Supreme Court Majority


Installed unjustly

five Supreme Court 'prolife' justices

vote for bloody executions,

corporate fraud and

vote suppression injustice.


Footnote: 5 Supreme Court

justices were nominated by 2 men, G W Bush

and D Trump,

whose campaigns were fraudulent

and who received fewer votes than

their Democrat opponents. In Florida

Jeb Bush had illegally removed tens of thousands

from the voting rolls, had sent police to intimidate

voters in black neighborhoods, while the Jacksonville Times Union deliberately sent out a special edition

to black neighborhoods with elaborate voting instructions which resulted in readers who trusted

the paper having 20,000 of their ballots disqualified. Next, "Justice" Scalia refused himself to recuse, though 2 of his sons worked for firms which were hired by Bush. Scalia unconstitutionally stopped the recount. The result was the G W Bush

became president and a second bloody Iraq war in which American soldiers and Iraqi civilians and soldiers died because W wanted revenge against Hussein occurred, as well as a 20 year long war crime, that of the Afghan war, continued, as Bush

went along with CIA plans to take over the country.

Bush, McCain, Romney and Trump campaigns all hired

Nathan Sproul, whose specialty was phony voter

registration campaigns in which all nonRepublican registrations were tossed into dumpsters, for which

action Sproul operatives went to jail while he the

mastermind of the criminality was free.

Next the corrupt Mitch McConnell broke 200 years of precedence in refusing to schedule hearings

regarding Obama's nominee to the court. McConnell said no president should nominate in his final year in office. But McConnell changed his tune in 2020

the final year of Trump's White House, scheduling yet another prolife executioner Amy Barrett.


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