I still watch Sesame Street

I'm thirty-five and I have a secret that I don't want people to learn about.

They'll laugh at me if they find out.

People can be mean and I don't want to take the heat.

They must not learn that I watch Sesame Street.

My mom is the only person who knows that I still watch the show.

She says I should've stopped watching it years ago.

mom thinks I'm dumb because I believe that Big Bird is a real bird.

she says that it's a person in a costume but that's the craziest thing I've ever heard.

Last week Sesame Street taught me how to count all the way up to ten.

If people learn my secret, I'll never be able to show my face in public again.

Author's Notes/Comments: 

This is a fictional poem

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Essence Scott's picture

that is so sweet...i still watch sesame street when i get the chance...its so awesome!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and i wouldnt tease you, its ok....hell, i still watch barney and dragon tales and all of that stuff....its ok...!!!!!!!

Helga Gudmunsdottir's picture

When I was little, I had a crush on Big Bird...weird.