Shadow Play

Dark Wanderings

So many "what if"s

floating in an indecisive sea...

shimmering reflections mirrored

in the unfathomable depths,

mocking my deepest introspection.

Whirling questions mimic the tornado

that wrought terrible devastation

on yesterday's dream.

The illusive answers flirt,

dodging captivity

in a taunting game of tag...

and still the Midas sun hoards clarity.

Night comes stalking, feral

hungrily devouring the unwary day,

and a mysterious lunar laughter

echoes through the dark,

as mocking shadows play

upon these garden walls.

Restless and disheartened,

I wander... alone,

in this self-made sanctum,

piecing together memories

and used-to-bes...

clinging to familiar pathways

that once brought joy.

but that was before...

before my rosy world imploded

upon the past that my heart

won't let die.

Ravenne 2005

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