My needs were very simple,
Or so I use to think.
Clothes to wear, a place to live,
Enough to eat and drink.

I lived in smug contentment.
Then I encountered you.
And suddenly I realized,
That my dreams could come true.

My life no longer satisfied,
The yearning of my heart,
The world was bleak and empty.
Each day we were apart.

The needs that I aroused
In me were like a burning flame.
Unable to hide my feelings,
I asked if you felt the same.

My heart stopped while you answered
Then it soared into outer space.
You needed me and you wanted me.
Now my world is a wonderful place,
Because of you.


posted on 2006/05/05 - 02:28


Author's Notes/Comments: 

was written for someone i felt close to but just didn't work out as planned

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