Last Christmas was his last



I know you cannot see it

Through your teary clouded eyes

Or hear in the silence when you don’t pick up the phone

I know you have no idea that when we went to gather his things from his school

Listened to his fellow teachers praise him

Read the notes on the chapel door

I felt like I didn’t belong

Like I had no right to want his things

Sit in his chair

Smell his cologne bottles

How when I was little I adored him

Ho I remember how he smelt even back then

How he was my favourite human being

How the only reason I wanted to come visit when I was little was to see him

How sometimes I would dream of switching him with my father

Like they do with babies at birth on TV

How my only happy childhood memories all include him

How he would play with my sister and I on the floor at Pipi’s

How he let us keep that barking dog that walked

How he gave me the tiny panda the year Pipi died

You have no idea

No clue

That you robbed me of my uncle

You see nothing but you

You have no idea how it felt when you cancelled family Christmas last year

Because I added my aunt to facebook and that offended you

You have no idea what you have cost my family

My father

My sister


I know you cannot see through your teary clouded eyes

Or hear past the sounds of your own arrogance

But the only reason why we do not have photos of all of us last Christmas is you



Author's Notes/Comments: 

angyr angry angry angry angry sad angry 

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Beavis's picture

Great poem

I only wish you lacked the inspiration. Love

running_with_rabbits's picture

yea it kind of sucked but it

yea it kind of sucked but it is what it is


on a happy note can you view this video?

Much Love
