My Lover

I have the sweetest smile 

And the smoothest skin, 

Have been known to tempt many to sin –  

Many, it seems, but my lover. 


Heads turn when I walk in a room –  

Would-be suitors flirt and follow, 

Worship me like they would Apollo, 

And none of it matters to my lover. 


In times of need I always rush in, 

Ready as always to sooth and protect, 

To do all the things a real lover should, 

Yet somehow I doubt my lover would. 


When moments of passion arrive 

We could succumb to the greatest pleasure, 

But with a need to dissect and deride that  

My lover, it seems, cannot abide that. 


As silence settles in and evening falls, 

The TV humming as we check the time, 

The two of us grow fatter with ennui, 

Reason enough for my lover to flee. 


In lucid moments I long to leave,  

Vodka teardrops caressing my skin, 

Yet indecision still prevails in the end –  

My lover and I know how to play pretend, 


For no one confuses me, 

No one refuses me,  

No one enchants me, 

No one recants me, 

No one frustrates me, 

No one deflates me, 

No one reduces me, 

No one seduces me like my lover, 

My sweet, sweet lover. 

Author's Notes/Comments: 

From the collection "Rhymes for Single People," released December 28, 2021.

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Hey Rudy, Happy new

Hey Rudy, Happy new year!

Excellent expression of devoted faithfulness. Smile

here is poetry that doesn't always conform

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