Confessions Of A Former Plant Abuser


Plants precious to my mother-in-law were
to me unwanted objects which could demand attention.
She left an unwanted house full of them.. The dogs and cats tore some apart. Some died of neglect. One was left.. year after year she a dark corner with
occasional watering..and the tooth marks
of unwanted attention. She,a sansevieria, is also
known as mother-in-law's tongue or a snakeplant.

The 10th year... one morning...
upsurging from the center of her green swords
was an 18 inch high rod of small white bells.
The sweetest fragrance poured from them as they silently rang in mystical beauty, enduring spirit.

She taught me that she and all plants had feelings..
and rights and resurrection power in God's light.

I realize writing this that my snake plant flowered shortly after the decision to stop mowing a lawn was made when David was very upset that he'd accidentally chopped the

leg off of a toad in mowing the lawn.


to R.B.Shriver and to my snake plant.


Sansevieria can live 6 months in
the trunk of a car and still survive.
They are made of swordlike
long forest green leaves.. if they are not
getting enough light
they have a yellow fringe

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