Antiabortion Pro Choice: 8 Of Many Categories Of Supporters and Opponents


People in the US fall into several categories.

Some oppose all abortions.

Some support all abortions.

Some support first trimester abortions only.

Some support 1st and 2nd trimester abortions.

Some say each situation is unique and calls

   for a unique response.

Some are strict constructionists of the Constitution,

supporting the text, specifically that all events not given the federal governmetnt by that document are reserved for the states.

Some support abortion for rape or incest.

Some if the life of the mother in pregnancy or delivery is threatened,

  e.g. by a breach birth, septicemia etc.


Catholic bishops in the US bargained with

both G H W Bush and G W Bush campaigns, agreeing

not to support the Democrats in return

for antiabortion Supreme Court justice

appointments, one result of which was

3 wars started by the 2 Bush presidents, 2 in

Iraq and a 20 year war in Afghanistan


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