Grandpa Ayala

"Dirty Old Puerto Rican"


He lived, loved,

broke hearts

by the hundreds

ran w/a head full of steam

plowed through

Civil Wars

and World Wars,

all were laid bare equally

and found wanting

to his simple, single


to live.

On and on,

the decades flew by

even as children,


passed to

the other side,

still he lived on.

Death didn't take


steal his strength,


he tossed Death aside,

beat her into submission,

and in mid-leap,

raced to the other side,

105 years wiser.

0ver a century

of knowledge

only glimpsed,

forever lost.

by Rod C. Stryker

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Betsy Pegg's picture

What a guy! But you were too young too actually know him. Did you write this from stories past on by your family? Excellent write; in fact all everything you write is awesome!

Blessings, Betsy :)