Puppy - Part 2

When you died, you died too soon.

You died one year ago this afternoon.

A vet tried to save you with a blood transfusion but you died anyway.

You died and my heart was broken one year ago today.


I bought you in 2017 and you were only six years old when you died.

If a person ever says that I didn't love you, that person will have lied.

Some Chihuahuas are hateful but you were not.

You were one of the best things I've ever bought.


I took you to two vets but your life still came to an end.

You weren't just a dog, you were also a wonderful friend.

I have something to say and it is 100 percent true.

You were a very special dog and I'll always love you.


Author's Notes/Comments: 

Dedicated to Puppy (2017 - 2023) who passed away one year ago today on August 17, 2023.

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This is a wonderful tribute

This is a wonderful tribute which resonates very closely to my heart at this time, as we very nearly lost our chihuahua, Zoey.  She is about fourteen years old, and she is slowing down rapidly.  However, my daughter, an RN, suggested several things we could do to try to help her, and it appears that our prayers have been answered and her passing has been (however temporarily) postponed.  We know it will happen someday soon; but today is not that day, for which I thank and praise the Lord.

Thank you for posting this great tribute to Puppy.
