For seriousness?

News headline


You know, home grown. As opposed to all those extremists that get stamped out at the "kill the world" factory?

Author's Notes/Comments: 

The ways people play with language for attention. I mean damn.
Truth? Headline should read "Douche monkey was a selfish, ignorant, violent scumbag. Nothing more."
But no. Let's give the terror group another 15 minutes.

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KindredSpirit's picture

First off

Homegrown is a misnomer.

Certain people want the narrative to read

How they want it to read .


And as Jack said  "  Them people

Can't Handle The Truth  "  .


RoC's picture

I hate misnomers

Like "hate crime" and "act of terrorism"
They need to call it what it is - a senseless act of violence. Giving it it's own title gives it more power than it deserves.
I saw a movie or a tv show where the serial killer wanted notoriety, and the arresting detective said his named would be withheld and he would rot in prisin, forgotten.
That is the message we need to deliver to these ass hats. The more notoriety we provide them in global media, the more we empower their sickening senselessness.

"Music is a universal language and needs not be translated. With it, soul speaks to soul" - Songsterr

djtj's picture


Of this I agree

KindredSpirit's picture

The Narrative


RoC's picture

Valid point

People need things to have a reason to make sense of the senseless.

"Music is a universal language and needs not be translated. With it, soul speaks to soul" - Songsterr

Sassylass's picture

Strong words are

very needful about this. 

and some active measures are needful!

thanks for words that have some cajones.


Poetry is passion,imagination & soul mixing together....



RoC's picture

I try

Not a fan of a sugar coating or beating around the bush. Bush never did anything for me to earn such concern anyway.

"Music is a universal language and needs not be translated. With it, soul speaks to soul" - Songsterr