Ft Campbell Kentucky Blackbirds Were Deliberately Frozen



The winter trees

no longer Shakespeare's

barren choirs were

temporarily blackbird fruited




 At Fort Campbell, Kentucky, the Army sprayed tens of thousands of
blackbirds in the middle of winter with detergent so that they would freeze to death. Ann Free, Schweitzer biographer, reported that as the heat rose as mist from their dying bodies. As they froze to death their souls to rose to God.


Our government treated soldier children of the poor in the same way, sending
them to Afghanistan, to be blasted out of helicopters at night onto frozen
peaks by stinger missiles supplied to the Taliban and Mujahideen by our CIA.










South Carolina hunters killed 11,000 cormorants because hunters and fishermen want to be able to suffocate more salmon for human chauvinists.

Army Corps kills Oregon birds not to save salmon lives for themselves but for human eaters.
US Army Corps of Engineers


Are human salmon eaters called predators as the following title writer referred to birds?

"Impacts of Avian Predation" on Salmonid Smolts from the Columbia and Snake Rivers

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