In Memory of...

This page is in memory of the great poem that I would have written,
had I wanted to make each word roll off the other like a skeeball flying up into the high score.
This is in memory of the man who was hit by a truck,
and in memory of the truck driver that felt nothing as she kept going right out of the victimes life.
This is in memory of the boy who had high hopes about where his life was going,
but lost everything in one quick movement.
In memory of all the tissues that soaked up all the tears for the boy,
who became the man, who became the victim.
In memory of the future, that never will be the same,
because it has all become jaded and foggy.
This is in memory of the future,
of the victim, of the man, of the boy...
In memory of Renato with Stacey,
and in memory of the life that could have been.

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