Mass Murder in MBS' Saudi Arabia


Millions have kidnapper MBS remembered
the Saudi leader who tortured and dismembered
Washington Post reporter Khashoggi
In March 81 Saudis were executed
after a secret trial
Died out their final life embers

Saudi Arabia, Iran, the US and China are among the last 18 countries in the world

still carrying out prisoner murder. The murder of 81 prisoners made this the largest execution in history say some sources.

Saudi methods of execution include decapitation and crucifixion. Over 3 dozen were Shiite men, including a 16 year old whose crime was attendance at a nonviolent protest rally.  MBS has initiated war against Yemen

and prevented food deliveries there. He married his first cousin. They have 4 children. He and his government are fossil fuel

profiteers. He has purchased for himself an over 400 million dollar Da Vinci

painting, a 300 million dollar French chateau and a 500 million dollar yacht.

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