My Grandparent's Home

I need only think back to last Sunday to remember what my Grandparent’s home is all about. Every Sunday without fail my family and I would wake, get dressed and drive up to my Grandparent’s home. It did not matter if it was hot or cold, if the sun was shining or if it was raining, there we were arriving at my Grandfather’s home. It was and still is a place for all of the family to gather once a week for one and all to talk about their week and to unwind from anything that had caused stress. Yes, this is without a doubt a place to unwind. I need only arrive and I will find a warm meal waiting for me and the others. I can tell everyone that my Grandfather does not need to be a chef for all the ones gathered there to enjoy that meal, we have simply learned to appreciate his efforts, these efforts that are taken for all of us there in his home, his family. This home is not only about a family gathering that I can assure, since one will no doubt hear all about the results of whatever sports team played that week after the family meal. A diverse family that supports many different teams will fight and bicker but one can always see the affection and love that each family member holds for the others. It is after this typical sport discussion that my Grandfather, good man that he is, gathers the little ones, the young children, and offers to spend time with them. He will take them outside, to the big backyard, and play with them. Any and all kinds of games will take place in that backyard. I can still remember when I was young and it was me and my other cousins my Grandfather entertained with a game. Typically it was baseball, he would act as the pitcher and we would take turns playing the batter. Other times we would play football, we would divide ourselves in teams and play one against the other. Many an afternoon was spent playing and horsing around in the backyard of my Grandparent’s home. I believe that some of my best and worst times were spent in that home, I believe that all of the lessons my Grandparents imparted to all the family took place in that home. Without a doubt, I will always look back and think fondly about everything that took place in that home.

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