"death of a friend"

Death Poems

"death of a friend"

it was 1994

when i opened my door

there u were

u ask me to come outside

but i was afraid

i didn't know if u

wanted to kick my hide

or if u were on my side

but i took the chance

and we became best friends

we started growing up

went through middle school

and through high school

we were crazy, actin the fool

u were family

i loved u

then something changed

u joined a gang

we no longer could hang

we became a estranged

are bond was broken

u became another

ghetto token

property of the streets

we grew apart

no longer feeling

from the heart

sunday i heard the news

its seems u capped some one

and his peeps are back

to collect there dues

gang time blues

your life was through

your mom called me crying

said u was in the hospital


i rushed down to u

but i was to late

the world had lost u

i didn't know what to do

i was dazed and confused

i broke down

wondering why?

we had not rebuilt

are friendship

before u died

i met u for the last time

as they lowered u

in a coffin made of pine

i could vistit u

at the grave yard

but to stare a peice of stone

would be way to hard

i miss u

your my bro

why did u have to go

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Latonia Shelton's picture

This poem made me cry...there are to many bad things in this world your poem and the poems of so many others show that it always takes its toll...

volleybabe's picture

wow... this poem really touched my heart and brought a tear to my eye... very sad poem. nice job puttin such strong feelings into words