes stand at bridges
in national parks and ask people not to suffocate fish//Master artist is to Jan B
Bees' gathered amber is to Edmund and Julie L// June 21 is to MSC
A dog is so cheaply bought is to Karin Anderson, protector, feeder, and healer
of every stray human or animal who comes her way
Six Heures is to Cesar Chavez, the UFW, and all the unions
and individuals who have helped with victories/ Greeks is to Drivas
Tearfall is to Caroline Harman's healing heart. Howe Rd. is to Alex Pacheco and I Newkirk, cofounders of PETA
Cunningham Falls is to the healing power of Tom Shroyer
Meeker is to the Dave, Robert, and other Meeker families
Humble Rain is to Dick S whose aura attracts all//a 1500 lb. pumpkin was grown recently
Pass Him On is to Dick Marshall who has been passing Him on all his life
Edify is to Ed L// First Lightning is to Dr Ginnie Bourquardez who
first hitchhiked in her 70's and founded an interfaith animal rights group.
Where they walk is to S and J Everett
Jaywalking is to Freya, her children, brother in law's family and friends of Jay Dinshah.
his father's family and all who work with NAVS
Liquid Love is to J Mosyjowski.. nonviolent gentle enduring in every area of life
Traffic Light is to Sue Brebner, Tom Regan and other heroes of civil disobedience
Spirit carrier is to DPB
Diner is to Indianapolis former congressman. Andrew Jacobs..
a teacher of peace... in politics and diet.. who often spoke of
the slaughterhouse of war and therefore stopped eating meat
The sun does his rays dispatch is to Matteo Bruner
Clouds Unfold is to M and M Lytz / 6 boys is to the Obis boys and their parents, biological and otherwise
Centenarian apple tree is to Virginia
Bourquardez. To those who knew her she was an Auntie Mame.
Quietly Shimmers is to D and E Barr//// Two Thorns is to Mr and Mrs Bernie Rosen
Lustbuster is about a vision by S G//Hawksquaw: Native Americans are
reclaiming the word 'squaw', polluted by white invaders.
2 Dynasties is to Nick and Jess
To God is to D and D Neman..who have been building community all their lives// Padnamaskar (touching the feet of the guru) is to Kate B.
Sweet rain transubstantiate is to Joe and Ruth W Pear
PaliAnish is Pali (language of Buddhist stotras) Anish.. Supreme Lord
Unencumbered is to D Giehl
Mind radio dispatcher is to L Seikel
Instantenous Miracles is
to Dudley Giehl, founder of Animal Liberation in 1970 .. human companion of
oranges- eating dogs Melisande and Isolde .. opera lover.. of infinite heart
Seek Ye First is to S Everett, grace and compassion incarnate
Sun's Grace and wise sweet fruit are to Julia Hull who
always combined sharp intellect with soft kindness..
Moses poem to DPB who in writer's humble opinion has done more than Moses
to make the world a kinder place
Apologies for use of the male pronoun to refer to the God beyond gender.
Round Wonders is to James McDermott
Highlighted Synchronicities is to J. Voelker... gentle genius who has helped his
friends clear away trash//Christie is to Christie T of Kathleen and Greg
Miracle Points: to Tara L // How Jesus' Soul Came to Mary is to Nancy McGrath Wilson
Ark Afloat is to Pandeva Z
Night is the husher is to Hendrika N
Coconut Milk Pitcher is to Ruth Thomas, English teacher at Buchtel High School who died
at the age of 98, after a lifetime of peace activism.
Oerhoverer is to my mother. Second Sunrise is to my father
Eve Angel is to EKB Diamond Rule is to Marge S
Mayrides is about the father of Barbara and Judy and his love of not only his children but
his siblings/ Statues of Nonliberty is to N.L./ N and M is to my mother// 23 years is to Allison B
Poet and philosopher John Moats was one of 6 recorded deaths by freezing
of the homeless in our town one winter..
Jasmine is to Maynard Ferguson, mystic and jazz musician//River Valley is to poet SanExpeditus
Rain to Make a Rainbow: is to M, L. Crawford... who has suffered so much with such courage
and who with her husband has helped all to see the stars
Cherrystones is to Charles DiFazio and his wife)(Charles wrote a book
called From Where Did You Come) This is not about shellfish who have a right to life
Polish Horses is to Alex Hershaft, founder of the Meatout.
Aa student came up to JBO, an American teacher of English in Japan and told her he was born
on Aug 6,1945 in Niigata. Because of overcast skies, Hiroshima was selected as the 2nd target for 1 of the only 2 reported atom bombs dropped on a human population) .
Ivy is to Wallace' and Shana's daughter
3 shimmering rainbareels is to Sharon Berg, attorney and spiritual soup kitchen cook//Blue lips and cherrystones: kinds of shellfish
Break of Day is to Wright. /Her will ordained is to S Everett's and J Brunner's mother /
Rising Waters is to D and M. McGhee
Held the dew the buttercup is to Jeff Miller//Britannia once ruled the waves is to B Pinkus
The sun does nothing but meditate is to Marty Solomon//Flowers don't chase bees is to C Nevada
Mums outlast lilies is about the mother of Judy K and Barbara M who never said an unkind word about anyone
Easter Releaf is to Leonard B/ Eastern Ridge is to Jerry and Nita Eastridge/ Blooming branch is to J Dunlap/ Hello is to Eileen W
(Cuyahoga River is to Betty, David, and all other Seiberlings)
to Milt Radney whose quiet anonymous charity gifted thousands.. from the time he
was an NYC cabriver through his entire life
Microscope is to Dan Tompsett http://www.postpoems.org/authors/owlcrkbrg
My Jesus is to T Henretty who has like her God has a heart for all
Indians fighting the British invasion were strapped in front of cannons
which were then ignited, an event immortalized in the painting of
the master Russian artist Vereschchagin.
Will is to Will W
Music invoked by baton is to Wallace O
Mother Wind is to K Bartlett
A spiral is to Charles Marshall
Prayer Wheels is to Jim Gibbons
Jewish Unhunter is to Debra Wasserman and Charles Stahler
Neelakanta is to Dr and Mrs Nanjundiah, formerly of Bethesda/ Torah is to D and H Newman who follow
this rule of the heart in their lives.
Poornachandra is an over 20,000 year old Sanskrit word for the full moon. Ananda is joy.
Because of her is to Nita Nickol
We have nothing to offer you is to I Newkirk /Riverflood is about Larry L Miller of Northeast Ohio
Peaceful Master is to John Clemente
Trillions of Animals' Cries is to T Raber, with many decades
of improving animals' lots as well as his human friends'
Consumees is to Casey Kasem, a vegan who consumes no animals or fishes
Hound No Longer Haunted is to Chrissie Hynde
Civet cats were rotated in drums and terrorized to produce their fright secretions
Seychelles Seashells is to my mother
Inuit is a reference to Inuit low life expectancy related to a high animal protein diet, heavy
concentrations of pcb's, arsenic, chromium, mercury, uric acid, amyloid plaque, animal fat
and other toxins
Nonzoophagous: Lions have 5 times the kidney size of humans. Humans have the longest
intestinal tract of mammals... while carnivores have the shortest.
Euthanizing to end animal agony is not murder but mercy.
Bullfights is to J Diguara who has for countless years worked effectively
to end bullfights, sealclubbing, slaughterhouse murder etc etc
The dominion God has given to humans is that of a parent for a child, and not of a killer
for helpless voiceless victims.
Aquarian is to Frank Klein//Painter One with his Painting is to Marvin Katz//
Firebird feather… a vision God gave the writer before her life was saved in a blowout on Rt 70
A line in a Clare Booth Luce play sparked one of these poems.
Firebird is to Tom and Bill Kinzie anonymous workers for all beings'
Joy's Geysers is to Sulochana

