Thoughts on Forgiving 20 Of Them




Do not ask the sour hard green fruit to be rainbowhued soft and sweet. Do not expect the rosebud to have the beautiful fragrance
of the fullblown rose nor the sapling to provide the shade of a centuries old oak.

Therefore why expect younger souls to have the compassion of older ones


As 32 degrees centigrade is the temperature at which icicles melt, so it is inevitable in the history of each soul that he or she arrives at a forgveness point. As the icicle daggers of King Winter melt away,
so do the stalactites of past fights.*
Forgiving is
. unplugging a clogged sewer
. putting down a heavy burden on a very hot day
. recognizing God who indwells our foes as well
. realizing that all return hurts are boomerangs of what
   we sent out in this or another life
. letting go of the old images on the tv screen of our minds

         that new ones can enter
. taking the needle off the broken record
. knowing that all judging is projection of self hatred
. melting the icebergs of ego and resentment in the sea of love
. becoming unfrozen from time
. letting underground water of resentment upburst as geysers of joy
One is yoked to everyone unforgiven.
Do not take personally the projection of others' movies onto your screen.
If we were self realized masters seeing only the divinity shining  in each being, we would not see imperfection. Not forgiving someone else implies we are reflecting a part of ourselves we have not forgiven.
It is the nature of judges to be judgmental, and in the US, the 'higher' their status, the more likely they are to kill with their pens.
The vicious cycle of revenge can go on for millennia.
The vicious cycle of revenge causes escalated violence.*
We do not want others to judge those we love.
Nondualists, those accepting the unified field theory of physics, believe GOD is the only Doer, the only Actor. Therefore nondualists must forgive GOD.
When one realizes that all thoughts are projections, the truth dawns.. that it is oneself who is hardest to forgive


When loved ones of a murder victim clamor for execution, they call the action justice but it is revenge.


Nonforgiving is a form of mental violence.


When one realizes that all thoughts are projections, the truth dawns.. that it is oneself who is hardest to forgive.


Don't go down Rearview Road. It's one way.. and leads to pillars of salt.

'Abandon all varieties of dharma and only surrender unto

Me (God)'  Bhagavad Gita.

We never know which people whose actions we might

disagree with are acting on their own marching orders

from God.


Until past images are released, one is a blocked tv screen.*

Sin is a learning experience in all souls' journey
all arrive at the destination...the lord of love and light..

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