Rest In Peace, Hazel - Part IV

You died half a year ago tonight and I had to say goodbye.

It was six months ago when I watched you die.

It's never easy when a man loses a dog as special as you.

If somebody says that you were awesome, it will be true.

You were in the living room with me when I watched you take your final breath.

When I had to watch you die, it was extremely painful to have to face your death.

You had chocolate brown fur and you're a dog who I'll never forget.

You died on a Saturday night and when you died, I lost a great pet.

Author's Notes/Comments: 

Dedicated to Hazel who died half a year ago tonight on December 9, 2023.

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C03ru135c3n7's picture

My heart's condolences go out

My heart's condolences go out to you.


cynosure's picture

I’m so sorry

I obviously need to read what came before this. However, for now please accept my most inadequate condolences. Thank you for giving Hazel the wonderful life you did. 

Alliswend bin ich nicht, doch vie list mir bewußt.