For every triple crown winner are millions of racehorses who have broken necks, broken
legs, died in barn fires, been poisoned by those gambling on different horses,
lived lives of loneliness shunted from one home to another, before being sent to a horse

Love 65 Sea 65 Sun 39 Act 3 All Points Holy 4 Beauty 48 Courage 3 Democ 2 Destiny 2 Different Drummers 5 Earth 28 Economy 13 Effortless 6 Emptiness 4 Endure 3 Equity 7 Eternal 32 Faithful 10 Flowers 64 Forgive 31 Form 3 Free 2 Freedom 16 Friend 2 Giving 19 Grace 33 Gratitude 12 Healing 7 Humility 8 Joy 34 Law Bows 11 Manifest 8 Mate 16 Many Suns 4 Mercy 5 Merging 4 Metamorphosis 20 Miracles 33 Moon 4 Mothering Fathering 11 Music 22 Nonjudging 5 Pain Gone 12 Patience 6 Peace 34 Politics 2 Positive Thought 33 Prayer Meditation 35 Projection 4 Pure 7
Quiet 17 Resurrection 34 Rivers 1 Sacred 10 Sanctuary 1 Simple 7 Supply 2 Teacher 4 Truth 4 Union 1 Victory 10 Will 11 Wind 10 Women 1 Interfaith Christian 7 Islam 7 Hindu 7 Jewish 5 Buddhist 7 Indigenous Peoples 1 Tao 1 Atheist Agnostic 1 Nonviolence 77 Starscript 7...
26284 148384 77 28

1080 Brief Poems by Saiom Shriver

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