Toquete La Mano

My Favourites


La manito, la que arriba alcanzas

La manito codioso, la que mi propio te tocas

como andamos por el parque, esta conjuntos con una vida

mas precioso que la de mia.

La inteligencia se muestra en sus ojos confianzas, me hace

mas alto que Dios y mi hijo mas precioso que yo.

Ser apegado en alguien es la necesidad mayor de un nino,

pero la importancia de siendo lo que necesita a el es

como los dioses.

Las lagrimas que evoca el amor de mi hijo limpian el alma

como se corrian abajo la cara...

                      ...como me veas...

...y conoces...

                                    ...y existes.


The little hand that reaches up

and grasps my own as we  walk through the park

is attached to a life

more precious than my own

The intelligence in his trusting eyes makes me

Taller than God and my son much larger than me

To be stuck on someone is the major need of a child

But the importance of being the needed one

Is god-like

The tears the love of my son can evoke

Are a soul-cleansing flood

That trickles down my face

As he watches...

And knows...

And is...        

Author's Notes/Comments: 

Written by Robert W. "DJ" Cameron for the love of his son, Devon. Written sometime during the terms at Gonzaga University while studying for a Spanish major. (1988-92)

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